会所の森 親水広場

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 会所の森 親水広場

住所 :

Kaisho, Otaki, Isumi District, 〒298-0276 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.rinya.maff.go.jp/kanto/tiba/invitation/index.html%23kyouikurin
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kaisho, Otaki, Isumi District, 〒298-0276 Chiba,Japan
yasukichisan x on Google

Natural terrarium. The exuding water and moss and pterophyta are beautiful.
CRESCENDO1989 on Google

※2021年12月・・・駐車場を含め工事中です。川には降りられません。ご注意ください。 毎年行きます。気持ちを切り替えるのにいい場所です。
* December 2021 ・ ・ ・ Under construction including parking lot. You can't get down to the river. please note. I go every year. It's a good place to switch feelings.
E.A on Google

秘境ですね。 初めて来ましたこんなに静寂で神秘的な所があるとは知りませんでした。とても綺麗な清流で滝の音川の流れる音鳥の声しか聞こえない静寂の中、石や樹木に苔が生い茂りthe自然て感じです。 遊歩道.飛石.奥にトンネル、人のてが加えられているのに良い環境です。 ただ駐車場の立看板に盗難注意とあるので時間を忘れて楽しめないところがあります。
It is a secret area. I did not know that there was such a quiet and mysterious place that came for the first time. In a very beautiful clear stream, you can only hear the sound of the sound bird flowing from the waterfall of the waterfall, the moss grows on the stones and trees, it feels like the nature. Promenade. Stepping stone. Tunnel in the back, good environment for people to be added. However, there is a place where you can forget the time and enjoy it because there is a sign on the standing sign of the parking lot.
マサ on Google

以前から此方に興味があり訪問 してみたかった場所です。 ストレス社会で疲れが取りづらい世に あって自然な環境がそのまま残っている 会所の森は疲れを取り除き癒しを 得られる貴重な場所。 会所の森は期待を裏切らない 素晴らしい場所でした? 緑が濃く綺麗な川が流れる此処は 秘境と呼ぶに相応しい。 川には小魚(恐らくハヤ)が 沢山泳ぎ緑が日を遮って 暑さは然程感じません。 ただ、夏場は山蛭(やまびる)が 多いので対策は万全にして下さい? 私も薄手のパーカーとスラックス 軍手で防護しました。 出来れば塩?や長靴も用意すれば 鬼に金棒ですね? 私は遊歩道を歩き行ける所まで 行ってみました。 遊歩道のトンネルを抜けると 大木が倒れており遊歩道を遮っていた? 遊歩道も大木の手前辺りに 泥濘(ぬかるみ)があってスニーカーの 私はこれ以上先に進むのは無理と判断 駐車場へ引き返しました? 大木には青大将も這っていて 結構ヒヤッとするシーンも有りましたが 気温が下がり紅葉?の時期に また会所の森に来てみようと思います? 疲れが抜けないと感じる時は 自然なゆらぎを得られる環境に 身を置くのがオススメ? ストレスは無くなりますよ。 ---------------------------------------------- This is a place I've always been interested in and wanted to visit. Kaisho no Mori is a valuable place where you can get rid of fatigue and get healing in a stressful society where it is difficult to get rid of fatigue and the natural environment remains as it is. The forest of the meeting place was a wonderful place that did not disappoint ? This place where a beautiful river with dark green flows is suitable to be called an unexplored region. A lot of small fish (probably haya) swim in the river, and the green blocks the sun and I don't feel the heat so much. However, there are many mountain leeches in the summer, so please take all possible measures ? I also protected with a thin hoodie, slacks, and work gloves. If possible, if you prepare salt ? and boots, it will be a gold rod for demons ? I went to a place where I could walk on the promenade. When I passed through the tunnel of the promenade, a big tree fell down and blocked the promenade ? There was mud on the promenade in front of the big tree, and I decided that I couldn't go any further, so I went back to the parking lot ? There was a scene where the blue general was crawling on the big tree and it was quite a little scary, but when the temperature drops and the autumn leaves ?, I will come back to the forest of the Kaisho ? If you feel tired, it is recommended to put yourself in an environment where you can get natural fluctuations ? Stress will disappear. フィードバックを送信 履歴 保存済み コミュニティ
I have been interested in this place for a long time and visited This is the place I wanted to try. In a stressful society where it is hard to get tired There is a natural environment as it is The forest of the meeting place removes fatigue and heals A valuable place to get. The forest of the meeting place does not disappoint It was a great place ? Here where a beautiful river with dark green flows It is suitable to call it an unexplored region. There are small fish (probably haya) in the river A lot of swimming green blocks the sun I don't feel the heat so much. However, in the summer, there are mountain leeches. There are many, so please take all possible measures ? I also have a thin hoodie and slacks Protected by work gloves. If possible, prepare salt ? and boots It's a gold rod for a demon ? To the point where I can walk on the promenade I went. When you go through the tunnel on the promenade A big tree fell down and blocked the promenade ? The promenade is also in front of the big tree There is mud and sneakers I decided it was impossible to go any further I returned to the parking lot ? The blue general is also crawling on the big tree There were some scenes that made me sick When the temperature drops and the autumn leaves ? I will come to the forest of the meeting place again ? When you feel tired In an environment where you can get natural fluctuations Recommended to put yourself ? The stress is gone. ---------------------------------------------- This is a place I've always been interested in and wanted to visit. Kaisho no Mori is a valuable place where you can get rid of fatigue and get healing in a stressful society where it is difficult to get rid of fatigue and the natural environment remains as it is. The forest of the meeting place was a wonderful place that did not disappoint ? This place where a beautiful river with dark green flows is suitable to be called an unexplored region. A lot of small fish (probably haya) swim in the river, and the green blocks the sun and I don't feel the heat so much. However, there are many mountain leeches in the summer, so please take all possible measures ? I also protected with a thin hoodie, slacks, and work gloves. If possible, if you prepare salt ? and boots, it will be a gold rod for demons ? I went to a place where I could walk on the promenade. When I passed through the tunnel of the promenade, a big tree fell down and blocked the promenade ? There was mud on the promenade in front of the big tree, and I decided that I couldn't go any further, so I went back to the parking lot ? There was a scene where the blue general was crawling on the big tree and it was quite a little scary, but when the temperature drops and the autumn leaves ?, I will come back to the forest of the Kaisho ? If you feel tired, it is recommended to put yourself in an environment where you can get natural fluctuations ? Stress will disappear. Send feedback History Saved community
kanaxxx100 on Google

