Kaiju-ya - Edogawa City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kaiju-ya

住所 :

5 Chome-31-3 Edogawa, Edogawa City, Tokyo 134-0013, Japan

Postal code : 134-0013
Webサイト : https://ameblo.jp/osono911/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–6PM
Wednesday 11AM–6PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–6PM

5 Chome-31-3 Edogawa, Edogawa City, Tokyo 134-0013, Japan
いづみ中村 on Google

目白の頃からよく買いに行ってました 目白の頃はお母さんがお店に立っていました 目白~立川~江戸川とお店が変わりました がパンは変わらず美味しいです これからも続けて欲しいです
I used to go shopping since I was in Mejiro When I was in Mejiro, my mom was standing in the store The shop has changed from Mejiro to Tachikawa to Edogawa But the bread is still delicious I want you to continue
Tomoko on Google

The harder you chew, the more wheat-flavored bread, chocolate chip bread, and everyone's favorite melon bread. It's a bakery where you can enjoy encountering various types of bread every time.
ななみパパ on Google

It opens at 11 o'clock and enters the store immediately. I didn't have all the bread written on Kaijuya's Ameba Blog. I bought horned bread, raisin bread, and wiener rolls. All were delicious, but the square bread and raisin bread were especially delicious. The horned bread was crispy around and fluffy inside, and the scent and taste of butter spread and was delicious the moment I put it in my mouth. The clerk was also kind and polite. I also want to buy
M Akira on Google

パンは何種類か食べましたが、クセが少なく家族で楽しめる味だと思います。 個人的には夕方焼き上がるシナモンロールが一番美味しかったです。 全般に値段は高めだと感じます。
I ate several kinds of bread, but I think it's a taste that can be enjoyed by the family with little habit. Personally, the cinnamon rolls baked in the evening were the most delicious. I feel that the price is generally high.
3 Yukkio on Google

都内No.1 香りも楽しめるパン。メロンパン、アンパンも最高レベル。必ず買うのはかいじゅう食パン
No.1 in Tokyo Bread that you can enjoy the aroma. Melon bread and anpan are also the highest level. Be sure to buy bread
飯野博之 on Google

2020年9月に江戸川区の東端にオープンした、ご夫婦おふたりでやってらっしゃるパン屋さんです。 旧運河の新川沿いを東方面旧江戸川に向かって進むと「新川東水門」の手前の小さな交差点の向こうにあります。店舗の裏には数台分の駐車場もありますので、車で訪れることも可能です。 営業日は、現在のところ、基本的に火、水、金、土のようです。Instagramで営業日案内を含めて発信されてますので、そちらで営業日を確認してから行くことをお勧めします。 パンは、ちょっとお高めですが、とても美味しいです。紅茶メロンぱん、気に入りました。
A bakery that was opened in September 2020 at the eastern end of Edogawa Ward, and is run by a couple. If you go east along the Shinkawa of the old canal toward the Kyuedo River, you will find it at the other side of a small intersection just before the "Shinkawa East Watergate". There is also a parking lot for several cars behind the store, so you can visit by car. Business days are currently basically like Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Since it is sent on Instagram including business day information, it is recommended to check the business day there before going. Bread is a little expensive, but very delicious. I like the tea melon bread.
mary requiem on Google

江戸川に移転してきたばかりの名店 私の中で、都内のパン屋トップ3に入るお店の1つがこちらになります パンの種類はMAXでも10種類前後と多くない 価格を極力揃えるために1個包装から2,3個袋詰の商品混在で330円の商品が多い ご夫婦お二人でパンを焼きながらのオペレーションなので、開店と同時でも全種類は揃わない パン焼きの進行具合で応対を待つことがある など、お店独自の流れがあります 最小限の人数、最大効率化でマイペースに営まれてますので、心に余裕をもって伺いましょう 嬉しいことに4台分駐車場完備で以前より利用しやすくなった チョコチップコッペパン(330円)3種のチーズフランスパン(330円)ぶどうパン(330円)を購入 全部美味しいのは言うまでもなく、チーズフランスパンはこんがりチーズととろっとチーズのマリアージュが最高 やはりチョコチップコッペパンが衝撃的 チョコチップがたっぷり練り込まれたコッペパンと名前のまんまの商品なんですが、コッペパンのレベルが別次元 香ばしい表面、中ふんわりもっちりで小麦の風味が強く、チョコチップたっぷりなのに完全に脇役に こんな美味しいコッペパンそうそう無い やはり、かいじゅう屋さんは都内屈指の名店です
A well-known store that has just moved to the Edo River This is one of the top 3 bakeries in Tokyo There are not many types of bread, even at MAX, around 10 types. In order to make the price as uniform as possible, there are many products of 330 yen with a mixture of products from one package to a few bags. Since the operation is done while baking bread with the couple, not all types are available at the same time as the store opens. You may have to wait for a response depending on the progress of baking There is a flow unique to the store, such as We are running at our own pace with the minimum number of people and maximum efficiency, so let's ask with plenty of mind. Fortunately, it is easier to use than before with a parking lot for 4 cars. Buy chocolate chip koppe bread (330 yen) 3 types of cheese French bread (330 yen) grape bread (330 yen) It goes without saying that everything is delicious, but the cheese French bread has the best mariage of brown cheese and melty cheese. After all chocolate chip koppe bread is shocking It's a product called Koppe-pan with plenty of chocolate chips, but the level of Koppe-pan is another dimension. It has a fragrant surface, a soft and chewy texture, and a strong wheat flavor. It has plenty of chocolate chips, but it is a perfect supporting character. Such delicious koppe bread is not so After all, Kaijuya is one of the most famous stores in Tokyo.
まりも on Google

素材のよさを感じさせるパン屋さんです。 レーズンパン、地粉パンなどどれを食べてもおいしいですが、メロンパンはなんだか味わい深くていつも買っちゃいます。 駐車場もあるので車でもいきやすいですよ。 お店のかたも親切です。
It is a bakery that makes you feel the goodness of the material. It's delicious to eat raisin bread or ground flour bread, but melon bread is kind of tasty and I always buy it. There is also a parking lot so it's easy to drive. The shop is also kind.

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