マルワプロマート 豊岡加広店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マルワプロマート 豊岡加広店

住所 :

Kahirocho, Toyooka, 〒668-0023 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://www.maruwaws.co.jp/super/index.htm
街 : Hyogo

Kahirocho, Toyooka, 〒668-0023 Hyogo,Japan
一般人 on Google

旬の魚介類がとても安く買えるのでホントに助かります。これからも頑張って頂きたいお店です。 その他の商品も魚介類程ではありませんが、お得な価格の商品があります。 お店の場所は豊岡で一番大きな商業施設(多分)の隣にあるので、土日は車が多く入りにくい場所にあります。 個人的には浜坂店の方が好きです。
It really helps because you can buy seasonal seafood at a very low price. It is a shop that I would like you to continue to do your best. Other products are not as good as seafood, but there are some at great prices. The location of the shop is next to Toyooka's largest commercial facility (probably), so it is difficult for cars to enter on Saturdays and Sundays. Personally, I prefer the Hamasaka store.
ローカルガイドどん兵衛 on Google

海産が安い。 夕方は、惣菜が2割引。
Marine products are cheap. In the evening, you can get a 20% discount on prepared foods.
玉ねぎ兄さん on Google

豊岡に行く用事があったので、ついでに魚が安いという噂を聞いて言ってみました。 店は、少し入り組んだところに有りました。駐車場はいっぱいで人気店のようでした。 肝心の魚ですが、噂どおりに安かったです。私の知っているスーパーでこの値段見たこと無いです。鯛やらハマチやら一匹で売ってました。さすが、魚屋がやっているスーパーだけのことはあります。 蟹のシーズンになったら蟹も扱うようですので一度来てみようと思います。 ちなみに、総菜のお弁当ですが300円で売ってましたが結構なボリュームで味も良かったです。ほか弁買うならこっちの方がよっぽど美味しいです。
I had a business trip to Toyooka, so I heard a rumor that fish was cheap and tried to say it. The store was a little complicated. The parking lot was full and it looked like a popular store. It's an essential fish, but it was cheap as rumored. I've never seen this price at a supermarket I know. It was sold as a sea bream or a yellowtail. As expected, there are only supermarkets that fish stores do. It seems that crabs will be handled when it comes to the crab season, so I'd like to come here once. By the way, although it was a side dish for lunch, it was sold for 300 yen, but the volume was good and the taste was good. If you buy other bento, this one is more delicious.
K M on Google

If you wish, they will attach a shopping bag. There is block meat compared to other stores. Pork rose blocks are always cheap.
田渕誠一 on Google

It is attractive that it is cheap. Milk cartons have not been collected.
東島扶美子 on Google

There are many cheap and delicious things I want. Freshly fried croquettes, takoyaki for mobile sale, kimchi, and sweets were all delicious! I will go again!
しょーきち on Google

最高やで魚屋がやっとるスーパー。 逆に、魚以外は価値ないけど(笑) お土産屋で買う半額以下。 マルワの豊岡激アツ!! 冬はズワイカニ売ってます。 生! 今年は不漁に加えロシア情勢のため少し高め、 それでも4〜5000円くらい。 去年は2980円て事もあった。 お土産屋の1/3くらい。 電話しても値段は教えてくれないので いざマルワプロマートへ。
The best supermarket that fish shops do. On the contrary, it's not worth anything other than fish (laughs) Less than half the price you buy at a souvenir shop. Maruwa's Toyooka super hot! !! Zwai crabs are sold in winter. Living! This year, in addition to poor fishing, the situation in Russia made it a little higher. Still, it's about 4 to 5000 yen. Last year it was 2980 yen. About 1/3 of the souvenir shop. Even if you call me, I won't tell you the price Now to Maruwa Promart.
北野林悟 on Google

たまたま通りがかりに立ち寄りました。 いかにも地元密着という感じ。 とにかく日本海の魚介類が安くて新鮮!! 地元ではこれが適正価格なのでしょう。 観光客向けの海産物店で買い物をしたあとにここにくると、きっと愕然とするでしょう。 倍半分以上の価格差あります。 ただこの店で少し気にかかるのが、マスクせず入店するジジババ達が多いこと。 ワクチン打っとるし、ここは地方やし、罹るわけないやろって感じですかね。
I happened to stop by. It feels like it's close to the local community. Anyway, the seafood of the Sea of ​​Japan is cheap and fresh! !! This is probably the right price locally. If you come here after shopping at a seafood store for tourists, you will surely be stunned. There is a price difference of more than double. However, what is a little worrisome at this store is that there are many Jijibaba who enter the store without masks. I'm vaccinated, and I feel like I'm in a rural area and I can't get sick.

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