
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact メンタルクリニック赤とんぼ

住所 :

Kamijujo, Kita City, 〒114-0034 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : http://akatombo-mc.org/
街 : Tokyo

Kamijujo, Kita City, 〒114-0034 Tokyo,Japan
M I on Google

40分のカウンセリングを売り文句にしていますが、恐らくそれを実行するために患者さんを選んでいるのかなという印象でした。 他の方も書いているように話を被せてきたり、専門外の病気の症状をしつこいくらいに何度も聞いてきたり、あまり話を聞いてもらえたという感じがしませんでした。 終いには心身症をどうにかしたくて来ているのにストレスで円形脱毛症になったと言ったらだったら皮膚科へ行けと言われてしまいました(笑)
I complained about counseling for 40 minutes, but it was probably the impression that he was choosing a patient to do it. I did not feel like I was talking like anyone else wrote, or listening to the symptoms of non-professional diseases persistently or persistently. Finally I was going to go to the dermatology department if I said that I was going to manage psychosomatic diseases but I became alopecia areata due to stress (lol)
tsu NN on Google

ここの病院のおかげで良くなったので、一意見としてレビューします。 仕事のストレスが重なり、体調に出てしまい会社に通うことが難しくなり受信しました。周りからは甘えとしか見てもらえずとてもつらかったです。 心療内科という場所は始めてで、正直怖かったので行くのをためらっていました。いろいろ調べた結果、40分話を聞いていただけるこちらを予約しました。 病院という雰囲気はなく、アットホームな場所です。受付の方もわからないところは優しく教えてくださいます。 先生は患者が良くなるように一生懸命、話を聞いてくださる方です。 医者としての医療的な判断もされながら、カウンセリングとして様々な提案やアドバイスをくださいます。それは時に冷たく感じることもあるかもしれません。 口コミにあるような喧嘩腰で話すような方ではありませんが、時にアドバイスを冷たく感じた方にはそう見えてしまったのかもしれません。 この医院は、特に治療の意思がない、仕事を辞めたいだけ、ただ同意されたい、優しい言葉をかけられたい、薬漬けでいいから依存して楽になりたいという方には、こちらの医院は向いていません。 逆に、今の状態をなんとかして改善したい、薬漬けにはなりたくない、治癒のために頑張りたいと、きちんと直したい意思がある方には絶対にここを受診していただきたいです。 一時は自分がどうしたいのか見えなくなり、つらいときもありましたが、今は体調も心も良くなり新たなスタートを見つけることができました。先生には本当に感謝しています。 医者がカウンセリングも行ってくれる心療内科というのは日本でここだけだと思います。 元気になった身として、今辛く、治したい意思がある方には行ってほしいです。私はこの病院に最初に行くことができて本当に良かったです。
Thanks to the hospital here, I will review it as a opinion. The stress of my work overlapped and I got sick and it was difficult to go to the company and received it. It was very hard because I could only see him around. It was my first time in psychosomatic medicine and I was afraid to go because I was horrified. As a result of various investigations, I made a reservation for listening to the 40-minute talk. It is a homely place without the hospital atmosphere. If you do not know the receptionist, please tell me kindly. The teacher listens very hard to improve the patient. He will give various suggestions and advice as counseling while being judged medically as a doctor. It can sometimes feel cold. It's not like talking in a brawl like the word of mouth, but it may seem like that to those who felt cold at times. This clinic is suitable for those who have no intention of treatment, just want to quit their job, just want to agree, be able to use gentle words, and want to be able to rely on medicinal soup and be comfortable. not. On the other hand, if you want to improve your condition, do not want to be drugged, do your best for healing, and have a willingness to fix it, we definitely want you to visit us here. At one point, I couldn't see what I wanted to do, and at times I was tough, but now I feel better and feel better. I really thank my teacher. I think the only place in Japan where doctors provide counseling is in Japan. I want to go to those who are in good spirits and want to cure now. I was really good to go to this hospital first.
あい on Google

以前一日数人限定というのを見て惹かれて行きました。 結論から言うと、最低で劣悪なクリニックです。 傷を深くえぐられトラウマになりました。 心が壊れそうなときに必死の思いでいったのですが、自分の抱えてるものを伝えたら 「それで?あなた何が言いたいの?」 と冷たく見下した態度でカウンセリングとは到底おもえない対応でした。どうにかしたいからカウンセリングに来たのに否定されるとは思わず口ごもり限界を超えて泣きだした私をよそに、自分の実績やたくさんの人を救ってきたのよ~と自慢話をされ最後に嘲笑いながらここじゃ診きれないわ~と別の病院を勧められ終わりました。。 子供のカウンセリングを中心にしているとは信じられない、いじめのような状況でした。 それをきっかけに希死観念がひどくなり他のカウンセリングに行こうとしても(また傷つけられるかも…)と怖くなってしまい今も苦手です。 寛解した今でも、あのとき行かなければ…という思いと、同じ病に苦しむ人たちがこういう目に合わないでほしいと強く願います
I used to see a few people a day before. From the conclusion, it is the lowest and poorest clinic. I was deeply hurt and I became a trauma. I was desperate when I felt my heart was broken, but when I told what I had "So, what do you want to say?" With a cold-looking attitude, counseling was a completely unforeseen response. I came to the counseling because I wanted to do something, but I was crying beyond the limit without thinking that I was denied it, and I saved my own achievements and many people, and my brilliance was told and I laughed at the end However, I was not able to see here and recommended another hospital and finished. . It was unbelievable to be centered on child counseling, it was like a bullying situation. It makes me scared that even if I try to go to other counseling (or I might be hurt ...) I am still weak even now. Even if I am in remission, I strongly hope that people who suffer from the same disease do not meet this kind of thought that they must go then ...
china n. on Google

