Kaitayotsuba Clinic - Aki District

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaitayotsuba Clinic

住所 :

5-32 Sakaemachi, Kaita, Aki District, Hiroshima 736-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 736-0043
Webサイト : https://kaitayotsuba-clinic.com/

5-32 Sakaemachi, Kaita, Aki District, Hiroshima 736-0043, Japan
Eペン(おりしの) on Google

D S on Google

The correspondence and the way of speaking were polite and I was able to use it comfortably.
ルミ子栗久 on Google

I caught a cold and my cough did not stop and I felt terrible for 3 weeks, so when I was prescribed this medicine at this hospital, it improved in a day and it became easier. The teacher feels good and I would like to see you again if there is something.
カワサキセイジ on Google

接客も良く、親切丁寧にしてくれました。 院長も優しく、安心出来ると思います。(個人の感想です) 初診で検査だけでも、高くありませんでした。??
The customer service was good and they were kind and polite. The director is also kind and I think you can rest assured. (Personal impression) The examination alone at the first visit was not expensive. ??
Z9きい on Google

初めて予約なしで午後診療で行きました。15時からの診察ですが、患者さんを10分前から先生自ら声かけられて診察されてました。 患者は待たされて当然だと思ってましたが、今日のテキパキと診察される先生の姿は(病院ではありますが)また来たいと思いました。
For the first time, I went for an afternoon medical treatment without reservation. The medical examination started at 15:00, but the patient had been examined by the teacher himself for 10 minutes. I took it for granted that the patient had to wait, but I wanted to see the doctor who is going to be diagnosed as bleak today (although it is a hospital).
ヤバイウインズ on Google

海田市で、貴重なコロナかどうかを看ていただけるクリニック。 簡易型の防護服を着られて、お医者様、看護婦様が看ていただける。私は、県内以外どこにも行ってなかったが、似たような症状だったので看ていただいた。 結果コロナではなかったが。頭が下がる思い。 開業してすぐくらいかな。コロナで大変だと思いますが、落ち着いたら喘息持ちなのでお世話になります。 頑張ってとは言えませんがお疲れ様です!
A clinic where you can see if it is a precious corona in Kaitaichi. Doctors and nurses can see you in simple protective clothing. I didn't go anywhere except in the prefecture, but I had a similar symptom, so I asked him to take a look. The result wasn't corona. I feel like I'm going down. I think it's just after opening. I think it will be difficult in Corona, but if you calm down, you will have asthma, so you will be taken care of. I can't say I'm doing my best, but thank you for your hard work!
ayumi on Google

先生は気さくな方です。 コロナワクチンを打ちに行きましたが娘にも優しく接して下さいました。 娘も年頃で難しいのですが、四つ葉クリニックの先生は好印象だったみたいです。
The teacher is a friendly person. I went to get the corona vaccine, but he kindly treated my daughter. My daughter is also old and difficult, but the teacher at the Yotsuba Clinic seems to have made a good impression.
MaRie on Google

先生も受付の方も、看護師さんもいつもとても気持ちの良い対応をしてくださいます。 先生も気さくで気になることを質問したら丁寧に答えてくださいます^_^ ハキハキしたとても感じの良い先生です。 診察もスムーズなので予約なくても待ち時間もそんなに待たされることはありません。
The teachers, receptionists, and nurses are always very comfortable. If you have any questions that the teacher is friendly and worrisome, please answer politely ^ _ ^ He is a very pleasant teacher who is excited. The consultation is smooth, so you don't have to wait so long without making a reservation.

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