Jokoji - Kadoma

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宗祖親鸞聖人 平安時代も終わりに近い承安(じょうあん)3年(1173)の春、親鸞聖人は京都の日野の里で誕生された。父は藤原氏の流れをくむ日野有範(ひのありのり)、母は吉光女と伝える。親鸞聖人は養和(ようわ)元年(1181)9歳の春、伯父の日野範綱(のりつな)にともなわれて、慈円和尚(じえんかしょう)のもとで出家・得度(とくど)をされ、範宴(はんねん)と名のられた。ついで比叡山にのぼられ、主に横川(よかわ)の首楞厳院(しゅりょうごんいん)で不断念仏を修する堂僧(どうそう)として、20年の間、ひたすら「生死いづべき道」を求めて厳しい学問と修行に励まれた。 しかし建仁(けんにん)元年(1201)親鸞聖人29歳のとき、叡山では悟りに至る道を見出すことができなかったことから、ついに山を下り、京都の六角堂(ろっかくどう)に100日間の参籠(さんろう)をされた。尊敬する聖徳太子に今後の歩むべき道を仰ぐためであった。95日目の暁、親鸞聖人は太子の本地である救世観音(くせかんのん)から夢告(むこく)を得られ、東山の吉水(よしみず)で本願念仏の教えを説かれていた法然聖人(ほうねんしょうにん)の草庵を訪ねられた。やはり100日の間、聖人のもとへ通いつづけ、ついに「法然聖人にだまされて地獄に堕ちても後悔しない」とまで思い定め、本願を信じ念仏する身となられた。 法然聖人の弟子となられてからさらに聞法(もんぼう)と研学に励まれた親鸞聖人は、法然聖人の主著である『選択集(せんじゃくしゅう)』と真影(しんねい)を写すことを許され、綽空(しゃっくう)の名を善信(ぜんしん)と改められた。そのころ法然聖人の開かれた浄土教に対して、旧仏教教団から激しい非難が出され、ついに承元(じょうげん)元年(1207)専修(せんじゅ)念仏が停止(ちょうじ)された。法然聖人や親鸞聖人などの師弟が罪科に処せられ、親鸞聖人は越後(えちご新潟県)に流罪。これを機に愚禿親鸞(ぐとくしんらん)と名のられ非僧非俗(ひそうひぞく)の立場に立たれた。 このころ三善為教(みよしためのり)の娘・恵信尼(えしんに)さまと結婚、男女6人の子女をもうけられ、在俗のままで念仏の生活を営まれた。建保(けんぽう)2年(1214)42歳の時、妻子とともに越後から関東に赴かれ、常陸(ひたち茨城県)の小島(おじま)や稲田(いなだ)の草庵を中心として、自ら信じる本願念仏の喜びを伝え、多くの念仏者を育てられた。元仁(げんにん)元年(1224)ごろ、浄土真宗の教えを体系的に述べられた畢生(ひっせい)の大著『教行信証(きょうぎょうしんしょう)』を著された。 嘉禎(かてい)元年(1235)、親鸞聖人63歳のころ、関東20年の教化(きょうけ)を終えられて、妻子を伴って京都に帰られた。『教行信証』の完成のためともいわれ、主に五条西洞院(にしのとういん)に住まわれた。京都では晩年まで『教行信証』を添削されるとともに、「和讃」など数多くの書物を著され、関東から訪ねてくる門弟たちに本願のこころを伝えられたり、書簡で他力念仏の質問に答えられた。 弘長(こうちょう)2年11月28日(新暦1263年1月16日)、親鸞聖人は三条富小路(とみのこうじ)にある弟尋有の善法坊(ぜんぽうぼう)で往生の素懐(そかい)を遂げられた。90歳であった。
Shinran saint In the spring of 1173, near the end of the Heian period, Shinran saint was born in Hino-no-sato, Kyoto. My father is Yukinori Hino, who follows the tradition of Mr. Fujiwara, and my mother is Yoshimitsu. Shinran saint was born in the spring of the first year of Yowa (1181) at the age of 9 with his uncle Noritsuna Hino, and was a priest under Jien Kasho. He was given a priesthood and was named Hannen. Then, as a Buddhist priest who climbed Mt. I was encouraged by strict scholarship and training in search of. However, in the first year of Kennin (1201), when Shinran Saint was 29 years old, he could not find a way to enlightenment on Mt. ) Was sent to Kyoto for 100 days. This was to ask the respected Prince Shotoku for the path he should take in the future. On the 95th day, the saint Shinran was given a dream from Kusekannon, the home of the prince, and was preached by Yoshimizu in Higashiyama. I visited Honen Shonin's Kusan. After all, for 100 days, he went to the saints and finally decided that he would not regret even if he was deceived by the saints and fell into hell. After becoming a disciple of Honen saint, Shinran saint, who was further encouraged to listen and study, wrote "Senchakushu" and Shinnei, which are the main works of Honen saint. He was allowed to copy, and the name of Shaku was changed to Zenshin. Around that time, the Pure Land Buddhism, which was opened by Honen saints, was criticized by the former Buddhist sect, and finally the Senju Nembutsu was suspended in the first year of Jogen (1207). .. Masters and pupils such as Honen saints and Shinran saints were exiled to Echigo (Echigo Niigata prefecture). Taking this opportunity, he was named Gutoku Shinran and was placed in the position of a non-monk and non-professional. Around this time, he married Eshin-ni, the daughter of Miyoshi no Tameyasu, and had six male and female children. At the age of 42 in Kempo 2nd year (1214), he went to Kanto from Echigo with his wife and children, and this application that he believes in himself, centering on Kojima (Ojima) and Inada (Inada) in Hitachi (Hitachi Ibaraki Prefecture). He conveyed the joy of Nembutsu and raised many Nembutsu people. Around the first year of Gennin (1224), he wrote a large book, "Kyogyoshinsho," which systematically described the teachings of Jodo Shinshu. .. In the first year of Katei (1235), when Shinran Saint was 63 years old, he completed the indoctrination of 20 years in the Kanto region and returned to Kyoto with his wife and children. It is said that the "Kyogyo Shinsho" was completed, and he mainly lived in Gojo Nishinotoin. In Kyoto, he corrected his "Kyogyo Shinsho" until his later years, and wrote many books such as "Wasan" to convey the heart of this application to his disciples visiting from the Kanto region. Was answered. On November 28, 2nd year of Kocho (January 16, 1263), Shinran saint was born in Zenpobo, a younger brother in Tominokoji. I was able to achieve it. I was 90 years old.

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