Kakuya Coffee Stand - Funabashi

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kakuya Coffee Stand

住所 :

2階 5 Chome-15-5 Nishifuna, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0031, Japan

Postal code : 273-0031
Webサイト : https://www.kakuyagroup.com/detail
Opening hours :
Saturday 12–10PM
Sunday 12–10PM
Monday 12–10PM
Tuesday 12–10PM
Wednesday 12–10PM
Thursday 12–10PM
Friday 12–10PM

2階 5 Chome-15-5 Nishifuna, Funabashi, Chiba 273-0031, Japan
M H on Google

カウンター席とわずかなテーブル席が隠れ家的な雰囲気をかもし出す店内はしっとりと落ち着いていてゆっくりコーヒーを味わえる。 その日の日替わりコーヒーをマスターが細かく説明しながら最高の状態で淹れてくれるのがすごく良かった。 ただ、1つ残念なのが、このご時世でマスターが何故かノーマスク。しかもカウンターで常連のお客様と世間話をしながらメニューを作っている。 こだわりコーヒーも良かったのでまた行きたいと思ったが、コロナが終息するまで行くのは止めようと思った。
The counter seats and a few table seats create a hideaway atmosphere, and the interior is moist and calm, and you can enjoy coffee slowly. It was great that the master explained the daily coffee of the day in detail and brewed it in the best condition. However, one unfortunate thing is that the master is no mask for some reason in this age. Moreover, the menu is made while chatting with regular customers at the counter. The coffee I was particular about was good, so I wanted to go there again, but I decided to stop going until Corona was over.
konekoagemasu on Google

この日のコーヒーは2種類。濃い味とフルーティなの ネルドリップで入れてくれます ケーキはメニューにあるワッフルとバニラアイス、もう一つはメニューにないチーズケーキ どちらもめちゃ美味しかった 店舗は映えるいい雰囲気! 深夜2時まで営業していてナイトツーリングのラストにちょうどいいお店 駐車場があれば最高なんだけどなー
There are two kinds of coffee on this day. It's strong taste and fruity You can put in a flannel drip The cake is waffle and vanilla ice cream on the menu, the other is cheese cake not on the menu Both were very delicious Good atmosphere that stores shine! A store that is open until midnight and is the perfect place for the last night touring It would be great if there was a parking lot
トマトトマト on Google

ネルドリップコーヒーをいただきましたが、とても濃厚で美味しかったですし、マスターもとても良い方で、また行きたいと思います! 今度はジンをいただきたいです。
I had Nel drip coffee and it was very rich and delicious, and the master is also very good and I would like to go again! I would like to have gin this time.
U1 H.L. on Google

お店の中も音楽も落ち着いているのに とてもいい刺激をいただきました。しっかりとした味と香りのネルドリップのコーヒーも こちらのお店ならではの そんな雰囲気にぴったりで、とても充実した時間を過ごせた、と感じました。
Even though the inside of the shop and the music were calm, it was very inspiring. Nel drip coffee with a strong taste and aroma is perfect for such an atmosphere unique to this shop, and I felt that I had a very fulfilling time.
motozu tsuka on Google

自転車で通っていて危うく見落とすくらい気づきませんでした。 民間?の2階へ上がる階段を登っていくとドアがあり店内はテーブル何席かとカウンターで 狭いです。 平日なのにほぼ満席で人気度が分かります。 コーヒーは一杯だてで香り良く美味しい。
I went by bicycle and didn't notice it so much that I almost overlooked it. private? There is a door when you go up the stairs to the 2nd floor of the store, and there are some tables and counters inside the store. It's narrow. Even though it is a weekday, it is almost full and you can see the popularity. The coffee is fresh, fragrant and delicious.
Nathan H on Google

Intensely recommended. The vibe is rustic, yet modern. It has aesthetic. It has french toast. The sofa is soft and I desire to sit in it daily. A+ come here
Ana Maria on Google

Great and unique place to meet and make nee friends. The owner is extremely nice and cool and his coffee is made with care and a passion. He loves his customers and his work.
Yosh โยชิ Nak on Google

You can enjoy Brazilian deep roasted coffee slowly in a calm brown space that you can not imagine from the outside.

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