Kamihiroya Kindergarten - Tsurugashima

2.5/5 に基づく 2 レビュー

Contact Kamihiroya Kindergarten

住所 :

583-2 Kamihiroya, Tsurugashima, Saitama 350-2203, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 350-2203
Webサイト : http://www.kamihiroya.ed.jp/

583-2 Kamihiroya, Tsurugashima, Saitama 350-2203, Japan
ろこんさん on Google

しつけと給食、延長保育に定評あり。 運動会が近いと熱心な練習の音が聞こえてきます。通りの奥に園があり危なくありません。 駐車場も広く、大ホールでの行事も評判が良いみたいです。
Has a reputation for discipline, school lunch, and extended childcare. When the athletic meet is near, you can hear the sound of enthusiastic practice. There is a garden in the back of the street and it is not dangerous. The parking lot is large, and the events in the large hall seem to have a good reputation.
武尊 on Google

いくらコロナ禍とはいえ一生に一度の卒園式に保護者1人までとか最悪、ありえん。運動会、音楽会違いますよ怒 まん延防止も解除されようとしている今、たった数時間の記念行事。消毒、検温、マスク着用なら最後くらい入園制限せんでもと思うが?祖父母も泣いとるわ怒
No matter how bad the corona is, there is no such thing as a once-in-a-lifetime graduation ceremony with up to one guardian. The athletic meet and the concert are different. Now that the prevention of spread is about to be lifted, it is a commemorative event for only a few hours. If you are disinfecting, measuring the temperature, and wearing a mask, do you think that admission is not restricted at the end? My grandparents are crying too

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