車で行ったのですが、なかなかの険しい道のり…軽自動車で良かった(´д`) そのままの自然を楽しめる場所です。 ただ本当にそのままの自然なので、 沢に降りる階段が滑りやすくかなり危険です。 沢も一応、歩ける様になってはいますが崖が崩れていたり、大木が道を塞いでいたり、生き物のグロめの死骸が転がっていたり、お年寄りやお子様にはなかなか厳しいかもしれません。 ひとりでのんびり自然を満喫するにはとても良い場所です。
I went by car, but it was a steep road ... It was good to have a light car (´д `) It is a place where you can enjoy nature as it is. It ’s just nature as it is, so The stairs down the river are slippery and quite dangerous. Although the swamp is able to walk, the cliffs have collapsed, large trees are blocking the road, grotesque corpses of creatures are rolling, and it may be quite difficult for the elderly and children. It is a very good place to relax and enjoy nature alone.
Hiro Tome on Google

クチコミ通り人が少なく静かな場所でした。 栗又の滝の混雑にうんざりした時に、逃げてくるのも良いかもしれません。 但し、リアルにヤマビルがいるので、草木の葉っぱの裏には注意です。
It was a quiet place with few people according to the word of mouth. It may be a good idea to escape when you are tired of the congestion of Kurimata Waterfall. However, be careful of the back of the leaves of the vegetation because there is a real Yamabir.
松戸芭蕉 on Google

映画「夏美のホタル」でロケ地となった場所ですけど……現在は周辺の山々を鋭意伐採中〜に付き駐車場?️は利用しずらい!と言うか平日は利用不可だと思います〜 そして伐採した一部の廃材やら砂利石などが沢に崩れ落ちて遊歩道を埋没させてしまっている! 伐採されて山肌が露出して明るくなり、苔むした岩肌は明るくなり日焼けして苔は枯れグリーン色の渓谷だった凄味も無くなり〜以前に沢を流れていた清流は…茶色く濁った水になり水量も少なくて、もはや吸血山ビルと闘いながらわざわざ見に行く場所では無くなった事は残念でならない (*_*)
Sudan Chhetri on Google

Very beautiful place with peaceful environment. There is parking lot also. But this time nobody was there and the networks of cell phone also didn’t work properly so the place is little bit scary. So we returned from parking lot . I missed such a beautiful and wonderful nature and sight seeing at there :( next time I will go with my few more friends and enjoy.

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