
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact はんこの正和堂

住所 :

Kamifukuoka, Fujimino, 〒356-0004 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://hankonosyouwado.com/
街 : Saitama

Kamifukuoka, Fujimino, 〒356-0004 Saitama,Japan
臼井健太 on Google

とても気に入りました!大事にします! 今後ハンコを作るときはこちらにお願いしたいと思います!
I like it very much! I will take good care of you! I would like to ask here when making stamps in the future!
zero omega on Google

手彫りの職人がまだ居て助かりました 自分の名前は機械では掘れないので、ここに来ないともう苗字だけで実印を作るところでした。 店主は親切な方ですが、たまに言葉遣いが教頭先生を連想させます。 まぁ、それでもとてもいい人ですので、英語も喋れるそうですし、難しい字を使う方、外国人の方も必要があればぜひ一度訪ねてみてください。
The hand-carved craftsman was still there and I was saved I couldn't dig my name with a machine, so if I didn't come here, I was about to make a real seal with just my last name. The owner is kind, but sometimes the wording is reminiscent of the vice-principal teacher. Well, he is still a very nice person, so he can speak English, and if you use difficult characters or foreigners, please come visit us.
大剣 on Google

量産されている格安ハンコとは違い、正真正銘ハンコを手彫りする匠の技術を売っているお店。 注文してから完成までたった数時間でハンコの芸術性が分からない自分でも印影が美しいと思わせてくれる様な出来栄えのハンコを作って頂けました。 会話の好きな方は御主人の時間の許す限りハンコの事を教えて頂けたりするので、ハンコを作る前に色々聞いて見るのも良いと思います。 よく居るクリエイター気質で頑固な職人さんとは違い、気さくなご主人ですので話しやすいと思います。 御主人との会話で「ハンコは押す時は一瞬だが押した後は今後の人生が決定する物」そして「ハンコを求める人は人生の分岐点に居る人」だと仰っていましたので、そう言ったハンコに重要性を感じる方や、御祝いや思い出の品、実印等で世にたった一つの手彫りのハンコを欲しい方には是非お勧めしたいお店です。
Unlike the cheap stamps that are mass-produced, this shop sells the craftsmanship of hand-carving genuine stamps. In just a few hours from ordering to completion, I was able to make a stamp with a workmanship that makes me think that the imprint is beautiful even if I do not understand the artistry of the stamp. If you like conversation, you can teach me about stamps as long as your husband's time allows, so I think it's a good idea to listen to them before making stamps. Unlike the creators who are often stubborn and stubborn, he is a friendly master, so I think it's easy to talk to. In a conversation with my husband, he said, "When you push a stamp, it's a moment, but after you push it, your future life will be decided." And "The person who wants a stamp is a person who is at a turning point in life." This shop is highly recommended for those who feel the importance of stamps, and those who want a hand-carved stamp that is unique to the world with celebrations, memorabilia, and personal seals.
takashi kitano on Google

お客さんに思いを込めるハンコ職人 とある事情からハンコについて勉強中の私に、初対面にもかかわらず多くのことをじっくりと教えてくれた。先代から数え78年にもなるお店の歴史、印章業界の過去・現在・未来、「脱ハンコ」の動きに対する思いなど、興味深いものばかりだった。 その中でも特に印象的だったのは、ハンコを作っている最中の心情について。ハンコ不要論が強まる中、どのような心持ちでハンコを作っているのか気になった。生業として、文化として、そういった側面もたしかにある。ただ、職人の最終的な答えは「お客さん」だった。実印の注文を受けた際は、それが必要になった経緯をできるだけ詳細に尋ねる。「だって実印が必要になったお客さんは人生の分岐点にいるんだから。」自身の経験とも重ねながら、お客さんとの会話は時に1時間を超える。その会話の中で高められた「お客さんへの思い入れ」が彼の手を動かし続けているのだ。 この日も明日までに仕上げなければいけない注文を複数抱えていた。それにも関わらず、購入目的で来店した訳でもない私の質問に丁寧に答えてくれた。いつか私が人生の分岐点に立った時、彼のハンコでその決断をしたい。そう思いながら店を後にした。 本当にありがとうございました。
Hanko craftsman who puts his thoughts into the customer For some reason, he taught me a lot of things, even though I met him for the first time, while studying about hanko. The history of the store, which has been 78 years since its predecessor, the past, present, and future of the stamp industry, and the thoughts on the movement of "de-hanko" were all interesting. The most impressive of these was the feelings I had while making stamps. As the theory that stamps were unnecessary became stronger, I was wondering what kind of feelings I had when making stamps. There are certainly such aspects as a livelihood and as a culture. However, the final answer of the craftsman was "customer". When you receive an order for a registered seal, ask in as much detail as possible how it was needed. "Because the customer who needed the seal is at a turning point in his life." While accumulating his own experience, the conversation with the customer sometimes exceeds one hour. The "feeling for the customer" that was heightened in the conversation continues to move his hand. I had multiple orders that had to be completed by tomorrow on this day as well. Nevertheless, he politely answered my question, which I did not come to for purchase. Someday when I stand at a turning point in my life, I want to make that decision with his stamp. I left the store thinking so. I'm really thankful to you.
yuka t on Google

