茨木市立 川端康成文学館

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 茨木市立 川端康成文学館

住所 :

Kamichujo, Ibaraki, 〒567-0881 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Webサイト : http://www.city.ibaraki.osaka.jp/shisetsu/kyoikubunka/1317033511310.html
街 : Osaka

Kamichujo, Ibaraki, 〒567-0881 Osaka,Japan
浜地妙子 on Google

It is a brick building in a wonderful environment in a place with abundant greenery, and I thought that Yasunari Kawabata's materials were abundant.
Masato Takeda on Google

I was expecting it, but it was about the exhibition in the materials corner. That's why I'm convinced that admission is free.
高橋安行 on Google

子供学習にはモッテコイの茨木の学習舘ですね。 親子で川端康成先生の歴史見学も多いに勉強になるよ? 親子でのぞいてみてはどうかな⁉
For children's learning, it's Mottekoi's Ibaraki learning center. Parents and children will also study a lot of history tours of Professor Yasunari Kawabata ? Why don't you take a peek with your parents?
MAX LIFE on Google

Next to the Youth Center. You can go for free. Mobile phones and photography are prohibited in the hall. I didn't know that Yasunari Kawabata was in Ibaraki High School when he was in junior high school. Perhaps he was a junior high school student who died from his parents and went to school from his uncle's house in Suita to Ibaraki, and the manuscript of the bonfire was on display. It takes 30 minutes to take a closer look at the hall. There are two exhibition halls, and there is also a small room that reproduces Kamakura's home study, and if you talk to the staff, they will let you sit down. Bicycles can be parked in the basement of the next facility. The car goes from the main street to the back of the building and seems to be the same parking lot.
なしお on Google

Although it is small, many handwritten materials are on display. It has been introduced in detail since Yasunari Kawabata's childhood. By the way, the toilet was very clean.
てつです。(てつです。) on Google

静かな住宅と公園近くにある施設です。 それほど広くは、ありませんが、川端康成の人生の、 一部が分かります。 駐車場はありませんが、近くに公共の駐車場があります。 歩いて、数分程度でしょか。 茨木駅からも、(阪急駅、JR)とも歩いて行く事は可能です。 近くには、あまり食べ物屋は無くて、 駅周辺に行ったほうが良さそうです。 また訪れてみたいと思いました。 日本で最初の、ノーベル文学賞受賞者です。 ビデオで、川端康成さんが当時授賞式に参加されている様子が見ることが出来ました。 確か、着物で出席されていたと思います。
The property is located near a quiet house and park. Not so wide, but in the life of Yasunari Kawabata I understand a part. There is no parking, but there is a public car park nearby. It's only a few minutes on foot. It is possible to walk from Ibaraki Station to (Hankyu Station, JR). There aren't many food shops nearby, It seems better to go around the station. I wanted to visit again. He is the first recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature in Japan. In the video, I was able to see Yasunari Kawabata participating in the award ceremony at that time. I think I was attending in kimono.
山口裕一 on Google

川端康成の生い立ちからノーベル賞受賞までの過程を当時の写真や直筆の手紙など豊富な資料の展示物と解説が添えられ、川端康成ファンであれば必見の場所だと感じました。 これだけの貴重な資料が拝見できて拝観料は無料とはお得です。 駐車場は建物裏手に有料駐車場があります。土曜日のお昼頃に訪問しましたが、最初の30分間は無料。その後30分毎に100円です。私は拝観時間は1時程度で駐車料金は100円でした。 因みに管内の資料は、すべて撮影禁止でしたので、建物外観のみ撮影しています。桜は散りはじめてでしたが、玄関先の「茨木市立川端康成文学館」背景銅板と桜が隣同士連なってよい景色を作っていました。
The process from the birth of Yasunari Kawabata to receiving the Nobel Prize was accompanied by exhibits and explanations of abundant materials such as photographs and handwritten letters at that time, and I felt that it was a must-see place for Yasunari Kawabata fans. You can see such valuable materials and the admission fee is free. There is a pay parking lot behind the building. I visited around noon on Saturday, but the first 30 minutes are free. After that, it is 100 yen every 30 minutes. The viewing time was about 1 o'clock and the parking fee was 100 yen. By the way, all the materials in the jurisdiction were prohibited from being photographed, so only the exterior of the building was photographed. The cherry blossoms had begun to fall, but the background copper plate of the "Ibaraki City Kawabata Yasunari Literature Museum" at the front door and the cherry blossoms lined up next to each other to create a nice view.
岡幹也 on Google

入館料 無料‼ 建物裏に30分無料の駐車場があります。 川端康成の生い立ち宿久庄での暮らし~旧制茨木中学の頃 戦前戦後の作品とその舞台 ノーベル文学賞受賞 ふるさとの家 作家の書斎 その他 テーマ展示まで 約400点の展示があります。 また川端康成ゆかりの地ガイドマップが置いてあるので、これをもらうと、宿久庄を散策出来ます。
Free admission! There is free parking for 30 minutes behind the building. Yasunari Kawabata's birthplace Living in Shukunosho-old system Ibaraki junior high school Pre-war and post-war works and their stage Received the Nobel Prize in Literature Furusato no Ie Writer's study Until other theme exhibitions There are about 400 exhibits. In addition, there is a guide map related to Yasunari Kawabata, so if you get this, you can take a walk in Shukunosho.

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