Jojuin - Tsukuba

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住所 :

333 Kaname, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-2622, Japan

Postal code : 300-2622

333 Kaname, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 300-2622, Japan
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学園西通りの口ノ堀陸橋下から200号線に入って直ぐの位置に伽藍があります。 直ぐ近くには金比羅神社があります。 境内にある平成7年(1995)の本堂完成記念碑の内容を記します。 「当山は常陸国信太郡永国村本寺「光台院大聖寺」(現、土浦市永国大聖寺)の 末寺でありました。 その開創等の歴史は定かではありませんが、大聖寺に現存する延享2年(1745)の「末寺門徒帳」によりますと 常陸国筑波郡口野堀村「真一山薬師寺成就院」とあります。 また、「法性院」と称する門徒寺一箇寺を下総国に擁していました。 更に、本寺大聖寺過去帳、当山境内墓地にある僧侶の墓には享保9年(1724)4月6日遷化の良弁権大僧都から 天明7年(1787)正月4日遷化の宥範権大僧都迄6名の記録があり、享保から天明時代の約70年間が 当山の隆盛期と考えられます。 加えて本尊薬師如来の製作年代から推し量るに当山の開創年は江戸時代初期と思慮されます。 さて、この歴史ある当山も明治元年大政官布告の神仏判然令に始まる廃仏希釈により著しく衰微し、 無住となり本寺大聖寺の兼務寺となって新たな歴史を刻むことになりました。 国家神道の時代を幾度かの興廃、星霜を重ねた昭和14年(1939)真言宗豊山派宗務所へ提出した寺院収入申告書によると 衰えたりとは言え、田、六反九畝八歩、畑、十二反一畝十九歩、境内地、二反一畝十歩という寺領を誇っておりました。 この時の檀家は十五戸、檀徒総代は小林長太郎、土田篤三とあります。 また、昭和17年(1942)の本堂兼庫裏は茅葺木造平屋建て二十二坪とあります。 これが第二次世界大戦後、昭和31年(1956)の宗教法人の登記書領になりますと寺院境内地、914坪6合2勺、 本堂兼庫裏、木造瓦葺平屋建壱棟、建坪26坪とあり、田畑が農地開放によって皆無となっている事がわかります。 この様にして戦後の当山は寺領も無く檀家も少なく堂宇修理費の捻出さえ事欠く極めて困窮した状況にありました。 こんな折り、大聖寺の興教大師850年御遠忌記念事業が一段落して老朽化した 当山本堂の対策に取り掛かろうとしている矢先の平成6年(1994)2月21日、強風により本堂等大破し、 急遽本堂再建を計画する事となりました。 檀信徒各位におかれましては千載一隅のこの機会に御自身の菩提心を啓発し、本事業に御賛同下さいますよう 特段の御理解と御協力の程、伏してお願い申し上げます。」
The cathedral is located immediately after entering Route 200 from the lower part of Kuchinobori Rikubashi on Gakuen Nishi-dori. Nearby is Konpira Shrine. The contents of the monument of the completion of the main hall in 1995 on the precincts are described. "Toyama was the last temple of Kodaiin Daishoji Temple (currently Eikuni Daishoji Temple in Tsuchiura City), in the main temple of Eikuni Village in Shinta-gun, Hitachi-kuni. The history of the creation is unknown, but according to the “Suedera Monk's Book” of Daisho-ji Temple in 1745, it is named “Shinichiyama Yakushi-ji Seijin-in” in Kuchinobori Village, Tsukuba-gun, Hitachi. In addition, there was Ichikaji Temple in Mongolia, which is called "Hoseiin" in Shimousa. In addition, the monk's grave at the graveyard in the precincts of the main temple Daisho-ji Temple and the monks in the cemetery on the precincts of the Toyama Precinct were transferred from the Great Priesthood Monk City on April 6, 1724 to the Apprenticeship on the 4th of New Year's Day in 1787. There is a record of six people up to the monk capital, and it is considered that about 70 years from Kyoho to the Tenmei period is the prosperity of this mountain. In addition, the age of the founding of this mountain is considered to be in the early Edo period, judging from the production date of the main Yakushi Nyorai. By the way, this historic Toyama was markedly degraded by the abolition of Buddha, which began with the Decree of the Declaration of the Shinto Buddha in the Meiji Era. According to the temple income declaration submitted to the Shingon Buddhism Toyoyama sect in 1939 (1939), when the Shinto sect was repeatedly abolished and destroyed during the period of National Shintoism, it can be said that it has declined, , Boasted a temple territory called the 19th step of the 19th, 19th step, the grounds, and the 10th step of the 2nd step. At this time, the Danya family was Jugonohe and the Dandan Sodai were Chotaro Kobayashi and Atsushi Tsuchida. In addition, the back of the main hall and warehouse in 1942 is a 22-story building with a thatched wooden one-story house. After World War II, this became the registered religion of a religious corporation in 1956 (Showa 31) .In the temple grounds, 914 tsubo 6 go 2 sho, the main hall and the back of the storehouse, wooden tiled one-story building, 26 tsubo You can see that the fields are completely empty due to farmland opening. In this way, our postwar nation was in a very depressing situation where there were no temple territories, there were few Danya, and there was no need to pay for repairs. In this fold, the 850-year-old enmity commemorative project of Daisho-ji Temple's Koto Daishi was settled down and became obsolete. Then, we decided to rebuild the main hall in a hurry. To all the members of the Danish believers, please take this opportunity to educate your own bodily spirit and support this project. Thank you for your special understanding and cooperation. "
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