パティスリー 侑

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パティスリー 侑

住所 :

Kameokacho, Takamatsu, 〒760-0006 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887887
街 : Kagawa

Kameokacho, Takamatsu, 〒760-0006 Kagawa,Japan
胡桃 on Google

The customer service attitude was not good. Others also wrote about the box fee, I felt a very frustrated atmosphere while watching the cake, and the box fee was a tight tone, and we have to do so. When I was told that, I thought about buying a reward for myself, but I was very sad ...
miyu honda on Google

他の口コミで店員の対応が良いと書かれていますが実際訪問してみると全く違っており残念なお店です。こちらから持ち帰りや商品に関する質問をすると、常に半笑いの下に見るような冷たい口調をされる方でした。ショーケースを見て選んでいる間、お一人でされているのでお忙しいかったのかもしれませんがイライラして乱暴にメモを取っておられました。 商品はかわいらしくて味も好みでしたが、店員の愛想の悪さ・対応の悪さにリピートはないなと感じました。後日、こちらを利用したことのある知り合いに感想を聞いてみましたが概ね同じような感想でした。
The other word of mouth says that the clerk's response is good, but when I actually visit it it is totally different and it is a pity. When I asked him to take it home or ask me about the product, he was always cold and half-smiley. It might have been busy as I was alone while I was looking at the showcase, but I was annoyed and took notes roughly. The product was cute and I liked the taste, but I felt that there was no repeat of the clerk's unfriendly and poor response. At a later date, I asked the acquaintances who have used it to give their impressions, but the impressions were generally the same.
シー on Google

ショートケーキとチーズタルトとプリンと水出しコーヒーゼリーとカヌレを購入しました。 ショートケーキはスポンジのきめが細かくてしっとりとしてクリームと合わさって良い口どけでした。 チーズタルトはチーズとクッキー生地がよく合っており、歯触りよく濃厚なチーズの味わいで美味しかったです。 プリンはなめらかな食感と良い甘さとカラメルの組み合わせがいい感じでした。 水出しコーヒーゼリーは甘さを抑えており、コーヒーの香りと味を良く感じられました。 カヌレも良かった。 全部とても美味しく頂きました。 お店の方の笑顔がとても素敵でした。
I bought a short cake, cheese tart, pudding and watered coffee jelly and cane. The short cake had a fine sponge texture and it was a good mouth to have it combined with the cream as moist. The cheese tart has a good combination of cheese and cookie dough, and it tastes good with a thick cheese taste that feels good. The pudding was a good combination of smooth texture, good sweetness and caramel. The outpouring coffee jelly has less sweetness, and the coffee smell and taste was well felt. Kanure was also good. Everything was very delicious. The smile of the shop was very nice.
so fy on Google

As I asked you earlier, I thought that I could make cashless payment and enjoyed eating cake, so I visited the store. Cashless payment was impossible, but PayPay is possible. I didn't know if the price was enough, so I bought one. If the number of points is less than 2, the customer will bear the box fee. It was dangerous for my wallet, so I asked if I could save if I didn't get the box or bag by saying "By the way." At that time, he said that he will service this time, but I heard that if you do not include the box fee etc., you will not make money. In fact, the box fee and the cake fee were in my wallet, so when I told him to "pay," he said, "Please give me if you can." What do you mean. I think there was a choice of words. I didn't want to go again, and I should write that less than two points would cost a positive amount. I can't say it because I will eat the flavor later, but would it be possible for a store that doesn't value customers in this age? I think it would have been nice to say that there is no amount of money, and I do not recommend it because it will never go again even if it is delicious. Waiting on customers seemed to be dull, and I really felt sick. I might have taken such an attitude because I was a student, but I was really angry.
コテツ on Google

The personality of the shop staff and the deliciousness of the cake are all perfect. It's only when I went to Takamatsu because it's Kansai now, but if you like cakes, you'll want to go there regularly.
17剛田 on Google

お菓子は大好きです。 でも態度とかなんか無言の圧力がひどいです…
I love sweets. But the attitude and the silent pressure are terrible ...
hiro udon on Google

クマやヒヨコのデザインのケーキがあったり、外観の割りに子供ウケ良さそうなイメージでした。 写真はレモンタルトです。 しっかりとレモンピールが入っており、食べ応えもgood。 いろいろ買って試してみたいです。
There were cakes designed by bears and chicks, and it seemed like a good child for the appearance. The photo is a lemon tart. It has a good lemon peel and is good to eat. I want to buy and try various things.
こまり on Google

何回も利用してます! ただただ美味しいし、オーナーの優しい人柄がケーキに表れてます! 誕生日ケーキも、子供の好きな物だけ伝えてデザインは完全にお任せしてるけど毎回丁寧な作りでとても美味しい。 着色料使わないから凝ったデザインはできずすみませんって言ってたけどすごく立派で喜んでます! うちの子供達も名前を覚えてくれて優しくしてくれるのでオーナーが大好きです。 値段も税込表記で、すごく手頃な設定にしてくれてると思うし、混んでたら、待たせてすみませんと他のお客さんにも常に気を遣ってくれてます。 お兄さん一人でやってるから作るのと接客とが忙しくて、それを近所の人は分かって待ってる感じです。 バイト求人出しても来ないのかな? 態度悪いって書かれてるから何か誤解されて悪く受け取られたのか、オーナーの職人向けな性格が誤解されたのかな? ちょっと残念ですが、印象、感想は人それぞれですね! 口コミ見てカヌレ買ってみようと思いつつ 、いつも結局ケーキを買ってしまうので今度カヌレを買ってみたいです! 追記 カヌレ買ってみました! カリカリの中にモチモチで美味しかったです!手もベタベタにならない! お土産に今度使います!
I use it many times! It's just delicious and the owner's gentle personality appears in the cake! As for the birthday cake, I tell only the children's favorite things and leave the design completely, but it is very delicious because it is carefully made every time. I said I'm sorry I couldn't make an elaborate design because I don't use coloring, but I'm very happy with it! I love the owner because my kids also remember their names and are kind to me. The price is also tax-included, and I think that it is a very reasonable setting, and if it is crowded, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, and other customers are always careful. Since my brother is doing it alone, he is busy making and serving customers, and the neighbors understand it and wait. Will it not come even if I put out a part-time job? Was it misunderstood and received badly because it was written that the attitude was bad, or was the owner's personality for craftsmen misunderstood? It's a little disappointing, but each person has different impressions and impressions! Looking at the word of mouth and thinking about buying canelé I always end up buying cakes, so I'd like to buy canelé next time! Postscript I bought a canelé! It was crispy and chewy and delicious! Your hands are not sticky! I will use it as a souvenir next time!

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