Johnny of fried chicken Showacho shop - Osaka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

昭和町店|ジョニーのからあげ -


Contact Johnny of fried chicken Showacho shop

住所 :

1 Chome-5-1 Showacho, Abeno Ward, Osaka, 545-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 545-0011
Webサイト :

1 Chome-5-1 Showacho, Abeno Ward, Osaka, 545-0011, Japan
R. S. on Google

I always take it out. If you make a reservation by phone in advance, you can take it home without waiting. It tastes good and children eat a lot. Also, the set menu is a great deal, so it's a must.
BriT ING on Google

持ち帰りで、夕飯のおかずにする事が多いけど、たまにランチも利用します。 揚げたてアツアツ、ボリュームも満点で、納得の内容。 ただ、当たり前で申し訳ないが、カウンターで目の前で揚げてるので、店を出る時には結構油臭くなってしまう。 ここだけと言う訳ではないが、仕事に戻る時に自分が油臭いと、いろいろ気になり、また気を遣ってしまうのも事実なんだよなぁ。
I often take it home as a side dish for dinner, but sometimes I also use lunch. Freshly fried, hot and voluminous, the content is convincing. However, I'm sorry to say that it's fried in front of me at the counter, so when I leave the store, it smells quite oily. It's not just here, but it's also true that when I get back to work, I'm worried about the smell of oil, and I'm also worried about it.
原内陽伸 on Google

普通 でも 美味しいそう でも開店前に男女重なって寝るな
usually But it looks delicious But don't sleep with men and women overlapping before opening
レアルマドリード on Google

Johnny's fried chicken. Number one in fried chicken. Too delicious.
あんたん on Google

久しぶりに弁当をテイクアウト! 皆でいただきまぁーす。 あれ…弁当が小さくなってないか⁉︎ いや、なった。なったぞ! 昭和町近辺にも唐揚げ屋さんが 増えましたし、少し足を伸ばすと 大手の唐揚げ専門店もありますが ジョニーの唐揚げ昭和町店は 店の方も親切で感じ良い。 そして何処よりもうまい! 最後に残念ポイント…PayPayが 使えなくなった。
Take out the lunch box for the first time in a long time! Everyone will do it. That ... Isn't the lunch box getting smaller? ⁉︎ No, it became. It's gone! There is also a fried chicken shop near Showa-cho It has increased, and if you stretch your legs a little, There is also a major fried chicken specialty store, Johnny's fried chicken Showacho store The shop is also kind and pleasant. And better than anywhere else! Last but not least ... PayPay It can no longer be used.
Katsu 223 on Google

金賞のジョニからはもちろん美味しくて チンチロリン ボトルキープも出来て ちょい飲みにも利用できます
Of course it was delicious from Joni of the gold medal Cee-loline You can also keep the bottle Can also be used for a little drink
Moto Caz on Google

The counter has 5 seats, 2 seats, and a table for 5 seats, each for about 1 MAX 12 people. Chicken seemed to be fresh and fresh, but the mosaic cabbage, rice and miso soup just cut into slices were not good enough. The restaurant is quite small, and the smell of oil from the cooking area comes to the table, so it might be safer to take out?
N S on Google

いつも前を通るたびにいい匂いがしていて買って帰りたくなる。結構な頻度で通ってます。 イチオシはむね唐揚げで、ここ以上にジューシーで美味しいむね唐揚げは食べたことがない。ここのむね唐揚げを初めて食べてから、唐揚げは断然胸肉派になりました。 店員のお兄さんに教えてもらった天才的な温め直し方⇒アルミホイルを敷いたトースターで焼く ちょっと時間が経って冷めてしまっても揚げたてのおいしさ復活。そういうのを教えてくれる店員さんの気さくさもリピートする理由のひとつです。
Every time I pass in front of me, it smells good and I want to buy it and go home. I go there quite often. The best choice is fried chicken, and I have never eaten more juicy and delicious fried chicken. Since I ate the chicken breast fried chicken for the first time, the fried chicken has definitely become a breast meat sect. A genius reheating method taught by the clerk's older brother ⇒ Bake with a toaster covered with aluminum foil Even if it cools down after a while, the deliciousness of freshly fried food is restored. One of the reasons for repeating is the friendliness of the clerk who teaches such things.

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