Jokunji Temple - Kuki

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jokunji Temple

住所 :

1348 Kurihashi, Kuki, Saitama 349-1104, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 349-1104

1348 Kurihashi, Kuki, Saitama 349-1104, Japan
yu me on Google

Calm down
Caravaggio Caravaggio2016 on Google

I came to see Daikokuten.
Osamu Kobayashi on Google

御首題頂きました♪ 旧本堂に使われていた瓦が、いろいろなところに使われていました(^^)
I got your title ♪ The tile used in the old main hall was used in various places (^ ^)
Takeshi on Google

日蓮宗。 「じょうくんじ」と読むそうです。 くりはし八福神の大黒さんです。
Nichiren sect. It seems to read “Jyo-kunji”. Mr. Daikuro from Kurihashi Happukujin.
千箇寺裕之 on Google

日蓮宗寺院。 境内広く、綺麗に手入れされている。 御住職-御寺族、みなお優しい方達でした。
Nichiren Buddhist temple. The precincts are wide and clean. Miyoshi-Otera, all of them were kind people.
金丸三喜男 on Google

It seems that it was named after the fourth name of Hachifukujin, Kamonosuke Ikeda.
M たかの on Google

There is Daikokuten of Kurihashi Hachifukujin. It used to be between the Tone River and Route 4 at 6-2-1 Kurihashihigashi, Kuki City, Saitama Prefecture, but it has moved here due to the construction of the Tone River Super Embankment.
かねこふじお on Google

開山は鎌倉時代、利根川スパー堤防事業の為に現在地に移転、真南に向く真新し梵鐘櫓、度胆を抜かれる大きさに1度は撞いて見たい思いが術後に励ましの言葉と共にチャンス到来 ? 書き了えたばかりの塔姿5~6枚を日蔭干しする合間に案内をしてくれた住職さん 大き過ぎず、道しるべほどの和歌碑、「立ち渡り‥身の浮き雲も‥はれぬべし‥たえぬ御法の‥鷲の山風」なるほど格調たかい? バリアフリーの正面玄関、引き戸を両脇に開けれる、庫裡の内部は 格天井、45㌢もある、欅柱が眼に飛びこむ~奥めいた長押に威風堂々、常薫寺を護り抜い霊感漂う白い眼光の龍が陣取る。阿吽の両獅子、悪夢を喰うとされる獏の彫刻 数百年の歳月に色褪せているが、✨新しい庫裡に見事に調和されている? 更なる驚き((((゜д゜;))))今朝にも満開を迎えるであろ、高さ2、5㍍、幅2㍍ほどの2本立ての屛風を鑑賞してほしい… ~本幹は勢いづいて屛風からはみだし、悠然と伸び枝に野鳥のカップル、初音の競演が~‥想像を掻き立てる、(一方で)何らかの理由で垂れ下がっていた左 下方の枝、修復の末に(梅の生命力は強い)天に向け力強く反り返り見事に花を咲かせている‥人生の縮図的な作品 ?絵のことは良く判らんが娘が描いてくれた、謙遜していた住職? 玉砂利の中を進むと「梵鐘櫓」の化粧梁に力強い視線を感じます。神話より登場した2名の力自慢の男が南北方向をがっちりと見護っている彫刻、必見!? 南に位置するであろう、宝生如来に合掌…一打の余韻に術後の身体が温かく包まれた‥‥?
Founding Kamakura era, the Tone River moved to the present location for the spar embankment business, true south facing Maatarashi temple bell tower, the chance arrival along with the words of encouragement to think you want to see about once a size that is remove the Dogimo postoperative ? Write chief priest, who did a guide in between the tower appearance 5-6 sheets of just was Ryoe to dry Hikage not too large, the sum of about signpost monument, the "Standing over ‥ only Ukigumo also shalt unexpected swelling ‥ ‥ Taenu Yamakaze of ‥ eagle Minori "see magnificent ? Barrier-free front door, is open the sliding doors on both sides, the inside of the chestnut is coffered ceiling, there is also a 45㌢, Pomp and Circumstance to long-press zelkova pillar was cryptic-back jump into the eye, white eye drifting inspiration pulled be safety TsuneKaorutera Jindoru is a dragon. Both lion of Aun, but has faded in sculpture hundreds of years of Years of Baku that is eat a nightmare, are in perfect harmony in ✨ new chestnut ? A further surprise ((((° д °;)))) will greet the full bloom in this morning, height 2,5㍍, I want you to watch a double feature of 屛風 of as the width 2㍍ ... - this stem protruding from the 屛風 is gaining momentum, calmly growth branches in wild birds of a couple, contest of Hatsune is stir ~ ‥ imagination, the left had been hanging for some reason (the other hand) The branches of the lower, at the end of the repair (the life force of the plum is strong) do not know well is strongly warped be a microcosm of specific work ? picture of ‥ life that bloom beautifully flower towards heaven, but who drew a daughter, priest who was humility ? Proceeding through the gravel I feel a strong line-of-sight to the decorative beams of the "bell tower". Sculpture force proud of the man of the two people who appeared from mythology is guarded look To firmly the north-south direction, a must-see! ? Will be located in the south, postoperative body in the afterglow of the palms together ... Ichida to Tathagata Hosho was wrapped warm ‥‥ ?

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