勝どきのタイ王国食堂 ソイナナ

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 勝どきのタイ王国食堂 ソイナナ

住所 :

Kachidoki, Chuo City, 〒104-0054 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://hu-max.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Kachidoki, Chuo City, 〒104-0054 Tokyo,Japan
dash best on Google

ランチで訪問。席はテーブル3つと、5-6人のカウンター。ランチの時間はコロナ禍でも満席になるほどの盛況です。ガパオとグリーンカレーを注文しました。ボリュームのある本格タイ料理が楽しめる良いお店です。どちらも辛くてびっくりしました。辛さは選べるので辛くないバージョンもできるようです。通常より、さらに2段階の辛いバージョンもあるようです。 サイドメニューが120円でトムヤムラーメン、春巻き、春雨サラダが注文できるのも嬉しいです。店員さんとのやりとりからファンもいるようです。
Visit for lunch. There are 3 tables and a counter for 5-6 people. Lunch time is so successful that even the corona wreck is full. I ordered Gapao and green curry. It is a good restaurant where you can enjoy hearty authentic Thai food. Both were spicy and surprised. You can choose the spiciness, so it seems that you can make a non-spicy version. There seems to be a more spicy version than usual. I'm glad that you can order Tom Yum Ramen, Spring Rolls, and Vermicelli Salad for 120 yen on the side menu. It seems that there are fans from the interaction with the clerk.
m t on Google

タイ料理 タイ米を 使っていて ピリ辛でおいしかったです。お弁当550円で コスパもいいし 又買いたいと 思います。
Thai food Thai rice was used and it was spicy and delicious. The lunch box is 550 yen and the cost performance is good and I would like to buy it again.
knitachi satoushinji on Google

ランチで訪問しました。人気店なのでランチ時は満席が当たり前です。 ガパオとグリーンカレーを注文しました。ピリッと辛く癖になる美味しさ( ◠‿◠ )こりゃファンが多いのも納得です。サイドメニューが120円でトムヤムラーメン、春巻き、春雨サラダが注文できるのも嬉しいです。安くて美味しい最高のお店です。
I visited for lunch. It's a popular restaurant, so it's normal to have a full seat at lunch. I ordered Gapao and green curry. Deliciousness that makes you addicted to spicy(◠‿◠) I'm convinced that there are many fans. It's nice to be able to order Tom Yum Ramen, Spring Rolls, and Vermicelli Salad for 120 yen on the side menu. It's the best cheap and delicious restaurant.
かゆ粥 on Google

この立地でディナー時間帯に680円で色々食べられるのは凄いです。写真はカオマンガイです。タレは癖がなく、パクチーなども入っていないので、誰にでもオススメできます。 PayPay利用可能。
It is amazing that you can eat various foods at this location for 680 yen during dinner time. The photo is Khao Man Gai. Sauce has no habit and does not contain coriander, so anyone can recommend it. PayPay is available.
えとまさ on Google

タイ料理好き!!! はじめての利用でしたが、ガパオライス、グリーンカレー、美味しかったです!! ダブルで注文出来て、ハーフはプラス200円というコスパの良さ、最高でした♪ お昼どきの訪問でしたが、待たずに入れました。 テイクアウトの弁当も準備されており、効率的にお客を待たせない様に頑張っているんだなって、感じました。 今度は違うメニューを頼んでみようと思います。 パクチーをタップリトッピングとか、出来るのかな?
I like Thai food! !! !! It was my first time to use it, but the gapao rice, green curry and it were delicious! !! You can order in double, and the half is 200 yen plus, which is the best cost performance ♪ It was a lunchtime visit, but I entered without waiting. A take-out lunch box was also prepared, and I felt that I was doing my best not to keep customers waiting efficiently. I will ask for a different menu this time. Is it possible to tap the coriander topping?
Z J on Google

Best Thai food in town!
Faith Wright on Google

Can't wait to come back and sample more!
Zachary Hubbell on Google

I’m a bit surprised that this restaurant is so highly rated. We live nearby and this was our second time - unfortunately, not much better than the first time. Virtually everything on the menu is ¥680, which is a bit pricey given the small portions of some of the dishes. I’ve included photos of the entire menu here. The Tomyum Soup was disappointing - overly sugary - maybe intentionally seasoned for a Japanese palette. The fried chicken was pretty good - our favorite dish - as was the spicy fried rice. I wouldn’t recommend the pork neck, a Thai staple, as you get very little actual meat and way too much shredded cabbage garnish. Service was a bit off, but nothing bad. The menu is in English.

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