Kajikawa Hospital - Hiroshima

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kajikawa Hospital

住所 :

1 Chome-1-23 Higashisendamachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 730-0053
Webサイト : http://www.suiseikai.jp/

1 Chome-1-23 Higashisendamachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0053, Japan
山本亜弥 on Google

とても親切な看護師さんがいます。 夜中の腹痛に最後までつき合ってもらい感謝です。見た目とは違い優しいさを感じました。 立派な看護師さんとしてこれからご活躍をきたいしてます
There is a very kind nurse. I'm grateful to have been with my stomach pain in the middle of the night. I felt the gentleness unlike the appearance. I want to play an active role as a fine nurse
tamaki K on Google

脳梗塞で救急に運ばれた際、救急車から下ろされてすぐ、医師がどうしたのか訪ねてきました。話そうとしましたがうまく呂律が回らず、自分の唾液すら飲み込めず、咳き込んで説明出来ませんでした。 その医師は「何言いよるんかわからんわ。もうええわ」と半笑いで投げ捨てるように言い放つと、その場から立ち去りました。 (そもそも脳梗塞で救急車で運ばれてきたのにスラスラ答えられるわけがないです…) 担当医にはならなかったようですが、だったら何故話しかけて来たりしたのか、一体何だったのか、思い出しても未だに不可解で腹立たしくなります。 入院中、看護師の方も2~3人対応が悪い方がいて、その方たちが夜勤担当だとトイレに行けなかったり(同伴がないと行けない)、ナースコールで来てもらえなかったり、心ない言葉を言われたり、本当に困り、悔しい思いもしました。 対応の悪い看護師の方いわく、患者さんのお世話はポイント制らしく、沢山ポイントが稼げる患者さんのところが優先なのだとの事。 (そんな話を患者に聞かせるのもどうかと思いますが…) 担当医師は勿論、優しい先生が大半ですし、殆どの看護師さんには大変親切にしていただいて感謝しています。 悪態をついた医師も対応の悪い看護師も、院内のごく一部の人たちです。 ですが、退院して通院の今も、嫌な医師や看護師を思い出して苦々しく思っています。 どの病院でも大なり小なりあることだとは思いますし、患者も色々でストレスが溜まるのも解りますが、患者優先であることをアピールしている病院でのことなので、余計に残念に感じてしまうのかもしれません。 建物はまだ新しく綺麗です。ハズレの医師と看護師にさえ遭わなければ良い病院だと思います。
When I was taken to the emergency room due to a cerebral infarction, the doctor asked me what happened immediately after I was taken out of the ambulance. I tried to talk, but I couldn't explain it because I couldn't swallow my saliva and coughed. The doctor said, "I don't know what to say. Moueewa," with a half laugh and told him to throw it away, and then walked away. (In the first place, I was carried by an ambulance due to a cerebral infarction, but I can't answer fluently ...) It seems that he didn't become the doctor in charge, but even if he remembers why he talked to him and what he was, it still makes me confused and annoyed. During hospitalization, there are a couple of nurses who are not good at dealing with people, and if they are in charge of night shifts, they may not be able to go to the bathroom (cannot go without accompanying them), or they may not be able to come by nurse call. I was told words that I didn't mind, and I was really in trouble and regrettable. According to a poorly responsive nurse, care for patients seems to be point-based, and patients who can earn a lot of points are prioritized. (I think it would be nice to tell the patient such a story ...) Most of the doctors in charge are kind, of course, and I am grateful to most of the nurses for their kindness. Only a small number of people in the hospital are cursed doctors and poorly responsive nurses. However, even after I was discharged from the hospital and went to the hospital, I still feel bitter because I remember the unpleasant doctors and nurses. I think that there are big and small things in every hospital, and I understand that patients also get stressed in various ways, but it is a hospital that emphasizes that patients are prioritized, so I feel more disappointed. It may end up. The building is still new and beautiful. I think it's a good hospital if you don't even meet a lost doctor and nurse.
もちもちともち on Google

The teacher and the nurse were very good, but the receptionist's attitude was too bad.
にぼし丸 on Google

担当医の差が大きかったです。 2人の先生に診ていただきました。1人はしっかりと話を聞いて、丁寧に対応頂いたのですが、もう1人の先生では不安が残る診察となってしまいました。事務の方の対応も丁寧だったのですか、片方の先生の対応が残念だったため、星3とさせて頂きました。病院自体は綺麗です。結局どこの病院でも同じことですが、担当医の差が大きいとは思います。。。 コロナ禍で色々大変な中、対応頂いたのは感謝しています。
There was a big difference between the doctors in charge. I had two teachers see me. One of them listened carefully and responded politely, but the other teacher left us with anxiety. Was the response of the clerical staff polite? I was disappointed with the response of one of the teachers, so I gave it a star of 3. The hospital itself is beautiful. After all, it is the same at every hospital, but I think there is a big difference between the doctors in charge. .. .. I am grateful for the support I received during the various difficulties caused by the corona.
はまさきちすご on Google

