ファーストステージ 小町カレン加古川 - Kakogawa

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ファーストステージ 小町カレン加古川

住所 :

Kakogawa, 〒675-0066 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 675-0066
Webサイト : http://www.firststage.co.jp/
街 : Hyogo

Kakogawa, 〒675-0066 Hyogo,Japan
河野陽子 on Google

出来上がった振り袖を取りに来ました✨ 素敵な仕上がりで安心しました。 成人式が楽しみです?
I came to pick up the finished furisode ✨ I was relieved with the wonderful finish. I'm looking forward to the coming-of-age ceremony ?
moeha on Google

自分の顔に合わせて似合った振袖を選んでくれます!スタッフさんもすごく親切です! すっごいおすすめです!!!
They will choose the furisode that suits your face! The staff are also very kind! I highly recommend it! !! !!
ma na on Google

All the staff are very kind, cheerful and fun. I was relieved and reassured that I was able to respond quickly to sudden troubles. Thank you for your help ♡
meg f- on Google

In addition to buying accessories, I also received advice on coming-of-age kimono! I'm glad you kindly saw me ☺️
藤本星那 on Google

初めての着付けで緊張したけど、スタッフさんと話したりしながらでとても楽しかったです^^ 成人式が楽しみです!ありがとうございました?
I was nervous when I dressed for the first time, but it was a lot of fun while talking to the staff ^^ I'm looking forward to the coming-of-age ceremony! Thank you ?
maho on Google

頼んでた振袖が出来上がって取りに来ました!とても可愛くてほんとに楽しみです!!店員さんとのお話も楽しくて地域1番店です‪(*ˊᵕˋ* )
The furisode I was asking for was completed and I came to pick it up! It's so cute and I'm really looking forward to it! !! It's fun to talk with the clerk and it's the first store in the area (* ˊᵕˋ *)
草野弘子 on Google

長女の時に小町カレンで購入した着物を次女、三女にも使う予定で小物をコーディネートしていただきました。 個性に合わせて、とてもキュートな仕上がりにしていただきました。 川上さん最高✨
I was planning to use the kimono I bought at Karen Komachi when I was the eldest daughter for my second and third daughters, and they coordinated the accessories. I had you make it a very cute finish according to individuality. Kawakami is the best ✨
ゆき(Pomeranianlove) on Google

Thanks to the prompt response, I was able to purchase the Houmongi. I was asked to cut the sandals and bag set at half price, but after all it was said that it was more profitable because there was a payback, so I bought it regularly, but I calculated that half price was cheaper am. But I'm glad that I was able to respond in various ways.

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