
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マイトランク高円寺店

住所 :

Nogata, Nakano City, 〒165-0027 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : https://my-trunk.jp/lineup/kouenji.html
街 : Tokyo

Nogata, Nakano City, 〒165-0027 Tokyo,Japan
丸井康徳 on Google

スタッフの方が丁寧に案内してくれました。衣類が多いのでしばらく利用し続けたいと思います。 一度試しては?
The staff kindly guided me. I have a lot of clothes, so I would like to continue using it for a while. Why don't you try it once?
八木橋めぐみ on Google

The cheapest trunk room in Koenji. Don't blame it for being cheap. The interior is very beautiful, the security and air conditioning are good, and there is little odor. It is ★ 5 without complaint because it was borrowed even cheaper by applying the campaign.
花井美智子 on Google

Above all, the location is good! Actually, there are stores in Nakano and Asagaya, and they are used as warehouses to store documents, but it is a good location to go by car. So people who use trains may be a little far away! On the contrary, it is easy to stop the car along the main street and it is comfortable to use. It was also good that the campaign was applied and it was cheap!
島津幸久 on Google

重い荷物を持って通学するのが苦痛なので、小さいタイプを契約してバイトに使う荷物を置いています。 家庭教師をしているので教科書とか参考書が重いんですよね.....。 大学や高円寺駅からも近いので大学の参考書を置いたりもしてます。 24時間出入りできるのでカテキョが終わってからでも荷物を置きに行けます。 小さいタイプから借りられるのが学生には嬉しいです。
It's a pain to go to school with heavy luggage, so I contract a small type and put the luggage to use for my part-time job. Since I am a tutor, textbooks and reference books are heavy ..... It's close to the university and Koenji station, so I also put a reference book for the university. You can go in and out 24 hours a day, so you can leave your luggage even after the catering is over. Students are happy to be able to borrow from a small type.
橋本昭弘 on Google

I was able to make a contract with the explosion during the campaign. 6 months 30% off is cheap! !! !! Although it is a short walk from Koenji Station, it is easy to reach by car because it is located along Kannana-dori Avenue, and there is a coin parking lot nearby, so it is a convenient location for loading and unloading luggage by car.
古谷真一 on Google

周辺より少しやすい! 無臭で清潔 更新料無料 などの総合的に条件が良かったので契約しました。
A little easier than the surrounding area! Odorless and clean No renewal fee I made a contract because the conditions were good overall.
わたなべみさと on Google

初めてトランクルームというものを借りましたが、なかなかいいものですね。借りてみて初めて分かりましたが、部屋の雑多な家電やら服やらがしまえて家が広々としますし、気持ちもスカッとします。また、内覧に来た時感じたのですが、空気的には僕の部屋より綺麗だし、快適かもしれないですね^^; それぐらい空調がガンガン回っていて良かったです!
I rented a trunk room for the first time, but it's pretty good. It wasn't until I rented it that I found out that the house is spacious and refreshing because of the miscellaneous home appliances and clothes in the room. Also, when I came to the preview, I felt that the air was cleaner than my room and it might be more comfortable ^^; I'm glad that the air conditioning was spinning so hard!
中務まりや on Google

Although it is far from the station, it is easy to reach by car along Kannana. Also, the cost performance is insanely good. When I signed up, I had an exceptional campaign of 50% off for 4 months, and I was able to borrow it at a very low price. It doesn't cost much for the first six months, so it's the time of the day, and it's been very helpful as a company to keep costs down.

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