パティスリー花梨 - Kakogawa

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パティスリー花梨

住所 :

Kakogawacho, Kakogawa, 〒675-0065 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879778
Postal code : 675-0065
Webサイト : http://fruits-karin.com/
街 : Hyogo

Kakogawacho, Kakogawa, 〒675-0065 Hyogo,Japan
あっこ on Google

The cake with plenty of fruit is attractive! The shop's favorite “Peach Princess” is only in the middle of the seeds! It was a gem that could taste the full flavor of peaches!
山崎英里 on Google

スポンジ部分&生クリームのお味が上品。ついつい2個??デザートは、別腹発想の女子には?堪りません!!(スーパー等々)通常の✖3値段↗設定の単品 果物も舌?が納得?
The taste of the sponge and fresh cream is elegant. Two pieces of strawberry desserts are unbearable for girls with different stomachs! ! (Supermarket etc.) Single item with regular price of 3 yen.
MKY J12 on Google

ケーキがとても美味しいので、焼菓子も美味しいだろうと贈答用に購入しました。 賞味期限が長い方がいいので、色々悩んでいたのですが店員の方が奥の新しい、期限が長くもつ方の品を売って下さって本当に嬉しかったです。お店の本音は賞味期限が短い方を売ってしまいたいだろうに、一品しか購入しない私の為にお心遣いをして下さって本当に有り難かったです。 味も接客もピカ一のお店です。
The cake is so delicious that I bought it as a gift because I thought the baked sweets would be delicious. I had a lot of trouble because it was better to have a long expiration date, but I was really happy that the clerk sold a new product with a long expiration date. The real intention of the shop is that I would like to sell the one with the shortest expiration date, but I am really grateful for the consideration for me who buys only one item. It is the best restaurant for both taste and customer service.
けた on Google

Fruit shop fruit cake. It is decided to be delicious! This time the strawberry, raspberry and chocolate cakes were especially delicious.
中渕明文 on Google

I bought a birthday cake for my grandson. Fruit cakes were delicious because many people buy fruits for gifts.
k naga on Google

果物が宝石のようにみえるケーキ! さすが、果物屋さんのケーキ!! フルーツののったかき氷が、めちゃくちゃ美味しそうですが、値段もなかなかですね。 ご馳走して貰えるなら、このお店をリクエストします♡自分にはちょっと手が出ません 笑 口コミが少ないのが不思議すぎます。
A cake that makes fruits look like jewels! As expected, a fruit shop cake !! The shaved ice with fruits looks insanely delicious, but the price is quite good. If you can treat me, I will request this shop ♡ I can not afford it lol It is too strange that there are few reviews.
こたちゃん on Google

今ではないのですが、このいちごは今まで食べた中でも一番おいしかったですね☺️ 形が綺麗だし、色も味も最高です。
It's not now, but this strawberry was the most delicious I've ever eaten ☺️ The shape is beautiful and the color and taste are the best.
furi moro on Google

I received a simple roll cake for 1260 yen. It is a fresh cream that has been assassinated. Next, expectations are high for those with fruits.

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