Juju - Nagakute

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Juju

住所 :

601 Sakuratsukuri, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1157, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 480-1157
Webサイト : http://juju-cafe.com/index.html%23id12

601 Sakuratsukuri, Nagakute, Aichi 480-1157, Japan
節子 on Google

It used to be a nice cafe. Do you mainly sell curry now? The coffee seemed to be very particular, and when I tasted it, it was very fragrant and delicious. His wife is like a professional golfer. He was a nice person. I bought a frozen curry that I was particular about. It was delicious. I will come to the store again.
AQUA55 on Google

I had a reservation-based lunch. This time is Keema dry curry with Aoyama pepper. A fusion of authentic 100% pure spices and Japanese, punching and refreshing aftertaste. The owner's brewed coffee is tasty and delicious. A nice and cozy hideaway cafe with the warmth of wood, the flames of the stove and the soft sunlight through the trees.

Royal milk tea is delicious. When I went, it was quiet with no other guests. The shop staff (probably the shop owner) didn't feel the vitality and the atmosphere was sloppy. I think it's better to tell your child (likely person) to shop in a place that customers can't hear.
松都 on Google

第2の故郷に帰ると必ず寿樹さんのスパイスカレー カレーを取り巻く副菜達もカレーを盛り立ててくれて大満足です。 締めはオリジナルコーヒーとスイーツ あ~早く帰りたい?
Whenever I return to my second home, Toshiki's spice curry The side dishes surrounding the curry are also very satisfying because they serve the curry. The end is original coffee and sweets Ah, I want to go home early ?
でぃお on Google

土曜日の11時過ぎ頃に訪問(о´∀`о) お客さんはまだなく。 お店の人はご夫婦かな…で、経営されてるみたい。そこまで広くはない店内なので(時間的に人も居なかったし)お料理中のお二人の雑談が筒抜けで、はじめてなんだけど、何だか馴染みの、知り合いのお店に来た気分になれる! 店内は雑貨もお洒落で雰囲気もレトロというか、落ち着いた感じのお店だけどそんなこんなで緊張せずに机に伸びてまったり過ごしてた。 常連さんが付く人気のオリジナルスパイスのカレーが登場するのが12時過ぎからみたいで、多分それくらいから混んでくるのかな? カレーは予約が確実みたい。予約なしでも常連さんが多く来る土日とかは余分があればありつける事があるらしい。 弾丸したのと時間が早かったので普通にランチにした(`^´*)b この日のランチメニューは、簡単に言えばツナの上にチーズが乗っかったトースト♪ 家でパンをトーストするときって、普通にカリっと焼いちゃう派なんだけど、こちらのは裏に少し焼き目がついてる程度にトーストしてあって、その為かパンがもちふわを損なってなくて、でも耳はすこーしカリっとしてるというか、香ばしい感じ。 パンにツナを乗せる前に切り込みを入れてるから厚めのパンでもちゃんと味しみてるよ♪ クドくない食べやすい、スパイスの薫りもほんのり…シンプルにパン美味しい(о´∀`о) 11時30過ぎ頃かな…もふもふ食べてる時に丁度カレーの仕込みが始まって、店内が凄いスパイスのいい薫りに包まれました笑 (ううむ…次は食べたいわ…。) 今日のデザートセットはレモンのパウンドケーキ。パウンドケーキって、水分とられるモソっとした感じとか、生地の甘い感じが苦手で選んでまでは食べないんだけど…こちらのはしっとりしてて甘さも食べやすいというか、甘ったるい系のというか、そういう苦手なタイプの甘さを意識しないで食べられるケーキ。 今度からパウンドケーキも食べるようにしようかなぁー(^-^) こちらも人気の珈琲ゼリーは、ある日とない日があるから、メニューには載ってないから事前に電話なり行ったときにでも、直接お店の人に聞いてね♪ ブラマンジェの上に弾力のある珈琲ゼリー。 まさに食後のデザート…珈琲の香り、スイーツとしての心地よい苦味を咀嚼で堪能できる。 駐車場は3台ってインスタにはあったけど、行くなら車が楽。実際に行ってその時3台停まっててもお店の人に聞いたら何とかなる。 (ちゃんと案内してくれる) 少し距離があるから、しょっちゅうとは行かないけど…機会を作って、月いち位では通いたいお店♪
Visited around 11:00 on Saturday (о´∀`о) There are no customers yet. The person in the shop is a couple ... and it seems that they are run. The restaurant isn't that big (there weren't any people in time), so it was the first time for me to chat with two people while cooking, but it made me feel like I was at a familiar restaurant! The shop has fashionable miscellaneous goods and a retro atmosphere, but it's a calm shop, but I wasn't nervous and just stretched out on my desk. It seems that the popular original spice curry with regulars will appear after 12 o'clock, so maybe it will be crowded from that time. Curry seems to be reserved. Even without a reservation, it seems that there are times when there are extras on Saturdays and Sundays when many regulars come. It was too early to hit the bullet, so I had lunch normally (`^ ´ *) b To put it simply, the lunch menu on this day was toast with cheese on top of tuna. When toasting bread at home, it's usually crispy, but this one is toasted to the extent that there is a slight grill on the back, so the bread does not spoil the fluffiness. However, the ears are a little crispy, or fragrant. I made a notch before putting the tuna on the bread, so I can taste it properly even with thick bread ♪ Easy to eat, with a slight spice scent ... Simple bread is delicious (о´∀`о) Around 11:30 ... When I was eating mofumofu, the curry preparation started, and the inside of the store was wrapped in a wonderful scent of spices lol (Umm ... I want to eat next ...) Today's dessert set is lemon pound cake. I don't eat pound cake until I choose it because I don't like the moist feeling of the dough and the sweetness of the dough. , A cake that you can eat without being aware of the type of sweetness that you are not good at. I wonder if I should eat pound cake from now on (^-^) This popular coffee jelly is not on the menu because there are days when it isn't, so even if you call in advance, ask the shop staff directly ♪ Elastic coffee jelly on top of Blancmange. Dessert after a meal ... You can enjoy the aroma of coffee and the pleasant bitterness of sweets by chewing. There were 3 parking lots on Instagram, but it's easy to go by car. Even if I actually went and stopped 3 cars at that time, I could do something if I asked the shop staff. (It will guide you properly) I don't go there often because it's a little far away, but ... I want to create an opportunity and go to the shop once a month ♪
KEN JOVI on Google

