介護老人保健施設 花水木

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 介護老人保健施設 花水木

住所 :

Jindaiji Kitamachi, Chofu, 〒182-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.roken-hanamizuki.com/
街 : Tokyo

Jindaiji Kitamachi, Chofu, 〒182-0011 Tokyo,Japan
豆たぬき on Google

山崎律子 on Google

六井正行 on Google

R Y on Google

Toshi Y on Google

Be careful as the surrounding roads are narrow
S miki on Google

土曜の午後は整形外科の先生居ると言うことで行きました。病院は空いてて良いけど受付の方2人は愛想ってものが無いですね。 でも空いてるし、またお世話になると思うし先生は良かったので。
I went on Saturday afternoon by saying I was an orthopedic teacher. The hospital may be vacant, but the two receptionists do not have anything to love. But I'm vacant, I think I'll take care again, and my teacher was good.
四ツ葉のクローバー on Google

20201227 年末を迎え、ご自宅に帰る方々、、、良いお年をお迎えくださいませ。 20191214 きれいな施設です。立派です。
20201227 For those who are returning home at the end of the year, please have a good year. 20191214 It is a clean facility. It's fine.
腹痛山田 on Google

Recently, my grandmother took care of this facility. When he came home, his legs were swollen, and he said he was violent after being photographed naked by a male nurse in the bath on the final day. Our family is regrettable. I can't recommend it.

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