
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 杉原紙の里

住所 :

Kamiku Torima, Taka, Taka District, 〒679-1322 Hyogo,Japan

街 : Hyogo

Kamiku Torima, Taka, Taka District, 〒679-1322 Hyogo,Japan
サクサク咲く梅 on Google

ひなた龍神ミュージシャン on Google

When you get off the parking lot, there is a riverbank and it is crowded with children in the summer.
タニケイ on Google

こじんまりとした面積、買い回りしやすい 錦鯉も販売されてる。
Small area, easy to buy around Nishikigoi are also on sale.
SP yamashi on Google

播州地方最北の道の駅です。 隣を流れる杉原川であまごなど渓流釣りができます。 杉原紙の紙すき体験もできます。
It is the northernmost road station in Banshu district. You can enjoy mountain stream fishing on the Sugihara River that flows next to you. You can also experience making Sugihara paper.
山本武士 on Google

紙漉き、体験できます。 いろいろな、和紙も、販売しています。 ファミリーで、時間すごせます。 夏は、前を流れる川で、あそべますょ、浅いので、小さなお子様連れも、あんしんです。が、目を離さないようにお願いいたします。
You can make paper and experience it. We also sell various types of Japanese paper. You can spend time with your family. In the summer, you can play in the river that flows in front of you, and it's shallow, so it's safe even with small children. However, please keep an eye on it.
青野俊介 on Google

横に川が流れており、暑い時期は川に入って遊べます。道の駅で売られてる商品はよく見とかないと全然他府県の商品も販売されているので、お土産に適さない場合もあります。家ようであれば良いと思いますが^_^ 駐車場も広く、横に神社らしきところもあるので、パワーをもらいに寄られるのも良いかもしれませんね。 川で遊ばなければ、10〜15分くらいあれば十分見回れますよ。 運転の休憩にいかがでしょうか?
There is a river next to it, and you can enter the river and play in the hot season. If you don't look closely at the products sold at the roadside station, products from other prefectures are also sold, so they may not be suitable as souvenirs. I hope it's home, but ^ _ ^ The parking lot is large and there is a shrine-like place next to it, so it might be a good idea to stop by for power. If you don't play in the river, you can see it in 10 to 15 minutes. How about a break from driving?
黒田源太郎 on Google

2021/11/19 This is a picture of Sugihara Paper Village and the autumn leaves in the park about 1km north. I'm looking forward to it every year.
ヤッさん on Google

As a souvenir, there weren't many products, so I felt it wasn't good, but the fried chicken and zenzai sold outside were very delicious. Especially the fried chicken was fried twice, it was very hot and it was breast meat, but it was juicy and delicious.

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