
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オンマキムチ

住所 :

Kamikido, Higashi Ward, 〒950-0891 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–6PM
Sunday 10:30AM–6PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:30AM–7PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–7PM
Thursday 10:30AM–7PM
Friday 10:30AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Kamikido, Higashi Ward, 〒950-0891 Niigata,Japan
ほしゆか on Google

辛いだけじゃない、旨味が味わえるキムチ。 カクテキや、より辛いキムチも販売している
Kimchi is not only spicy but can taste umami. We sell kakuteki and spicy kimchi
ぽんぽん on Google

キムチはここがNo. 1!!! たまに食べたくなり買いに行きます。 いろんな種類がありますが全部おいしいです!
This is No. 1 for kimchi! !! !! Sometimes I want to eat and go to buy. There are various types, but they are all delicious!
fire wood on Google

初めて買いましたが、美味しいねぇ!酸味がなくて、こくがあって辛さに甘味があって、次から次と口に運びたくなる味。 おすすめできる店です。おかぁちゃんも好い人でしたね。また!
I bought it for the first time, but it's delicious! It has no sourness, is rich and sweet with spiciness, and makes you want to carry it one after another. It is a recommended shop. Mom was also a good person. Also!
らるらりら on Google

I love kimchi here, as well as kimchi, which has excellent chewy texture. Changer is also recommended. I wish it was a little closer to my house.
Takeda Yasuyoshi on Google

ここに勝るキムチは無し! 色々浮気したりしてすみませんでした? 酸味が出るまでに結構時間が掛かります!
No kimchi is better than here! I'm sorry I had an affair ? It takes a long time to get sour!
近藤洋輔 on Google

白菜キムチとチャンジャを購入。評価が高いので期待してましたが、美味しいけど正直普通かな?と思います。確かに日本人向けに酸味も辛味も控えめで食べやすいですが、これならスーパーに売っている高いキムチと大差ないと思いました。使われている食材を見ると旨味の元となるアミエビなどど入っていないし、アクセントになる生姜など薬味もあまり使われていません。だからスーパーのキムチと同じように感じたんだと思います。 残念ですが美味しいキムチ探しはまだ続けないとダメですね。
Purchased Chinese kimchi and changer. I expected it because it was highly evaluated, but it's delicious but honestly normal? I think. It's true that the acidity and spiciness are modest and easy to eat for Japanese people, but I thought that this was not much different from the expensive kimchi sold at supermarkets. Looking at the ingredients used, there is no such thing as ami shrimp, which is the source of the taste, and there is not much use of medicinal flavors such as ginger, which is an accent. So I think it felt like a super kimchi. Unfortunately, I have to continue looking for delicious kimchi.
ジョニジョニ茂樹 on Google

お兄さんの対応が毎回悪くて気分悪いです! お母さん、おばあちゃんは温かい対応でちょくちょく行っていておまけもしていただいたりしてたのですが正直、足が遠退くようになりました! 先日も家内と二人で久しぶりに行きましたが、家内もはっきりわかる位の対応でした! 味は美味しいのにもったいないと思います!
My brother's response is bad every time and I feel sick! My mom and grandma were so warm that I often went there and gave them a bonus, but to be honest, my legs started to move away! The other day, I went with my wife for the first time in a long time, but it was a response that I could clearly understand my wife! I think the taste is delicious but it's a waste!
takahasi mayuri on Google

こちらのキムチは本当に美味しいです。お店の方の人柄もあって大好きなお店です。イケメンなお兄ちゃんに会うのも楽しみ^ ^ また行きますのでよろしくです。
This kimchi is really delicious. I love this shop because of the personality of the shop staff. I'm looking forward to seeing my handsome brother ^ ^ I will go again, so thank you.

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