Jolly Pasta - Kashiba

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

ジョリーパスタ 香芝インター店|奈良県の店舗|店舗情報 | おいしいスパゲッティ、ピザが自慢のパスタ専門店・ジョリーパスタのホームページ -


Contact Jolly Pasta

住所 :

62-1 Kaminaka, Kashiba, Nara 639-0265, Japan

Postal code : 639-0265
Webサイト :

62-1 Kaminaka, Kashiba, Nara 639-0265, Japan
tana dol on Google

基本的に気に入ってるパスタ店です。他のチェーン店に比べて麺の量は多め&麺は硬めです。ランチメニューがないと思われます(土曜日の昼に行ったけどランチはなさそう)。 パスタ以外にピッツァも美味しいです。 パスタ1品に発送ピッツァ1枚を分けあって食べるのが良い感じです。 ドリンクバーのみですので、ガッツリ系の方は数人で何種類か頼んで食べるのが満腹感があります。 尚、難点として駐車場は広いのですが、出るとき右折がほぼ無理です。特に夕方から夕飯時は右折は諦めた方が良いです。
It's basically my favorite pasta shop. Compared to other chain stores, the amount of noodles is large and the noodles are hard. I don't think there is a lunch menu (I went there on Saturday afternoon but it doesn't seem to be lunch). Besides pasta, pizza is also delicious. It's a good idea to share one pizza with one pasta and eat it. Since there is only a drink bar, it is a feeling of fullness for those who are gutsy to ask for several types and eat. The difficulty is that the parking lot is large, but it is almost impossible to turn right when leaving. Especially from evening to dinner, it is better to give up turning right.
みぃさん。 on Google

It's good for adults only, but it's still hard for children to use for pasta. Moreover, something like carbonara flour! pasta! It tastes like it, but I was looking forward to it because it was CM cheese Festa, but I can't feel like going to the coupon even if the taste, noodles, or basic places are too bad. If anything pasta in a convenience store is delicious but half price!
chibi chan on Google

He was doing his best alone.
ちいちゃん on Google

普通のチェーン店 なかなか混んでます。 お店の人が少ないのか、かなり忙しそうにバタバタでお店がまわってませんでした アルバイトが入るといいねって思いました
Ordinary chain store It's quite crowded. Maybe there aren't many people in the shop, so I was so busy that I couldn't go around the shop. I thought it would be nice to have a part-time job
shoko nakagawa on Google

I came after a long time. It is near Nishinahan Kashiba Interchange. There are also CoCo Ichiban and Surprise Donkey. Perhaps because it is a weekday, the customer was Mahara. I was a little lonely. The halls and kitchens were relatively old. It was a decent customer service and I felt good. The Pizza Margherita was ordered and shipped immediately. And beer with no hair. I was surprised at the timing. It was ahead of beer. You can see that bouillabase and Bolognese are hot and fresh. It is a shop that I want you to work hard from now on.
Minayan 505 on Google

いつぶりだろうか?ジョリーパスタ…かなり久々に足を運びました。10数年ぶりだ。メニューの多さにビックリ。こんな多かったっけ⁈ 美味しゅうございました。
When will it be? Jolly Pasta ... I went there for quite a while. It's been 10 years. Surprised by the number of menus. There was so much⁈ There was delicious.
えり on Google

There are many types of pasta and they are all delicious! It is delicious to add cheese and sprinkle on pizza.
sam ajam on Google

Love the pizza and the chicken

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