アスレチック・トランポリンパーク JUMP LAB 名古屋 - Nagoya

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アスレチック・トランポリンパーク JUMP LAB 名古屋

住所 :

Narumicho, Midori Ward, Nagoya, 〒458-0801 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 458-0801
Webサイト : http://jumplab.jp/
街 : Aichi

Narumicho, Midori Ward, Nagoya, 〒458-0801 Aichi,Japan
Ayumi Tsu on Google

親子で楽しめました!予約制にしている為か、人数が多過ぎてトランポリンを楽しめないということもなく、十分の広さでした。ただ、子どもがボルダリングをやってみたいということで行きましたが、120センチ以上じゃないとできないとのこと。リサーチ不足で残念でしたが、他にも楽しめるものがたくさんあって、良かったです。また行きたいと思いますが、もう少し近くもできればいいなと思います。 駐車場に関しては、スタッフの方が出てきてくれて案内してくださったので良かったです。
We enjoyed in parent and child! Perhaps because of the reservation system, there were not too many people to enjoy the trampoline, so it was large enough. However, I went because the child wanted to do bouldering, but he said that it can not be done unless it is more than 120 cm. I was sorry for lack of research, but it was good because there were many other things to enjoy. I would like to go there again, but I hope to be a little closer. As for the parking lot, it was good that the staff came out and guided me.
K nishimura (カリオス1971) on Google

汗かきました 50歳では1時間がキツイ 子供(8歳)は楽しんでました また行きたいと
I sweated 1 hour is hard at 50 years old The child (8 years old) was having fun I want to go again
NAOKISAN S on Google

コロナ禍で頻度は減りましたが、よく利用させてもらってます。 同業他社のアクティビティ施設にも行ったりしてますが、この業種では間違いなく最高レベルのサービス提供体制ができてると思います。 お店のオーナーさんとも、何度か会話しましたが、とても感じが良いです。 設備や施設利用に関しての安全や技の指導方法等、スタッフ研修を通じて行っていると伺い、初心者でも安心して遊べると感じました。 スタッフさんの感じも良く、私もここで働きたいと思わせてくれる程です。 限られたスタッフ人数、コロナ禍での行動指針を考えると、混雑時にスタッフさんの手や目が行き届かない場面があるのは致し方ないことだとは思います。 欲を言えば、タンブリングトランポリンや競技用のユーロベッドトランポリン等があると尚良いのですが、それを差し引いても★5評価です。 リピートしたいと思わせてくれるお店の1つです。
The frequency has decreased due to the corona disaster, but I often use it. I also go to activity facilities of other companies in the same industry, but I think that we have definitely established the highest level of service provision system in this industry. I had a few conversations with the owner of the shop and it feels very good. I heard that through staff training, such as safety regarding equipment and facility use and teaching methods for techniques, I felt that even beginners can play with peace of mind. The staff feels good and makes me want to work here. Considering the limited number of staff and the action guidelines for Corona, I think it is unavoidable that there are situations where the staff's hands and eyes are out of sight when it is crowded. Speaking of greed, it would be better to have a tumbling trampoline or a Eurobed trampoline for competition, but even if it is subtracted, it is a ★ 5 rating. It is one of the shops that makes you want to repeat.
池田芳之 on Google

My grandson wants to do a trampoline, so I registered as a member two years ago and used it. The staff will be very kind and will use it again.
加藤大雅 on Google

The staff's older brother and sister were very kind and played with me, so it was a lot of fun! ︎ Especially the thick and perm brother was interesting, I want to see you again! ︎
Yoshimasa Hosozawa on Google

60分1セット…子供達には短いけど、大人にはじゅうぶんな時間ですね。 ★飲み物とタオルは必須アイテムです。 インストラクターが、練習?披露?のためなのか分からないが、入口右側のトランポリンを使用しているのがよく見受けられた。施設利用者のためにも、空けとくべきではないかと思う。事故防止等の巡視等を疎かにしている印象に取られますよ。4人もいて、2人しか働いていないようにみえました。
60 minutes 1 set ... It's short for children, but it's enough time for adults. ★ Drinks and towels are essential items. I don't know if the instructor was for practice or show, but I often saw him using the trampoline on the right side of the entrance. I think it should be vacant for facility users as well. You will get the impression that you are neglecting patrols such as accident prevention. There were four, and it seemed that only two were working.
鈴木tarzan鉄兵 on Google

遊技エリアは予約制&60分交代制なので、すごく密ということもなくマスク着用で安心して遊べます。休日だったのでファミリー率が高く、遊園地のフワフワドームやアスレチックで大人も思いっきり遊んでいるような感じ。 60分しっかり遊ぶと、その後半日は普通のジャンプが出来なくなりますね(^^;)
Since the game area is a reservation system and a 60-minute shift system, you can play with confidence by wearing a mask without being very dense. Since it was a holiday, the family rate was high, and it felt like adults were playing to the fullest with the fluffy dome and athletics of the amusement park. If you play well for 60 minutes, you will not be able to jump normally on the second half of the day (^^;)
Taichi Goto on Google

Interesting place. There were no people. We enjoyed a closed-door-like trampoline.

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