カイロプラクティック ぱ~む

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カイロプラクティック ぱ~む

住所 :

Kadaimacho, Nagahama, 〒526-0827 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://chiropractic-palm.com/
街 : Shiga

Kadaimacho, Nagahama, 〒526-0827 Shiga,Japan
杉野栄一 on Google

茂森利洋 on Google

I've been going for a while. I'm glad I don't have back pain.
宮村弘子 on Google

My body became lighter and easier, and the stiffness around my shoulders was removed, and I felt better. He is also a very kind teacher.
早瀬秀治 on Google

I go to the hospital on my way home from work in the neighborhood of my workplace. It ’s kind, polite and friendly, Mr. Shigemori.
ぱす on Google

肩のこりに悩まされていましたが、通いはじめてからは調子が良いです。 以前は鏡をみて直ぐに片方の肩の下がりがはっきりとわかりましたが、少しずつ改善されています。 親切丁寧に色々な事を教えてくれます。 おすすめです。
I was suffering from stiff shoulders, but I've been in good shape since I started going. In the past, when I looked in the mirror, I could immediately see the drop of one shoulder, but it has improved little by little. He kindly and politely teaches us various things. it's recommended.
居林あゆみ on Google

I learned that chiropractic, a treatment method that cures body strain, is effective for all chronic diseases. I had given up on the abdominal tension caused by ulcerative colitis that I had been suffering from for many years and the back pain after the fracture of the coccyx. At a reasonable price, the pelvic strain was restored with just one treatment. My hips are now surprisingly easy to move. According to the teacher, it was necessary to go through several times to recover the distortion, so I had him perform the treatment again a week later. I became able to bend easily around my neck, and I noticed that my body had become so stiff until now. My two children also suffered from growth pain, so when I had them treated, the children became as easy as scales from their eyes! I am delighted. I would like to continue to maintain my health by adjusting the distortion. The teacher himself had been suffering from an illness before, and he was rejuvenated by chiropractic, and he was qualified as a teacher because he wanted to convey his joy to others. I am deeply grateful to the teacher for his efforts and kindness.
かすみ草 on Google

腰や右膝の痛みに悩んでいたところ、知り合いの紹介でこちらに通い始めました。 痛みの原因や日頃どのように注意すれば良いのかなど先生の詳しい説明と丁寧な治療で痛みも和らぎ、私自身学ぶ事もあり、もっと早くお世話になれば良かったと。喜んでおります。
When I was suffering from pain in my lower back and right knee, I started going to this place with an introduction from an acquaintance. The teacher's detailed explanation and careful treatment, such as the cause of the pain and how to be careful on a daily basis, alleviated the pain, and I learned myself, so I wish I could have taken care of it sooner. I am pleased.
らてらて on Google

I had a bent spine and a stoop, but after passing about 4 times, it improved considerably. The teachers are also kind and polite, and they always perform the treatment until the scheduled time is exceeded (laughs). The first time is hearing and pelvic adjustment, and the second and subsequent times are not the main solicitation of goods, but the full treatment. It was good, so when I talked to two women, they both went. Is it safe for women? However, the location is difficult to understand and it is a building like a private house, so I think that there is resistance, but when I went there there was no problem, I recommend it.

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