
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 雪国庵あめ友

住所 :

Kamimachi, Kamo, 〒959-1352 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Monday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:30PM
街 : Niigata

Kamimachi, Kamo, 〒959-1352 Niigata,Japan
悠一五十嵐 on Google

人気店の本店。 大人気。
The main store of a popular store. Very popular.
斉藤弘美 on Google

A souvenir
れいちモンすた on Google

Rather, I think it is a star 5! However, I happened to see it, but I saw an elderly contractor with luggage hanging on the luggage.
川崎雪江 on Google

少し 明るさが 欲しいかな、和菓子は凄く美味しそう 和菓子落ち着く
Would you like a little bit of brightness, Japanese sweets look so delicious?
ぽんたろう on Google

Wrapping paper. Is beautiful. This is Yuki Tsubaki.
y t on Google

I received ice from the aunt from Niigata prefecture during the sesame season. It is a natural and gentle taste, and the family is pleased with the taste. It is healed by the taste.
マツコ on Google

加茂商店街を散策していて見付けて入ってみました✋ 抹茶と一緒にいただく様な小さくて上品な和菓子がたくさんありました。 私は100円前後の和菓子を5~6種類買って来てみましたよ? 洋風なお菓子もありました。
I walked around the Kamo shopping street and found and tried to enter. There were a lot of small and elegant Japanese sweets that you would have with matcha. I bought 5 or 6 kinds of Japanese confections for around 100 yen. There were also Western-style confections.
コダワリの女のひとりごと on Google

あめ友さんの薄氷を以前食べたことがあり、名前は知ってましたがなんとなく食べた『朱鷺の子』が思った以上に美味しいです。 冬季限定みかんを食べましたが、一個ずつ包まれ食べやすいお菓子。季節で色んな味が出るようなので他の味やプレーンな朱鷺の子も食べてみたいです。
I've ate the thin ice of Ayume-san before, and I knew the name, but somehow I ate it, and it was more delicious than I thought. We ate winter-only tangerines, but they are wrapped one by one and are easy to eat. I would like to eat other tastes and plain Toki-no-ko as various flavors appear in the season.

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