
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact よしかわ

住所 :

Kajita, Tomika, Kamo District, 〒501-3301 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://gifu-yoshikawa.com/
街 : Gifu

Kajita, Tomika, Kamo District, 〒501-3301 Gifu,Japan
Tanoue Yasuo on Google

also! Shoto dish! satisfaction!
森良介 on Google

You can enjoy the fruits of the mountains.
佐藤末男 on Google

Please listen to the reputation locally.
ひろうえ on Google

The soup was steamed and the scent and taste of matsutake mushrooms were very delicious.
今枝唯 on Google

初めて来ました! 御主人もとても気さくな方で、 料理の説明もしっかりとしてくださいます。 祖父祖母、母と来ました。 とても喜んでもらえて、 本当に良かったです!
This is my first visit! The master is also very friendly, Please give me a good explanation of the food. I came with my grandfather and grandmother. I am very pleased, It was really good!
まゆみ on Google

期待以上のお料理でした。地元産に、こだわり作っているとの事。普通は、ウーロン茶のビンは、冷たいですが、温かくオカンして出してくれ、寒かったので、良かったです。 マイクロバスの運転手さんも丁寧な方で、とても親切でした〜
It was more than I expected. It is said that local commodities are making attention. Usually, the oolong tea bottle is cold, but it warmly gave me a handout and it was cold, so it was good. The driver of the mini bus was also polite and was very kind ~
sim sim on Google

こんにゃくが一番美味しかった 松茸は普通です♪
Konjac was the most delicious Matsutake mushrooms are normal ♪
英じろう on Google

I had a course meal of pine mushrooms. How many years have you eaten a decent matsutake mushroom? When making a phone reservation, I was told to refuse at first glance because I wanted to give priority to regulars during the matsutake mushroom season, but I felt that it would be okay because there was a vacancy. The amount of matsutake mushrooms is large for the price. I wonder if the steamed matsutake mushrooms in a clay bottle tasted like this? The matsutake mushrooms that were just baked were the most delicious.

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