Kaku Sushi - Hirakata

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaku Sushi

住所 :

1 Chome-26-16 Kuzuhaoka, Hirakata, Osaka 573-1104, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87877
Postal code : 573-1104

1 Chome-26-16 Kuzuhaoka, Hirakata, Osaka 573-1104, Japan
沖村泰啓 on Google

There is no cost performance.
tricycle2011 on Google

fresh. As expected, a fish shop sushi restaurant
おちゃすすぐ on Google

Inexpensive and delicious, but customers are regular
一ノ瀬廣司 on Google

It's a very nice shop! The material was excellent ❗
まるこひの on Google

美味しいです。 でもいつやってるかわからんの。
Is delicious. But I don't know when I'm doing it.
柴田京一朗 on Google

Delicious ? cheap ? best‼ ️
Cask Deep on Google

住宅街の一角にある小さな寿司屋。年輪を感じるその建物は、その引戸を開けるのをためらわせるかもしれません。一抹の不安を感じながらも、勧めてくれた友人の言葉を信じてガラッと開けて店内に入ります。内装は外装と同じく昭和を感じる古びれた印象ですが、それに似合わない若々しい大将と活発そうな奥様が迎え入れてくれました。7~8席のカウンターと小上がりのこじんまりした客席です。数人の先客がおられました。ご近所の方でしょうか、品の良い老夫婦と常連らしき紳士二人が何やら摘まみながらゆったりと酒を酌み交わし雑談してます、いいなあ。さて、カウンターに腰を掛け何を注文するか思いを巡らせながら辺りを見回します。小ぶりなネタケースや壁に貼ってあるメニューをみて迷っていると、今日のお勧めを常連さんが教えてくれました。それと地酒を注文してまず一杯、美味です。そしてかねてから聞いていた噂のマグロのお造りを注文します。「今日のは脂が多いとこだけどいいかな?」と大将。一瞬戸惑いますが中トロになるけどって事だと気づきました。シャイな大将です、勿論いただきました。こんな感じで杯をすすめて会計の際にビックリ、こんなに安くて良いんですか!!心にも財布にも負担をかけずにゆっくりいたしました。またうかがいます。 小さな店ですので大勢では入れそうにありません、少人数でどうぞ。小さなお子様向きではありません。月から水曜は営業してません。よく満員になるそうです、電話で確認をされた方がよさそうです。
A small sushi restaurant in a corner of a residential area. The building, which feels annual rings, may hesitate to open the sliding door. Even though I feel a little uneasy, I believe in the words of my friend who recommended me and open it up and enter the store. The interior has the same old-fashioned impression as the exterior, but a youthful general who doesn't look good on it and his wife who seems to be active welcomed us. It is a counter with 7 to 8 seats and a small seat with a small rise. There were several predecessors. Perhaps it's a neighbor, a good old couple and two gentlemen who seem to be regulars are chatting while having a relaxing drink while picking something. Now, sit down at the counter and look around, pondering what to order. When I was at a loss when I saw the small material case and the menu on the wall, the regulars told me today's recommendations. I also ordered local sake and the first drink was delicious. And I will order the rumored tuna sashimi that I have heard for a long time. "Is it okay to have a lot of fat today?" Said the general. I'm confused for a moment, but I realized that it's going to be a medium fatty tuna. I'm a shy general, of course. I recommend a cup like this and am surprised at the time of accounting, is it okay for it to be so cheap? !! I relaxed without putting a burden on my heart and wallet. I will ask you again. It's a small shop, so it's unlikely that many people will enter it, so please use a small number of people. Not suitable for small children. It is closed from Monday to Wednesday. It seems that it is often full, so it seems better to confirm by phone.
秀明四方 on Google

The atmosphere of the restaurant is nice, with big and delicious ingredients.

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