
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 宇治園

住所 :

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Jingumae, Shibuya City, 〒150-0001 Tokyo,Japan
かける on Google

表参道駅から少し歩きます。 初見では少し分かり辛いかと思います。 日曜日の14時頃に利用致しましたが、意外と人が多く少し待ちました。 抹茶のモンブランと抹茶オーレを注文しました。 抹茶モンブランにはほうじ茶付いてます。
Walk a little from Omotesando station. At first glance, it may be a little difficult to understand. I used it around 14:00 on Sunday, but there were surprisingly many people and I waited for a while. I ordered Matcha Mont Blanc and Matcha Ole. Matcha Mont Blanc comes with roasted green tea.
みそグラたん on Google

I managed to sit down because it was a real hideaway. was delicious. It was for Mont Blanc, but I want to eat delicious tea, pancakes, and dumplings. Almost 4.99 points www
コシイシフサヒロ on Google

店は道路から奥まったところにあるので、道路沿いの立て看板を見落さないように。 開店時間が12:30と遅いので、ご注意ください。 妻の抹茶を一口飲みましたが、濃厚で苦く、私はほうじ茶にして正解。 ケーキ、パフェ共に美味でした。 建物は昭和以前の香りがプンプンしており、特にトイレは必見です。
The store is located in the back of the road, so don't overlook the signboards along the road. Please note that the opening time is as late as 12:30. I took a sip of my wife's matcha, but it was rich and bitter, so I made hojicha and the answer was correct. Both the cake and the parfait were delicious. The building has a scent of pre-Showa era, and the toilet is a must-see.
Shi Nassy on Google

I got Hojicha Mont Blanc. The cold feeling of the ice cream goes well with the slightly sweet paste. It goes well with iced green tea. ,
Simon Zhwan on Google

平日14時ごろに来店。入り口がかなりわかりにくい。駅から場所もちょっと離れているのであまり行きやすくはない。 フードコート式で席を自分でとってから 店舗ごとに会計をし持ってきてもらう。 ほうじ茶ティラミスを注文。味は悪くないけどちょっと思ってたよりもゆるい。 モンブランも食べてみたらよかったかな? 塩の金平糖とリンゴの金平糖をお土産に買って帰りました。 ソーダの金平糖は夏季限定だとか。 涼しくなったらチョコレートも買いに来たいな。 ほうじ茶の生チョコがとってもおいしいのです
Visit on weekdays 14 o'clock. Entrance is quite difficult to understand. Not easy to much to go because a little apart location from the station. From taking a seat on their own in the food court formula You get to bring the accounting for each store. Order a roasted green tea tiramisu. The taste is loose than I thought a little but not bad. Kana was good Why do not you eat Mont Blanc? I went back to buy the candy in the candy and apple of salt as a souvenir. Candy of soda Toka's summer months. I want to come to also buy chocolate Once you become cool. Raw chocolate of roasted tea is I very delicious
Takei k on Google

The inside of the store is small and the seats are cramped for men, but it can be made like an old folk house. Montblanc is not too big.
ウェルシュコーギー on Google

インスタ映えなお店。味は思ったより普通だけど、他の数店舗のお店のメニューも一緒に食べれる様なフードコート形式を取っているのはとても面白い。 何人かで来たらいろいろ楽しめそう。
An Instagram-worthy shop. The taste is more normal than I expected, but it's very interesting to have a food court style so that you can eat the menus of several other stores together. If some people come, you can enjoy various things.
Sophie Su on Google

Need to take time to find this amazing dessert paradise. Staffs are very friendly.

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