
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リラクサロン・モミ│揉みほぐし・痩身・健康痩身

住所 :

Kamiarayacho, Higashi Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒435-0053 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.momi4136.com/
街 : Shizuoka

Kamiarayacho, Higashi Ward, Hamamatsu, 〒435-0053 Shizuoka,Japan
chan MON on Google

今日は全体のほぐしと足ツボマッサージしていただきました Googleの口コミの「痛い施術」をみて人生初のマッサージしていただきました 身体の疲労感が抜けないからマッサージしてもらい身体をほぐしてもらおうと思い軽い気持ちで行ったのですが本当に痛い笑笑 「終わった後に足の裏の付く感覚が変わるから」と言う言葉通り全く別物でした!!! 相手に合わせた施術、会話術、施術効果、どれも期待以上の仕上がりすぎて笑笑 また次もよろしくお願いします笑笑
Today I had the whole loosening and foot massage I had the first massage in my life after seeing the "painful treatment" of Google reviews I couldn't get rid of my tiredness, so I thought I'd get a massage and relax my body, but I went with a light feeling, but it really hurts lol It was a completely different thing, as the saying goes, "Because the feeling of the soles of your feet changes after you finish!" !! !! Treatments tailored to the other party, conversation skills, treatment effects, all of which are more than expected and laugh I look forward to working with you next time.
まか on Google

普通のマッサージ屋さんとは良い意味で一味違うお店です。 ほかのお店では、ある程度、施術内容がありきたりな、問題の起きにくいような内容になりがちですが、ここの方々は、相手の要望を聞き、その時その時で臨機応変に内容を変えて、最高のマッサージを提供しようという心意気が感じ取れます。意識が高い人しかいません。 謂わゆる"リラクゼーション"というよりは、"整体"寄りのマッサージ屋さんだと思います。 整体に行くのは少し抵抗がある だけど、体はしっかり解して欲しい という方にはぴったりのお店かと思います。
It's a bit different from a normal massage shop in a good way. At other shops, the treatment content tends to be mundane to some extent, and the content tends to be less likely to cause problems, but the people here listen to the request of the other party and change the content flexibly at that time. You can feel the will to provide the best massage. Only people with high consciousness. I think it's a massage shop that is closer to "manipulative treatment" than so-called "relaxation". I'm a little reluctant to go to manipulative But I want you to understand your body I think that it is a perfect shop for those who say.
Wos Pick on Google

身体の状態を正確に判断出来る気さくなスタッフさんに対応していただけます。 横向きで施術されるもみほぐしは絶品! 是非一度味わってみてください。 足つぼやタイ古式、オイルリンパなんかもおすすめ出来ますよ。 足つぼはかなりの激痛なので覚悟して行ってくださいね。
You can respond to the friendly staff who can accurately judge your physical condition. The fir tree that is treated sideways is exquisite! Please try it once. I also recommend foot pots, Thai traditional massage, and oil lymph. The acupuncture points are quite painful, so be prepared.
para Kim on Google

めちゃめちゃ疲れてたのに施術後は頭ん中がスッキリして身体が軽くなりました! 是非また行きたいです!
I was very tired, but after the treatment, my head was refreshed and my body became lighter! I definitely want to go again!
Ayako Taniguchi on Google

何ヶ月かずっと通ってます。 ガシガシになっていた肩がぷにぷにになり、ほぐし技にびっくりしました。 そして、梅雨や天気圧がらみの腰痛も通い始めてからでなくなりました。 子育てや仕事に疲れきってる人、ちゃんとほぐしたいと思った人におすすめです。 エステ感覚でいくイメージよりはぐったりした身体に根本的にしっかり行きたい人におすすめです。 しっかりもんでるのにもみ返しがなく、すごくすっきりします。 実家に帰った気分になるくらい気さくで心遣いのできるオーナーさんも魅力です。笑
I've been going there for months. I was surprised at the loosening technique when my shoulders, which had been loose, became punipuni. And the rainy season and back pain caused by the weather pressure have disappeared since I started going. Recommended for those who are exhausted from child-rearing and work, and those who want to relax properly. It is recommended for people who want to go to a loose body rather than the image of an esthetic treatment. Even though it is firmly rubbed, there is no backlash and it is very refreshing. The owner, who is friendly and considerate enough to feel like returning to his parents' house, is also attractive. Lol

