キングファミリー大和高田店 - Yamatotakada

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

店舗TOP│大和高田店|キングファミリー! - Kingfamily.co.jp


Contact キングファミリー大和高田店

住所 :

Jinraku, Yamatotakada, 〒635-0026 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 635-0026
Webサイト : http://www.kingfamily.co.jp/shop/yamatotakada
街 : Nara

Jinraku, Yamatotakada, 〒635-0026 Nara,Japan
サイクロンラブ on Google

要らなくなった服を処分してもらいに行ったんだけど、まさかお金が貰えるとは思ってませんでした。 時間はすぐでした‼ 違う店で長い時間待って 二束三文だったのが 馬鹿馬鹿しい感じです。 またお願いします?⤵
I went to get rid of the clothes I no longer needed, but I didn't expect to get any money. The time was immediate Wait a long time in a different store It was two bundles of three sentences I feel stupid. Thank you
あきのりんご on Google

There are a lot of used clothes and it is fun to choose. However, since it is second-hand clothes, it is not so beautiful. Since there are more women's clothes, I think women can enjoy choosing more.
花よし on Google

There are so many used clothes and sometimes there are bargains. Postcards will come when you become a member of summer sales and winter sales. If you accumulate points, they will be deducted from the amount of points, so it is a great deal.
DoM cat on Google

やすい ジャケット150円 追記 店員のダルそうな態度に腹が立った 無論、全員が悪いわけではないと思うが、あの人とはもう話したくない
Cheap Jacket 150 yen Postscript I was angry at the clerk's dull attitude Of course, I don't think everyone is bad, but I don't want to talk to him anymore.
福井由美子 on Google

I often go to sell, but this time I bought two stoles with glitter. I was lucky because I was just looking for it. There were a lot of cute clothes, but they didn't have a size. I buy a lot of accessories and men's outerwear.
水野浩志(hiro) on Google

It was a variety of products.
桂子村田 on Google

It was crowded because all the items were half price at the festival, I couldn't see much because I didn't have much time, but some of them arrived today and I will go see them again. I want to go again
八木早愉里 on Google

1キロ150円の頃はよくダンボールで買い取りしてもらいました。 今は1キロ100円とだいぶ値下がりしてます。 正直お得感はなくなりました。
When I was 150 yen per kilo, I often bought it with cardboard. Now the price has dropped to 100 yen per kilo. To be honest, the profit is gone.

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