
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)酒のはやし

住所 :

Kamikawacho, Mutsu, 〒035-0032 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Aomori

Kamikawacho, Mutsu, 〒035-0032 Aomori,Japan
大友澄夫 on Google

Storekeeper? (Dad or son) Both will kindly explain the sake and will recommend them after hearing their wishes.
MOLiLiN on Google

地元の酒を中心に所狭しと陳列されてます! 地元でしか置いてないであろうお酒もあったので近くに来た際は覗いてみるのもいいかもです!
It is displayed with a focus on local sake! There are some liquors that may only be available locally, so you may want to take a look when you come near!
K Tanaka on Google

店主の対応がとても良かった。 普段あまり飲まない日本酒の説明も丁寧で良かった。 価格については少し高め。
The store owner's response was very good. The explanation of sake, which I don't usually drink, was also polite and good. The price is a little higher.
デグシ丸 on Google

ここの若店主? 買いたければ勝手に見て買え!的な 日本酒の事を聞いても その日本酒を見る事なく 適当な対応! 2度と行かない! なんなんだ!あの態度。 客をバカにした態度!
The young shopkeeper here? If you want to buy it, look at it and buy it! Typical Even if you hear about sake Without seeing the sake Appropriate response! Never go again! what's with that! That attitude. Attitude that made customers foolish!
タロカレ on Google

日本酒、焼酎の種類はそこそこだが、ウイスキー、ブランデー、ラム、リキュールなどの洋酒の種類は豊富。 ただし、個人商店のため量販店より値段は高め。 それでも時には掘り出し物があったりするので、定期的に顔を出す価値のある店。
There are so many types of sake and shochu, but there are abundant kinds of liquors such as whiskey, brandy, rum and liqueur. However, the price is higher than that of mass merchandisers because of private shops. Still sometimes there are bargains, so it is worth seeing regularly.
小木曽重文 on Google

There are various kinds of sake, and I was surprised to find Mt. Ena made in Nakatsugawa.
ゆーぞー on Google

This is the only store in Aomori where you can buy sake Enayama! The characters on the paper are cool.
iam CHI on Google

のし紙も付けて貰ったんですが 筆文字がすごい上手でカッコ良く 仕上がり大満足でした。 写真撮り忘れたのが残念です。
I got a noshi paper attached as well. The brush character is very good and cool I was very satisfied with the finish. I'm sorry I forgot to take a photo.

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