青山餃子房 亀有店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 青山餃子房 亀有店

住所 :

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : https://r.gnavi.co.jp/35fmya220000/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Kameari, Katsushika City, 〒125-0061 Tokyo,Japan
珈琲詩人789 on Google

餃子は大きくて安価で美味しい。 チャーハン食べることは、これからはないな。
Dumplings are big, cheap and delicious. I will never eat fried rice.
健一久保田 on Google

何を食べても本格的で美味しい。 麻婆豆腐に豆鼓が入っているし良くできていると思います。 このあたりの中華屋さんの中ではピカイチ!
No matter what you eat, it is authentic and delicious. I think the mabo tofu has tofu and it is well made. In the Chinese shop around here, Pikaichi!
Su Ya on Google

It was very delicious ♪
いしいみえ on Google

ランチの餃子定食は大きめの餃子が8個もあって食べ応えあり!そしておいしい! ただ女性にはちょっと多いかも。 なので、ふたりでもうひとりの人には日替わり定食を頼んでもらってシェアするのがいいと思う。
The lunch dumpling set meal has 8 large dumplings, so it's worth eating! And delicious! However, it may be a little more for women. So, I think it's a good idea to ask the other person to ask for a daily set meal and share it.
かさはらあつし on Google

Visit at lunch. A Chinese restaurant with a great choice of set meals and ramen sets. It feels relatively reasonable. It is quite crowded at noon. There are many families. As there are three counter seats, one person is safe, too. If you think that the dumpling set meal is the same as or slightly higher than the chain store for 700 yen, 8 pieces that are two to three times larger will come and be surprised. The taste was plump and delicious. It took about 10 minutes to come and it was big and it took time to burn it and it was crowded. Drink bar also offers free lunch for free. There was little, but the sweet potato tofu was also delicious. It became a favorite. It seems like smoking is acceptable, so if you smoke next to it, it might be tough.
Taimei Sengan on Google

他のお店で食べた事が無いので比べる事が出来ず純粋な私の好みなのですが、麻辣湯が絶品なんです。麻が強く辣が低めで香菜臭い感じでは無くダシのような味が濃い目で呑んだ後のシメ何かにも最高に合うかと思います。 麻婆麺は醤油の風味と卵麺が懐かしい味を出しておりこちらも美味しい! 油淋鶏も肉厚では無いですが写真より量が多くザクザクでキャベツと最高に合う。 と、餃子以外の料理もどれを取っても美味しいのですが唯一あげるなら…魯肉飯の味は人を選ぶかもしれません。 因みに、先の口コミに「お皿を早く下げるのが…」と書かれてますが、中国では空の皿を早く下げるのには理由があったと思います。。 2022年2月:追記します。 麻辣湯は終わってしまいました。 でも他のお料理も美味しいし、店員さんも愛想が良く、変わらずオススメのお店です!
I haven't eaten it at other restaurants, so I can't compare it, so it's my pure taste, but Malatang is excellent. The hemp is strong and the crab is low, and it doesn't smell like coriander, but it has a strong taste like dashi. Mapo noodles have a soy sauce flavor and egg noodles that have a nostalgic taste, which is also delicious! Deep-fried chicken with soy sauce is not thick, but the amount is larger than the one in the photo, and it is crunchy and goes best with cabbage. Any dish other than dumplings is delicious, but the only thing I can give you is ... The taste of lo bah png may be chosen by people. By the way, in the previous review, it was written that "lowering the plate quickly ...", but I think there was a reason to lower the empty plate quickly in China. .. February 2022: Added. Malatang is over. However, the other dishes are delicious, and the clerk is friendly, so I still recommend this restaurant!
Fin'z on Google

麻婆豆腐丼は花椒が良く効いていて美味しいのですが、もう少し甜麺醤を増やして甘辛さのバランスを調整すればもっと良くなるのではないかと思います。 結構刺激が強いので、辛いのが苦手な人には食べきれないかもです。 餃子は普通の大きさの約1.5倍位はあり、十分に食べ応えがありますが、ニンニクが少ないためちょっと物足りなさを感じました。ご馳走さまでした。
The mapo tofu cake has a good effect on the flower buds, but I think that if you add a little more soy noodle sauce and adjust the balance of sweetness, it will be better. Because it is quite stimulating, it may not be eaten by those who are not good at spicy. The dumplings are about 1.5 times the normal size and can be eaten enough, but I felt a little unsatisfactory because of the small amount of garlic. It was a feast.
徳嶺昴 on Google

モッチリ太皮の大きめの焼き餃子は、中の餡もまあまあ美味しく、定食に+200円で3個追加できるのはお得感がある。 町の中華の定番メニューはほぼ網羅しているが、メニューによって当たり外れが大きい気がする。とはいえ、好みの問題だろうとは思う。 鶏肉の味噌炒めはイマイチだった。 多くの人は気にしない些細なことなのかもしれないが、(飲みながらいろいろ注文ではなく)定食を食べてて、店内がガラガラにも関わらず、一部の皿が空になるとすぐに、店員が断りもなくその皿を下げていくのは鬱陶しくてイラッとした。定食を食べ終わったらどうせすぐに帰るのだから、それまで干渉せずに待っていればいいのに、ちょくちょく皿を下げに来て不快だった。 味は値段の割に悪くはなかったが、店員が鬱陶しかったので、(似たようなお店は他にもあるし)また行こうとは思わないかな?
The large-sized grilled dumplings with thick skin are so delicious that the bean paste inside is reasonably good, and it is a good deal to add three to the set meal for +200 yen. Most of the standard Chinese menus in the town are covered, but I feel that some menus are a big hit. But I think it's a matter of taste. Stir-fried chicken with miso was not good. It may be a trivial matter that many people don't care about, but as soon as some dishes are empty after eating a set meal (rather than ordering while drinking) and the store is rattling, the clerk However, it was annoying and frustrating to lower the plate without notice. When I finished eating the set meal, I would go home immediately, so I had to wait without interfering until then, but I was uncomfortable when I came to lower the plate from time to time. The taste wasn't bad for the price, but the clerk was annoyed (there are other similar shops), so why not go again?

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