ごっつぉ家 がみんち

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ごっつぉ家 がみんち

住所 :

Jonai, Ojiya, 〒947-0028 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
街 : Niigata

Jonai, Ojiya, 〒947-0028 Niigata,Japan
川上利彦 on Google

GLA 45S on Google

草間宏 on Google

凄く新鮮で美味しかったです。 マスターが凄くいい人で、心まで満足です。 値段も、凄くリーズナブルでした(^^) ありがとうございました。
It was very fresh and delicious. The master is a very good person and is happy to the heart. The price was also very reasonable (^^) Thank you very much.
庭野芳浩 on Google

日本酒、美味しい銘柄揃えてある。 新鮮なお刺身が楽しめる。 店員さんが親身に対応してくれる。
Sake and delicious brands are available. You can enjoy fresh sashimi. The clerk will respond to your kindness.
塀シスター on Google

The food quality is very good and delicious. However, it is a little expensive, so I want to use it for "special occasions".
aki n ko on Google

I wonder if people who are not good at fish are not good at it. It's narrow. You can see the kitchen inside from the counter, and you can see various things
小嶋慎一 on Google

It's a delicious and good restaurant ... but it's a shame that it's a little expensive and small (^ _ ^;)
廣井瑞江 on Google

何を食べても文句なく美味しいです。 特に、当地でこの価格でこれだけのお刺身が食べられるのは他にありません。 価格帯はやや高めですが、全く惜しくない! 食べる幸せが味わえるお店です。 いつも混んでいてなかなか入れないのが残念ですが。
No matter what you eat, it's delicious. In particular, there is no other place where you can eat this much sashimi at this price. The price range is a little high, but it's not regrettable at all! It is a shop where you can enjoy the happiness of eating. It's a pity that it's always crowded and it's hard to get in.

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