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Contact 丹波パソコン修理サービス

住所 :

Kaibaracho Kaibara, Tamba, 〒669-3309 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899788
Webサイト : https://computer-repair-service-3479.business.site/
街 : Hyogo

Kaibaracho Kaibara, Tamba, 〒669-3309 Hyogo,Japan
酒井丈典 on Google

時間外にも関わらず 臨機応変に対応 希望に沿い アドバイス頂け 非常に助かりました
Responding to occasional changes, even after hours I was able to give advice according to my wishes.
東西右左 on Google

とても丁寧に対応して頂きました。 また何かあれば、お願いしたいと思います(^^)
We had you respond very carefully. If there is anything again, I would like to ask (^^)
バイクメカサービス on Google

Thank you for your kind response. It is a very reliable store. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
くうとん on Google

I gave up half to see if I had to buy a new one. Even though it was a quick response, the place I was a little worried about was also healed. I am very grateful.
迫記之 on Google

I asked for a computer repair, but why didn't my symptoms appear? Nevertheless, he kindly taught me how to deal with the same symptoms next time. Thank you very much. I would like to ask again next time.
J S on Google

I got an error message on my computer and there was a problem with the operation, so I asked for it. It was very helpful for me as an amateur to explain it carefully and to have it repaired on the same day. Thank you very much!

ツレの紹介です。ツレのパソコンの立ち上がりがあまりにも速いので「どこで買ったん?」と聞くとこちらでした。 パソコンが数台あり、色々故障とかあったのとハイスペックのパソコンの購入を考えていたので紹介してもらいました。 ツレが「安くて凄い速いし、後々のアフターサービスもええから間違い無い」と紹介してもらったんですが、期待以上でめっちゃ満足です。 まずは、1月22日(水)ノートパソコンのメモリーを4ギガから16ギガに増設してもらいましたが、こんなにすぐに安くていいの?って感じでした。 そして、1月26日(日)自作のハイスペックパソコンのオーダーをしたのですが、28日(火)にパーツが揃い、その日の夜には、ほぼ仕上がり取りに行きました。 見た目もイケメン、中身もイケメンに仕上がった上、静かで起動もビックリするほどの速さです。 以前は、チェーン店でやりたいことだけを言って、自作を作ってもらったこともありましたが、今回は、妥協なくパーツ選びからしたのですが色々説明をしてもらってのチェーン店よりめっちゃ安くていいのを作っていただきました。 これで、パソコンのストレスフリーです。 親切で早くて丁寧な仕上がりに大満足です!(^^♪
It is an introduction of vine. The personal computer of the box was so fast that I heard "Where did you buy it?" There were several PCs, and I was introduced to the idea of ​​purchasing a high-spec PC because of various failures. I was asked to introduce "That is cheap and terrific fast, and there is no doubt that the after-sales service will be sure", but I am very satisfied more than expected. First of all, on January 22nd (Wednesday), we had you increase the memory of your laptop from 4 gigabytes to 16 gigabytes. I felt like I ordered my own high-spec personal computer on January 26 (Sun), but on Tuesday the 28th, the parts were assembled, and on that night I almost went to finish. The appearance is good-looking, the contents are good-looking, and it is quiet and the start-up speed is amazing. In the past, I just had to say what I wanted to do at a chain store and had my own work made, but this time, I chose parts without compromise, but it was much cheaper than a chain store that had various explanations I made a good one. You are now stress free on your computer. I am very satisfied with the kind, fast and polite finish! (^^ ♪
t kashima on Google

この度は本当にありがとうございました。 急な不具合(電源入るが画像出力なし)で原因すら不明なところに、直るかも不安なPCを持ち込み、相談させてもらいました。 不具合が広範囲、複数箇所にも関わらず、わずか1日で復旧、さらにはアップグレードまでしていただきました! 持ち帰りさっそくPC起動させ、ブラウザ立ち上げ、高負荷のゲームをやってみたところ、これまでとはまったく別物ぐらいの挙動で感動しました。 山内さんの豊富な知識と提案力、確かな技術で、ここまでしていただき本当に感謝しています! 丹波市内もしくは近辺で、PC故障や不具合で悩まれてる方がおられたら 丹波パソコン修理サービス 一択! で間違いありません。 次回は不具合ではなく、自作PCアップグレードでお世話になりたいと思います。その際はまたよろしくお願いします。 本当にありがとうございました!!
This time, thank you very much. I brought in a PC where I was worried that it might be fixed in a place where the cause was suddenly unknown (there was no image output even when the power was turned on). Despite the wide range of defects and multiple locations, we were able to recover in just one day and even upgrade! I took it home and immediately started up the PC, launched the browser, and tried a high-load game. Thanks to Mr. Yamauchi's abundant knowledge, proposing ability, and solid technology, I am truly grateful for doing so far! If there is a person suffering from a PC failure or malfunction in or near Tamba city Tamba PC repair service one choice! There is no doubt. Next time, I'd like to take care of my own PC upgrade, not a malfunction. In that case, thank you again. I'm really thankful to you! !!

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