東朋高等専修学校 高等課程普通科・総合教育学科

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東朋高等専修学校 高等課程普通科・総合教育学科

住所 :

Jonanteramachi, Tennoji Ward, 〒543-0017 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://www.okazakigakuen.jp/
街 : Osaka

Jonanteramachi, Tennoji Ward, 〒543-0017 Osaka,Japan
青山侑暉 on Google

今通ってる高校です とても先生が優しく勉強もしやすい学校です 資格もよくとれるから嬉しいです
This is the high school I'm attending now It is a school where teachers are very kind and easy to study I'm happy because I can get a good qualification.
南部純子 on Google

School where my daughter goes. It is a school where teachers are warmly welcomed and classes are easy to understand and qualify. My friends have good children.
館内1026 on Google

Please refrain from saying bad words at public places such as stations. I feel sick and I do not know where my students and parents are watching. At least in the school.
なかたあき on Google

This is a hierarchy. It looks like a school caste sample. There are many sick children due to the guidance of students. I can see bullying between teachers, so I don't want to let my child pass.
杉本まゆゆ on Google

私は東朋の卒業生です 軽度知的障がいを持っています。 この学校の先生たちは優しいし 授業も分かりやすいです。 いじめとかないです? 私と同じ障がいを持っている人に おすすめです‼️
I am a graduate of Dongguan I have a mild intellectual disability. The teachers at this school are kind Classes are easy to understand. Bullying To someone who has the same disabilities as me it's recommended! ️
72 7 on Google

I became depressed by teacher bullying and I have been treated for the third year. It started with bad clinics, hidden mouths, questions, abuse, yelling for a long time, coming home, bad letters at home, etc., followed by a clinic from insomnia. The day after I took a break, I was told to be dismissed at the morning meeting of a staff member, and a colleague contacted me to learn about it. I was desperate for the teacher's life that was suddenly closed. What I think in the face of illness for many years is that the bullying parties also think about the pain of being able to always live together with the feeling of “I want to die” and the pain of being unable to do what I was able to do naturally. I want you to ask. Today there are teachers who speak out a lot of teacher bullying news, but I just pray that the same will not be repeated.
島田陽香 on Google

この学校あまりおすすめしたくないですね! 2019年入学したんですけど、たった1年で辞めさせられました。先生に
I don't want to recommend this school too much! I enrolled in 2019, but I was forced to quit in just one year. To the teacher
4 20 on Google

I used to go there too, and I'm divided into a basic Yarira middle-aged boy, a Chi cow, or a notebook holder. I don't know if I'm still there, but there was a teacher who was a teacher and still thought he was a teacher.

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