Kakkozawa Camping Ground - Chōsei District

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kakkozawa Camping Ground

住所 :

Yamanogo, Nagara, Chōsei District, Chiba 297-0231, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 297-0231

Yamanogo, Nagara, Chōsei District, Chiba 297-0231, Japan
Mたつき on Google

In a good way, you can enjoy camping just before the camp. It was a campsite for adults, not for children. I like it so much that I want to go there again. However, it was a pity that there was a loud musician outside the campsite.
yashichi. jumper on Google

雰囲気良いです。 買い物のためのスーパー、温泉は近くにありませんが、好きな人は好きなとても素敵なキャンプ場になります。キャンプに慣れてる人にはオススメです。
The atmosphere is good. There are no supermarkets or hot springs nearby for shopping, but if you like it, it will be a very nice campsite you like. Recommended for those who are accustomed to camping.
on come on Google

2022年2月利用 テント設営場所は受付小屋の前のエリアとそこから80m程奥のエリアの2箇所で可能。 トイレが汚いとのことでしたが私が設営した受付小屋前の近くのトイレは洋式和式共に最新設備でした。洋式はウォシュレット付きです。トイレが汚いとのレビューが多かったですが、もしかしたら奥のエリアにもトイレがあってそちらのトイレのが汚いのかな?(要確認) 受付小屋には10匹程猫がおりかなり人懐こい猫が2匹いたので猫好きの方は受付小屋の駐車場の前に設営すると良いでしょう。私は持ってましたが慣れてる2匹はちゃおちゅーるやまたたびが無くてもだっこできると思います。夜にテントの中まで入って来てくつろいでいく猫もいました。 料金は一泊2人5000円でした。 チェーンソーは壊す人が多いので現在貸し出しはしてないそうです。薪割りに慣れていない方にお爺さんがやり方を教えていました。 電話受付時はキャンプ場特有の頑固そうなお爺さんだなと思いましたが会ってみると親切で優しかったです。是非また利用したいです。
Used in February 2022 Tent can be set up in two places, the area in front of the reception hut and the area about 80m behind it. It was said that the toilet was dirty, but the toilet near the reception shed I set up was the latest equipment in both Western and Japanese styles. Western style comes with a washlet. There were many reviews that the toilet was dirty, but maybe there is a toilet in the back area and that toilet is dirty? (Confirmation required) There are about 10 cats in the reception hut, and there are 2 very friendly cats, so if you like cats, you should set up in front of the parking lot of the reception hut. I had one, but I think the two that I'm used to can do it even if I don't have time. Some cats came into the tent at night and relaxed. The price was 5,000 yen for 2 people per night. Many people break chainsaws, so they are not currently renting them out. The old man taught me how to do it for those who are not used to chopping wood. At the time of receiving the phone call, I thought he was a stubborn old man peculiar to the campsite, but when I met him, he was kind and kind. I definitely want to use it again.
m h on Google

比較的行きやすく、利用料金もそれほど高くなく良いと思います。サイトは広くはないけど、雰囲気は森の中のキャンプ場といった感じがあります。個人的には好みのキャンプ場です。 トイレが水洗ではないので、トイレを気にする方には向きません。 未整備の林や急斜面だらけなので子連れでキャンプするのはリスクが大きいのでオススメしません。
I think it's relatively easy to get there and the usage fee is not so high. The site is not large, but the atmosphere is like a campsite in the woods. Personally, this is my favorite campground. Since the toilet is not flushed, it is not suitable for those who care about the toilet. It is not recommended to camp with children because there are many undeveloped forests and steep slopes, so camping with children is risky.
K M on Google

珍しい直火OKのキャンプ場です。管理人さん達が掃除をしているのをよく見かけますし、意外にも?きれいです。道路脇から山に入ったところで自然を感じ、受付で少し不安を覚えるのですが、コンクリートなどで整備され過ぎてないところがいいです。 水道はあり、焚き火の残りのまきを捨てる場所があります。ただ、ゴミは持ち帰りです。また、トイレはありますが汲み取り式(いわゆるボットン)で、再三ですが、清潔ではあるものの都会的なところはほぼないので好きな人だけ楽しめるところです。とても気に入りました。 客層は若い集団、ソロ、家族連れといろいろいました。たまたまかもしれませんが、音楽をかけて騒ぐ輩はいませんでした。林間キャンプ的な雰囲気が好きな人が来てそうです。 テント泊で3000円。タープかハンモックを張ると追加で確か1500円の計4500円。人が増えると人数分かかります。
It is a rare campsite where you can open an open fire. I often see the caretakers cleaning, and surprisingly? Is beautiful. I feel nature when I enter the mountain from the side of the road, and I feel a little uneasy at the reception, but it is good that it is not over-maintained with concrete. There is water and there is a place to throw away the rest of the bonfire. However, garbage is taken home. In addition, although there is a toilet, it is a pumping type (so-called botton), and although it is clean, there is almost no urban area, so only those who like it can enjoy it. I like it very much. The customer base was diverse, including young groups, soloists, and families. As it may happen, no one played music and made noise. People who like the atmosphere of a forest camp are coming. 3000 yen for a tent night. If you put a tarp or a hammock, it will be an additional 1500 yen, for a total of 4500 yen. If the number of people increases, it will take as many people as possible.
DOWN TOWN on Google

雰囲気はとても良いです。 自分で木こりをすれば薪は無料で使い放題です。 有料の薪もあります。500円だったかな? 当日は雨だったのでサイト全体を見てまわっていないので次回にお楽しみです。
The atmosphere is very good. If you do the woodworking yourself, you can use firewood for free. There is also paid firewood. Was it 500 yen? It was raining on that day, so I haven't looked around the entire site, so I'm looking forward to it next time.
Ryo炎舞 on Google

都心部からもアクセスは抜群? 薪の販売や拾い放題の情報も有りましたがあまり当てにはしない方がいいかも知れません どこまでがココの敷地内なのか不明? 慣れた方々はどーやってその藪の中に入って行ったのだろう?って場所で設営しておりました、地べたは土、周囲外界の騒音は無し、穴場感は無し、キャンプ場手前の道の駅は魅力的、女性にはあまりおすすめ出来ないトイレですが山の中…あるだけ有難いと言ったところです
Excellent access from the city center ? There was information on selling firewood and all-you-can-pick up, but it may be better not to rely on it too much. I don't know how far it is on Coco's premises ? How did the accustomed people go into the bush? It was set up in a place, the ground is soil, there is no noise from the surrounding outside, there is no feeling of a secret, the roadside station in front of the campsite is attractive, it is a toilet that is not recommended for women, but it is a mountain Medium ... I just said thank you so much
Casimir Hoke on Google

The guy was nice but the building we stayed in was full of hornets. I get mud is a thing but when you are primarily walking on mud instead of gravel it is annoying

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