リフレア 整体&フットマッサージ

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リフレア 整体&フットマッサージ

住所 :

Kamimeguro, Meguro City, 〒153-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.re-flair.com/
街 : Tokyo

Kamimeguro, Meguro City, 〒153-0051 Tokyo,Japan
松浦瞳 on Google

山東隆博 on Google

Good when you're tired. There are good people
藤田真理 on Google

I like the technology. I honestly don't know how to deal with infection.
Singapore Mimi on Google

時間を無駄にしてしまった印象。施術も最悪。接客も最悪。。。とても不快な思いをしました。 リフレッシュしに行くはずが、1日を台無しにした気分です。
Impression that time wasted. The treatment is also the worst. The customer service is also the worst. .. .. I felt very uncomfortable. I'm supposed to go refresh, but I feel like I've ruined the day.
aya nagomibar on Google

I had a young woman do it, but the treatment quality is high. It's really easy.
reef on Google

もう10年位通ってます。と言っても2ヶ月に1回くらいですが。 どの方もクオリティが高いので、オススメですね。 インテリアや音楽が他のアジアンな店とは少し違う雰囲気で気に入っています。
I've been going for about 10 years now. Even so, it's about once every two months. All of them are of high quality, so I recommend them. I like the interior and music in a slightly different atmosphere from other Asian restaurants.
アリソン横浜市 on Google

It will be healed by a hideaway aroma, reflex, manipulative salon, strong and accurate stimulation. There are many kinds of tea and foot baths, and the background music is good. It is a nice road store that you can easily enter. If you are in a hurry, make a reservation ♡
シルビットリオ on Google

全身オイルマッサージをしてもらいました。スタッフは愛想も良く、マッサージもとても上手でしたが、店内が狭く、リラックス感はあまりない。オイルもアドバイス等はなく、一覧表から適当に選ぶだけ、マッサージ後のお茶も選べれるのだが、アドバイなどはとくになし。まーそれはそれでいいんだけど。全身オイルマッサージで一時間6400円なら、手頃でいいのかな?と思った。兎に角狭いので、ゆっくりマッサージ後のお茶も飲んでいられず、次の客がきて慌てて帰るようになった。お茶を飲む場所も店の入口で、狭さ故のレイアウトで、まー手頃さと気楽にいける感じのお店ですね。 アジアのリゾート感をイメージしたら、ちょいとちがうかもな。マッサージは翌日もやや痛みが残ってたが、上手だとおもう。足のむくみがとれて、翌日靴がゆるくなったのには驚いた。いいけど、狭さと雰囲気で星4つを、3にした。
I had a whole body oil massage. The staff were friendly and the massage was very good, but the inside of the store was small and there was not much relaxation. There is no advice on oil, and you can choose tea after massage just by selecting it from the list, but there is no particular advice. Well, that's fine. Is it reasonable if the whole body oil massage costs 6400 yen per hour? I thought. Rabbits were so narrow that I couldn't drink tea after the massage slowly, so the next customer came and came home in a hurry. The place to drink tea is also at the entrance of the store, and the layout is small, so it's a very affordable and comfortable store. If you imagine an Asian resort feeling, it might be a little different. The massage was a little painful the next day, but I think it's good. I was surprised that my legs were swelling and my shoes were loose the next day. It's good, but I changed 4 stars to 3 because of the narrowness and atmosphere.

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