4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact かじか亭 (KAJIKA-TEI)

住所 :

Teramura, Uchiko, Kita District, 〒791-3502 Ehime,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : http://www.odamachi.com/
街 : Ehime

Teramura, Uchiko, Kita District, 〒791-3502 Ehime,Japan
キミ on Google

It was a very delicious kamaage udon.
風船願坊 on Google

ソロツーで立ち寄る。 ここまでの道すがら目に付いた たらいうどんを頂く。 大豆風味のある出汁と薬味の 生姜は初めての味。¥600。 美味しかったです。 小田川の桜風景と相まって 良い時間を頂きました。
Stop by solo two. I noticed along the way so far I'll get the udon noodles. Soybean-flavored soup stock and condiments Ginger is the first taste. ¥ 600. It was delicious. Coupled with the cherry blossom scenery of the Odagawa I had a good time.
ぺかとちゃん・ on Google

お遍路旅の最後の昼ごはんがここでしたが、最高でした。 店内は綺麗だし、お客様対応も良いし、景色は最高、料理のコスパも良かったです。 特に肉うどんは、表面に肉の絨毯がびっしりで、下のうどんが見えなかったです。
The last lunch of the pilgrimage trip was here, and it was awesome. The inside of the restaurant was beautiful, the customer service was good, the scenery was great, and the food cospa was good. Especially for meat udon, there was a lot of meat carpet on the surface, and I couldn't see the udon underneath.
アンドレモン on Google

道の駅に併設されたうどん店。隣に川が流れてロケーションは最高です。 うどんは細めの柔らかめ。たらいうどんの出汁は大豆が入った懐かしいお味でほっこり。セットの炊き込みご飯に白和えや茶碗蒸し等の副菜がどれも美味しくて感動。 カレーうどんも鰹節が混ざった不思議な食感で美味しかったです。
Udon shop attached to the roadside station. The location is great with a river next to it. Udon is thin and soft. The soup stock of Tara Udon has a nostalgic taste with soybeans and is warm. The side dishes such as white sauce and chawanmushi are all delicious and impressed with the cooked rice in the set. The curry udon was also delicious with a mysterious texture mixed with dried bonito flakes.
こりちゃん on Google

とても、感じの良いお店でした。 たらいうどんを食べにいったのですが、ランチにしました。かぼちゃのサラダが美味しかったです。 店の中と外のあずま屋で食べることが出来ます。
It was a very nice shop. I went to eat udon noodles, but I had lunch. The pumpkin salad was delicious. You can eat at the Azumaya inside and outside the store.
M “MY” on Google

2021/3/28 時間が変わってて…ついに来れました。 来られる方は注意を!笑 肉うどんと、小田産ひしおおにぎり目当てです♫ 甘すぎず辛すぎず…ちょうど良い味。うどんが細くて驚きましたが、ツルツルと喉越し良く美味しかったです! ひとりだったのでカウンターに座って注文したんですが、店主さんに桜の見える席へどうぞとテーブル席へ案内して頂きました。ありがとうございます。おかげで花見気分も味わえました♫ 席は四人掛テーブル席が4つとカウンターが4つです。商品の提供も迅速です。 今度は夏頃に冷たいうどん食べに来ます★
2021/3/28 The time has changed ... I'm finally here. If you can come, be careful! Lol Meat udon and Hishio rice balls from Oda ♫ Not too sweet and not too spicy ... just the right taste. I was surprised that the udon was thin, but it was smooth and delicious! Since I was alone, I sat down at the counter and ordered, but the shopkeeper guided me to the table seat where I could see the cherry blossoms. Thank you very much. Thanks to that, I was able to enjoy the feeling of cherry blossom viewing ♫ There are 4 table seats for 4 people and 4 counters. Product delivery is also quick. This time I will come to eat cold udon noodles around summer ★
越智太志 on Google

The murmuring town of Kajikatei and Oda's Udon noodles are delicious. Soybeans and shiitake mushroom soup stock are also suitable for Oda's udon noodles, so they are not suitable for commercial soup stock that enhances the taste.
m w on Google

ドライブの途中で寄ったお店。店員さんにおすすめは?って尋ねると、「たらいうどん。」「肉うどんも美味しいよ」って事だでしたが、小田といえばたらいうどんかなと思いたらいうどん(並)を選択。 麺は細く讃岐うどんに比べるとコシは弱目だけど、喉越し良く幾らでも食べれそう。出汁に付いてくる柚子が啜った時に鼻に抜ける風味が最高。今度は、肉うどんを食べにまた来たいです。
The shop I stopped by during the drive. What do you recommend for the clerk? When I asked him, he said, "Tarai udon." "Meat udon is also delicious." The noodles are thin and weak compared to Sanuki udon, but it feels good in your throat and you can eat as much as you want. The flavor that comes out of the nose when the yuzu that comes with the soup stock is slurped is the best. Next time, I want to come back to eat meat udon.

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