業務スーパー 北方店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 業務スーパー 北方店

住所 :

Kamimakuwa, Motosu, 〒501-0461 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Webサイト : https://www.gyomusuper.jp/shop/list.php%3Fpref_id%3D24
街 : Gifu

Kamimakuwa, Motosu, 〒501-0461 Gifu,Japan
ukyo53 utagawa on Google

訪れた時間が遅く、欲しい品物が無かった 他の店舗と比べて菓子が少ない様なきがする。100キンが店舗内に有るので私にとっては便利です
I visited late and didn't have what I wanted It seems that there are few sweets compared to other stores. It's convenient for me because there are 100 kins in the store
りょうジィ on Google

何かと噂の業務スーパーです。 確かに珍しい物が所狭しと陳列している。探す楽しみもあってワクワク感がありますね。価格破壊までいきませんが、それなりにお値打ちに商品を見つけてお買い物が出来ました。今ならば、来年(2022年)の一枚物カレンダー(ポスターsize)が無料で貰えます。 私的ですがお薦めは、冷凍食品·調味料(特にお塩とスパイス)です。
It is a rumored business supermarket. Certainly rare things are displayed in a narrow space. It's fun to look for and it's exciting. I couldn't destroy the price, but I was able to find a product at a reasonable price and shop. Now, you can get a one-piece calendar (poster size) for next year (2022) for free. Private but recommended are frozen foods and seasonings (especially salt and spices).
百式メカ on Google

10月にオープンしたとても綺麗で整列された店内、品数も申し分ない。 こちらがオープンする前他店を利用していたのですが売り切れや置いていない物も沢山あり時間掛けて行ってもがっかりする事が多かった。 しかも現金以外の支払い方法が選べる! 100均もある! 毎日でも行きたいくらいです
The store opened in October and is very beautiful and lined up, and the number of items is perfect. Before this opened, I was using another store, but there were many things that were sold out or not left, so I was often disappointed even if I took the time to go. Moreover, you can choose payment methods other than cash! There are 100 averages! I want to go every day
nachi 96 on Google

It's easy to see because it's new. Credits can also be used. I think I probably won't go to the quail shop. There is also a Watts 100-yen shop, and you can buy accounts with groceries. Cards can also be used at 100-yen shops.
mini ra on Google

Recently, there are special features such as hot selling products and recipe introductions of business supermarkets on TV, but frozen foods are full of cut vegetables and Korean foods, and there are many convenient foods on the time-saving menu. I think it's a perfect shop for busy housewives.
Rana Ragor on Google

冷凍やレトルト食品が比較的安く手に入ります。 業務用ですが一般家庭でも使い切れるような量の商品も多いので比較的買いやすいと思います。 周りの店舗より比較的アイスクリームが安いと思います。 果物は何度か買いましたが外れを引く率が高い気がします。 全体的に中国産の商品が多いので気にする方は要注意です。
Frozen and retort foods are relatively cheap to get. Although it is for business use, it is relatively easy to buy because there are many products that can be used up even in ordinary households. I think ice cream is relatively cheaper than the stores around me. I bought fruits several times, but I feel that the rate of pulling out is high. There are many products made in China as a whole, so be careful if you care.
にこにこ on Google

冷凍食品の種類が豊富で良かった。 種類だけではなく、品質保持も良好。 別の同じような形態のスーパーでは霜がおりてガチガチになっている状態での商品も多かったが、そういうことはなかった。 新鮮食品や野菜は、他のスーパーの方が安いですが、大物はお買い得になっています。 他の業務スーパーはしりませんが、ここは100均一も入っています
It was good that the variety of frozen foods was abundant. Not only the type but also the quality maintenance is good. In another similar type of supermarket, there were many products that were frosty and rugged, but that was not the case. Fresh food and vegetables are cheaper at other supermarkets, but the big ones are bargain. I don't know about other business supermarkets, but there are 100 uniforms here.
ポニョポニョ on Google

Gyosu-san also opened in the north, so I visited (╹◡╹) I was lucky to be vacant (^ ∇ ^) I'm glad that there were a lot of good value products ╰ (* ´︶` *) ╯ ♡

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