親族が夕方過ぎに救急で運ばれた際に受付の方の対応が過去1で最悪でした。 「〇〇〇〇円ももってないんですか〜?」っと。言い方があるとおもいました。 その他は普通です。利便性もあるとおもいました。 お金をかけているの以上利益は求める傾向にあるんでしょうね、医療なので中身をしっかりして頂きたいです。受付は医療では無いですが含めてだと思います。
When my relatives were taken by emergency after the evening, the receptionist's response was the worst in the past 1. "Don't you have 000 yen?" I thought there was a way to say it. Others are normal. I thought it would be convenient. As long as you spend money, you tend to seek profits, but since it is medical care, I would like you to make sure the contents are solid. The reception is not medical, but I think it is included.
俵屋米兵衛 on Google

母を診てもらいましたが、最初は母の脳内に硬膜下血腫が診られて、かかりつけ医からの紹介で、救急車で搬送頂き、親切で凄腕の若い男性医師に15分程度の瀉血手術で、1週間後には、退院出来、大変感謝しました。 その後に、食欲不振により衰弱してきて、救急車を呼んで搬送して頂きましたが、その日に前回の医師は不在で他の若い女医が、対応しましたが、食べ飲み出来ない状態なのに、入院させることも無く、直ぐに帰れの一点張りで、1度車を取りに戻って、不安だったので近所に住む従姉姉に来て貰って話を聞いて、一緒に入院しなくても良いのか?と問い質しても、不要と言って取り合わず、断念して、帰宅してから翌日にその女医からの連絡で、「大した用事はないのですが、その後どうですか?」と問われ、食欲不振が続いてると言っても「入院するにしても、付ける病名が無いので、様子見でまた何かあったら連絡してください」と言われ…今がその「何かある時じゃないんか!?」とと思いましたが、その2日後に亡くなりました。お陰様で、担当する医師によっては、大損しますので、ご用心なさって下さい。自分は、二度と行きません。
I had my mother examined, but at first I was diagnosed with subdural hematoma in my mother's brain, and after being referred by my family doctor, I was transported by ambulance, and a kind and talented young male doctor gave me bloodletting for about 15 minutes. I am very grateful that I was able to leave the hospital one week after the operation. After that, I became weak due to loss of appetite and called an ambulance to transport me, but on that day the previous doctor was absent and another young female doctor responded, but I was hospitalized even though I could not eat and drink. I didn't have to go home immediately, so I went back to pick up the car once, and I was worried, so I asked my cousin and sister who lived in the neighborhood to come and listen to me, so I don't have to be hospitalized together? Even if I asked, I didn't agree that it was unnecessary, I gave up, and the next day after I got home, the female doctor contacted me and asked, "I don't have much business, but what about after that?" Even if I say that the slump continues, I was told, "Even if I am hospitalized, there is no name for the disease, so please contact me if something happens again while watching the situation." I thought, "!?", But died two days later. Thanks to you, depending on the doctor in charge, it will be a big loss, so please be careful. I will never go again.
Shion M. on Google

休日に頭痛で行きました。 病院に入った時から受付の態度が悪く、とても無愛想。頭痛くて受診しているのに、スリッパのような靴でパタパタと周りを走り回られ、とても気分が悪かった。ましてや休日に行くのは、翌日が待てないほど痛いから行ってるのに…。 先生は熱心に話を聞いてくれて、いい先生だなと思いましたが、受付のせいで二度と行きたくない。
I went on a holiday with a headache. Since I entered the hospital, the receptionist's attitude was bad and I was very unfriendly. Even though I had a headache and had a medical examination, I felt very sick as I ran around in slipper-like shoes. Even more so, I go on holidays because it hurts so much that I can't wait the next day ... The teacher listened enthusiastically and thought he was a good teacher, but I don't want to go there again because of the reception.

急な発症で入院することになりましたが、皆さんプロの姿勢で対応していただき、最短で退院することができました。 おかげさまで、職場への早期復帰が叶いそうです。 治療と介護に携わっていただいたスタッフの皆さん、本当にありがとうございました。
I was hospitalized due to a sudden onset, but everyone responded with a professional attitude and I was able to leave the hospital in the shortest possible time. Thanks to you, it seems that early return to the workplace will come true. Thank you to all the staff involved in the treatment and long-term care.

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