今までハンコ屋さんで作ったことがありませんでした。至急ハンコが必要となり、 ちょっと恐る恐る訪れましたが、とても親身に相談にのってくださり、満足のいく一本を彫っていただけました。 大変気さくな職人の方で、色々とお話できたことで元気をもらえました。 またハンコを作る時は、正和堂さんにお願いしたいと思います。 本当にありがとうございました。
I had never made it at a stamp shop before. I need a stamp urgently, I was a little scared to visit, but he was very kind to me and carved a satisfying one. He was a very friendly craftsman, and I was energized by being able to talk with him in various ways. Also, when making a stamp, I would like to ask Mr. Showado. I'm really thankful to you.
金澤剛史 on Google

大学院の研究テーマが「ハンコ文化」である関係で、職人の方にぜひお話しを聞きたい!と思いうかがいました。 職人・・・というと昔かたぎとか頑固とかイメージがありますが、店主は本当に気さくな方で一方的なこちらの取材希望及び押しかけにも、嫌な顔一つせず、細かな事まで色々と丁寧に教えてくれました。 技術的な事はもちろんですが、圧倒されたのが印鑑に対する情熱です。お客さんと会話をし、その方の人生に思いを馳せ、幸せを願って想いを込めて掘るのだという行為だからこそ、機械彫りでは決して出せない逸品を生み出すのだと思います。 また、人生相談をお客さんにされることも多いそうですが、話してみると納得です。 一生に一度の印鑑。だからこそ作るときはこういう方にお願いしたいと強く感じました。 大切なものだからこそ、信頼できる人に作ってもらいたい。それが叶う数少ない「本物の」職人さんです。
Since the research theme of the graduate school is "hanko culture", I would love to hear from craftsmen! I was wondering. The craftsman has an image of old-fashioned stubbornness or stubbornness, but the shop owner is a really friendly person, and even if he wants to cover this one-sidedly and pushes him, he does not have a disgusting face and is polite in various details. Taught me. Not to mention the technical aspects, what was overwhelming was my passion for stamps. I think that it is the act of talking with the customer, thinking about his life, and digging with his thoughts in the hope of happiness, which is why he creates a gem that can never be produced by machine carving. Also, it seems that customers often ask for life consultations, but when I talk to them, I am convinced. A once-in-a-lifetime seal. That is why I strongly felt that I would like to ask such a person when making it. Because it is important, I want people who can trust it to make it. It is one of the few "real" craftsmen who can make it happen.
34 sunsea on Google

転職に伴い、印鑑が必要になったので利用させて頂きました。 明るくパワフルなご主人が 私の話を丁寧かつ楽しく聞いて下さいました。 また、自分の名前の漢字のルーツなどを説明して頂き、 自分の名前の知らない一面を知って少し愛着が増しました。 今は少ない手掘りの印鑑とのことで ご主人が次の仕事が上手くいくように、と 気持ちを込めて彫ってくれました。 仕上がりも素晴らしく、大変気に入りました。 今は簡単に印鑑が安価で手に入りますし、 印鑑が必要ない時代になってきています。 しかしそんな時代だからこそ、 印鑑を使用する際は作り手の気持ちのこもった、 愛着のある印鑑を使用したいと思いました。 これから大切に使っていきたいと思います。 本当にありがとうございました! ご主人の人柄含め、非常におすすめのはんこ屋さんです!
As I changed jobs, I needed a seal, so I used it. A bright and powerful husband He listened to my story politely and happily. Also, please explain the roots of the Chinese characters in your name. I became a little more attached to knowing the side of my name that I didn't know. It is said that there are few hand-dug seals now. I hope my husband will do his next job well He carved it with all his heart. The finish is excellent and I really like it. Now you can easily get a seal at a low price, We are in an era where we do not need a seal. But that's why When using a seal, the creator's feelings were heartfelt. I wanted to use a seal that I had an attachment to. I would like to use it carefully from now on. I'm really thankful to you! It is a highly recommended Hanko shop, including the personality of your husband!
sany @g.mail on Google

This man really helped me out and gave me great advices also sang me stand by me by playing guitar at the moment. Really recommend visiting this shop if you’re looking handmade Japanese seals/hanko.

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