初めて伺いました。 平日の昼間、食欲がなかったけどお腹は空いていて、でもコーヒーか紅茶は飲みたくて… いろいろ探していたら、こちらのお店に辿りつました。 外観は通り過ぎてしまうくらい、一軒家です。 駐車場も看板が出ていないので、ひと回りして戻ってきました。 きっと常連さんを大切にしてらっしゃるのかなと、ドアを開けたらお客様は誰もいらっしゃらなかったので、時期が時期だから静かに営業されていると思いました。 コーヒーも紅茶もこだわりがありそうで、ものすごく迷いました。 レディグレイとツナチーズトーストを頂きました。 紅茶に詳しいわけではありませんが、英国より直輸入とのことで、香りがとても良くポットサービスだったので、最後まで美味しく頂きました。 ツナチーズトーストも野菜が添えられていて、私のお腹に丁度いいお昼になりました。 ご主人のお話によると、奥様のスパイスカレーがとても好評らしく、お話を聞いていてとても食べたくなりました。
I visited for the first time. During the daytime on weekdays, I had no appetite but I was hungry, but I wanted to drink coffee or tea ... When I was looking for various things, I arrived at this shop. The exterior is a single-family house that passes by. There is no sign in the parking lot, so I went around and came back. I wondered if they valued the regulars, and when I opened the door, there were no customers, so I thought it was open quietly because it was the time. Coffee and tea seemed to be particular about it, so I was really lost. I had Lady Gray and Tuna Cheese Toast. I'm not familiar with black tea, but it was imported directly from the UK, and the aroma was very good, so it was a pot service, so it was delicious until the end. The tuna cheese toast was also served with vegetables, and it was just the right lunch for my stomach. According to my husband's story, his wife's spice curry was very popular, and listening to the story made me want to eat it.
david sudyka on Google

Great cozy place! Food was great and the staff speak English!
Doug Lin on Google

Such a nice cozy place!!! Good coffee & food... Owner’s wife can speak English!!! Strongly recommend !!!

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