はじめて施術をお願いしてから、約3ヶ月。その間数回通いました。いつも只者ではないオーナーに、身体の状態を診てもらい、お任せでお願いします。 凝り固まりまくった私の身体は、相変わらず痛い。もうやめて、と言いそうになるくらい痛い。「痛い」と思わず漏らすと、「痛いよねぇ」と優しく言いながら、更にゴリゴリと。そりゃもう痛いっす。でも、その向こうにあるスッキリ感を思うと、歯を食い縛って我慢。痛気持ちいい、とは言いません。本当に痛い。でも、後味スッキリ、って感じです。言えば、痛くないようにやってくれるようですが、それでは只者の良さは、感じられない、とあえて痛みを我慢。後味スッキリ、ぜひご体験を。
It's been about 3 months since I asked for the treatment for the first time. I went there several times during that time. Please ask the owner, who is not always a normal person, to check your physical condition and leave it to us. My stiff body still hurts. It hurts so much that I almost say stop. When I leaked it without thinking that it hurts, I gently say, "It hurts," and even more gritty. It hurts already. However, when I think of the refreshing feeling beyond that, I clench my teeth and put up with it. I don't say it feels painful. It really hurts. However, it feels like a refreshing aftertaste. Speaking of which, it seems that he will do it so that it doesn't hurt, but I dare to put up with the pain because I can't feel the goodness of the person. Experience a refreshing aftertaste.
星野雄亮 on Google

運送業に勤めておりますが、此方に通わないと仕事が出来なくなりました。 慢性的な腰痛など、身体全身の痛み、疲労に悩んでおり、接骨院や他のマッサージ店に通っていましたが、イマイチ効果が実感できず...。 ネットの口コミの良さから、利用させて頂きましたが、口コミ以上の対応の良さに大変驚きました。 丁寧なカウンセリングから、施術中は身体の不調の原因や癖まで、分かりやすく解説して下さり、想像以上に親身な対応に感動致しました。 日々の私生活で気をつけるポイントは勿論、歩き方の矯正までして頂き、来店する度に身体が楽になるのを実感します。 施術後の身体の変化には毎度驚かされます。 全身が軽くなり、怠さと痛みが消え、身体全体の可動域が広がります。 担当の市野さんにタイ古式、オイルマッサージを毎回お願いしていますが、施術後は身体の感覚が軽すぎて、普段より早足になってしまうくらいです(笑) 私が恐縮してしまうくらい、毎回一生懸命、施術をして下さるので、仕事の活力も頂けている感じがします。 おおよその予算と時間を伝えておけば、当日の身体の状況から最適な施術を提案して下さるので、融通が効く点がとても助かりますね。 多少の痛みは伴いますが、確実に身体の不調は改善されているので、身体の疲労に日々悩まされている方には本当にオススメです。 お店に通い出してからは、本当に仕事が捗っています。 スタッフの皆様の対応も素晴らしく、明るい対応で気持ちの良くなる雰囲気もいいですね。 帰り際は不思議と気分良く退店できるので、精神的にも助けて頂いている気がします。 市野さんは施術中も、お水や御手洗いの確認もして下さるので、細かい気配りに毎回感謝しています。 周囲の知人にも紹介しましたが、とても好評でした。家から少し距離がある以外文句のつけようがありません。 今後ともお世話になります。
I work in the transportation industry, but I can't work without going here. I was suffering from general body pain and fatigue such as chronic low back pain, so I went to an osteopathic clinic and other massage shops, but I couldn't feel the effect. I used it because of the good reviews on the internet, but I was very surprised at how good the response was. From careful counseling to the causes and habits of physical disorders during the procedure, he explained in an easy-to-understand manner, and I was impressed by the friendly response beyond my imagination. Not only the points to be careful in your daily personal life, but also the correction of your walking style, you will feel that your body will be easier every time you visit the store. I am always amazed at the changes in my body after the procedure. The whole body becomes lighter, the negligence and pain disappear, and the range of motion of the whole body expands. I ask Mr. Ichino, who is in charge, for Thai traditional massage and oil massage every time, but after the treatment, my physical sensation is so light that I feel faster than usual (laughs). I feel that I am getting the vitality of my work because the treatment is done so hard that I am afraid. If you tell us your approximate budget and time, you will be able to propose the most suitable treatment based on your physical condition on the day, which is very helpful in terms of flexibility. Although it may cause some pain, it is definitely recommended for those who are suffering from physical fatigue every day because their physical condition has definitely improved. Since I went to the store, my work has really progressed. The correspondence of the staff is also wonderful, and the cheerful response makes me feel good. On my way home, I can leave the store with a strange feeling, so I feel that I am receiving help mentally. Mr. Ichino also checks the water and restroom during the procedure, so I am grateful for the attention to detail every time. I introduced it to my friends around me, but it was very well received. I can't complain except that I'm a little far from my house. Thank you for your continued support.
今井隆 on Google

I asked for a Thai traditional massage. The body will become lighter after the stiff part is loosened and the strong stretch is very refreshing. The staff are friendly and easy to talk to, so I think it's a good shop that you can easily go to.

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