一個もつけたくないくらい。 外に出るのもやっとだった子どもをなんとか受診させたいと思って予約したけど、当日、やはり連れ出すのが困難でキャンセルするしかなく、連絡したら、キャンセル料金5000円請求されました。事情を説明しても払ってくださいの一点張りでしたので、教えられた口座に振り込みました。
I don't want to wear one. I made a reservation because I wanted to get a child who was barely able to go out, but on the day of the event, it was difficult to take him out and I had to cancel it. When I contacted him, I was charged a cancellation fee of 5,000 yen. Even if I explained the circumstances, I had to pay it, so I transferred it to the account I was taught.
りりー on Google

オススメしません。思い出すだけでも辛い気持ちになります。 初めての出産育児・直後の引越による環境変化で気持ちが落ち込み、当時は藁にも縋る思いで受診しました。 カウンセリングは傾聴するスタイルではなく、先生は終始上から「自立とは人に頼ること!貴方はもっと人に頼りなさい。」と引越したばかりで頼れる人がいなくて苦しかった私に繰り返し繰り返し言い、メモ紙にも「人に頼る事が自立」と書かれ渡されました。そしてカウンセリング時間のタイマーが鳴った途端「はい終わり!」と一方的に終了しました。 勇気を出して行きましたが、個人情報を探られ、心の傷をえぐられた気持ちで帰り道に涙が溢れ出ました。 もう二度と行きたくありません。
I don't recommend it. It becomes painful feelings just remember. Feelings drop in environmental change due to the first time of childbirth child care immediately after-moving, at that time was consulted by the thought that cling to straw. Counseling is not a style to listen, teacher "to rely on the people and independence! You Get rely on more people." From the top from beginning to end with me to repeat repeatedly says dependable person just was painful not have been moved, memo paper also it was passed written as "self-reliance is that rely on people". And it was unilaterally terminated "Yes the end!" As soon as counseling time of the timer rang. I went courage, but explored the personal information, came out full of tears on the way home with the feeling that has been hollowed out the flaws of the mind. I do not want to go again.
アレンギンズバーグ on Google

I went to this clinic for about a year with depressive symptoms and healed. Some people write badly, but the director is a person who speaks enthusiastically and enthusiastically. I got the impression that it was a little pushy when talking, but I felt that it was also a sign of enthusiasm. In my case, I am very grateful that I was supported when I was stumbling in my life, passed the qualification test, and got married. Due to the nature of psychosomatic medicine, the personalities of patients and doctors collide with each other, so I think there are some bad reviews, but I think it is a conscientious clinic.
りこまる on Google

I don't want to add a single star. The moment you first enter, the atmosphere is filthy and untidy enough to make you think you made a mistake. Is this person a clerk? There was an uncle at the reception that made me wonder. The female doctor is looking from above as you are writing. It ends like a well-end meeting on the roadside of aunts. If that doctor can call himself a job that I can do. No, I'm confident that I can still be close to the patient and listen to him. I also have knowledge of occupational medicine, so I can open a business. A little impossible clinic.
さとうけいけい on Google

学生時に自律神経が狂い、学校を休みがちになり母と来院。 まず、待機してると受付の男が急に服を脱ぎ、タンクトップに。 え?いきなり?不衛生なんだけど笑笑 さらに娘が引きこもってしまい、代理で来院したい旨を話されてる母親からの電話に受付の男が 「首に縄かけてひっぱり出すわけにもいかないしね〜」 と言ってました。 え?人様のお嬢様に対して?笑 さらに診察では、体調を崩しやすいことを伝えましたが、話を進めていくうちにおばさんに 「あなたも昔は強かったのね〜笑」 と言われて意味わかんないと思いました。 強い、弱い。心療内科に来院する患者を舐めてるなと思った。 他の病院できちんとした医師に治療いただき、今はすっかり元気です
When I was a student, my autonomic nerves went crazy and I tended to take a break from school, so I visited the hospital with my mother. First of all, when I was waiting, the receptionist suddenly took off my clothes and put it on the tank top. picture? Suddenly? It's unsanitary, but lol In addition, the receptionist's man answered the phone call from his mother who was told that his daughter had withdrawn and wanted to visit the hospital on his behalf. "I can't just hang a rope around my neck and pull it out." I said. picture? For a young lady? smile In addition, at the medical examination, I told him that he was apt to get sick, but as he proceeded with the discussion, he told his aunt. "You used to be strong ~ lol" I didn't understand what it meant. strong weak. I thought I shouldn't lick a patient who comes to the psychosomatic medicine department. I was treated by a proper doctor at another hospital, and I'm fine now.

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