JGSDF Camp Yao - Yao

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JGSDF Camp Yao

住所 :

1 Chome-81 Airport, Yao, Osaka 581-0043, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 581-0043
Webサイト : https://www.mod.go.jp/gsdf/mae/3d/yao/

1 Chome-81 Airport, Yao, Osaka 581-0043, Japan
松本幸治 on Google

2018年のエアーフェスタにいきました。 普段では見られない戦車やヘリが見られて迫力のあるイベントでした。 模擬戦闘を見ていると、本当に平和のありがたさが身に沁みてきます。
I went to Air Festa in 2018. It was a powerful event as it was seen tanks and helicopters that can not be seen normally. When you are seeing simulated combat, truly the grace of peace begins to grasp.
あう on Google

I went to Air Festa 2018. It was cool, but it seemed that the number of aircraft was decreasing. I didn't see the Apache I saw a few years ago. I feel like I can't beat the annual wave caused by Cobra ... I felt lonely because I felt the plight of the Ground Self-Defense Force. After all, I feel that normal helicopter replenishment is prioritized over the introduction of the Osprey. You can install many with one Osprey. Considering the Nankai Trough earthquake, I don't think there are enough Chinooks. Yes, even at the Festa, Chinook was enthusiastically carrying the audience. Stop thinking about things and go to the shop. From clothing to models, the festive mood is revived. There was a rare item in the 1/144 model, but it was a lot more expensive than a toy and I kept it as an eye candy. but I had a good time. The PX also has a rice cracker branded with a helicopter, and there are lots of surprises in every detail. Walk about 10 minutes from Shiki station. There were many parents and children who felt like having a picnic, which made me feel warm. Even if you are thirsty on the way, there is a convenience store on the way.
google master on Google

八尾駐屯地は八尾空港と併設され、東西に位置するA滑走路(長さ1,490m・幅45m)と、これに交差するB滑走路(長さ1,200m・幅30m)の2本の交差滑走路を持つ空港です。 八尾空港は警察、消防、報道等、VFR機(有視界飛行方式)による運用が殆どです。空港への進入道路は22時から翌6時の間は閉鎖されています。また最大離陸重量5.7tを超える航空機の使用は原則着陸できません。 ヘリコプターは飛行機と違って滑走路が短く離陸が容易にできます。制限なく飛んでいるように見えますが、各空港の機能に応じ国土交通省の基準に従って運用されています。 八尾空港にも明確な離陸場所があります。エプロン(駐機場)接地帯から離陸後、低高度を維持し、誘導路(タキシーウェイ)をホバリングで移動、滑走路(ランウェイ)から上昇します。 ここ八尾駐屯地ではUH-1通称イロコイに搭乗する機会があり、八尾空港の運用を実際に体験できた貴重な場所です。八尾空港(八尾駐屯地)はフェンスも低く、間近で見れる所がポイントです。 八尾飛行場(RJOY) 滑走路 RWY 09/27 1490m×45m RWY 13/31 1200m×30m OCM周波数 関西APP 120.4500 関西APP 124.7000 関西APP 261.2000 TWR 124.3500 (P) TWR 126.2000 GND 121.8000
The Yao Garrison is adjacent to the Yao Airport and has two crossing runs: A runway (1,490m long and 45m wide) located in the east and west, and B runway (1,200m long and 30m wide) that intersects it. It is an airport with a road. Most of Yao Airport is operated by VFR aircraft (visual flight method) such as police, firefighting, and news. The approach road to the airport is closed from 22:00 to 6am. In addition, the use of aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight of 5.7 tons cannot land in principle. Unlike an airplane, a helicopter has a short runway and can take off easily. Although it seems to fly without restrictions, it is operated according to the standards of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism according to the function of each airport. There is also a clear takeoff location at Yao Airport. After taking off from the apron (parking station) ground zone, maintain a low altitude, hover along taxiways (taxiways), and climb up from runways (runways). At this Yao Garrison, you have the opportunity to board the UH-1 so-called Iroquois, and it is a valuable place where you can actually experience the operation of Yao Airport. Yao Airport (Yao Garrison) has a low fence and the point is that you can see it up close. Yao Air Base (RJOY) Runway RWY 09/27 1490m×45m RWY 13/31 1200m×30m OCM frequency Kansai APP 120.4500 Kansai APP 124.7000 Kansai APP 261.2000 TWR 124.3500 (P) TWR 126.2000 GND 121.8000
265181 Zena on Google

At the Air Festa, there are a lot of helicopters flying, and you can also enjoy simulated battles. There are few shops.
かるにゃん on Google

8月の盆踊りと花火、秋のエアーフェスタでお世話になってます。 どちらも2018年に初参加しましたが、盆踊りは平日だったので仕事終わりに向かって、事情もわからなかったので花火を遠巻きに眺めました。 エアーフェスタは朝一に行けず、抽選券はもらえませんでした。ですが、駐車場に車を停めることができ、助かりました。 自衛隊の方々も勤務中とは違うのか家族と楽しむ様子が見え、癒されました。 何にせよ朝一に行くのが良いと思いました。
I am indebted to Bon Odori and fireworks in August and Air Festa in autumn. Both of them participated for the first time in 2018, but since Bon Odori was a weekday, I didn't understand the circumstances toward the end of work, so I watched the fireworks in a long distance. I couldn't go to Air Festa in the morning and didn't get a lottery ticket. However, I was able to park my car in the parking lot, which was helpful. I was healed by seeing the members of the Self-Defense Forces enjoying themselves with their families, perhaps because they were not at work. Anyway, I thought it would be better to go to the first place in the morning.
Sensei Nyaaa (Nyanko Sensei) on Google

This is the garrison where the JGSDF helicopter unit is stationed. The Air Festa is a valuable opportunity that can be seen in the vicinity of battle fringes and large transport fringes. It is an event that can be enjoyed by small children and adults such as trial rides.
Masa To on Google

陸上自衛隊の航空機部隊基地 中部方面航空隊所属になります、昔は飛行機も有ったのですがなくなったのでヘリコプターの部隊になります。 主にUH-1と言う汎用ヘリ部隊が居ます。 売店は小さいです、お土産買うならここでしか買えない「ヘリコプター煎餅」が超おすすめです。地元のお煎餅屋さんが作ってる玉子煎餅でこの基地で運用しているヘリコプターの焼き印が押してあり味も美味しいしお安いです。 創立記念祭ももちろんありますが盆踊り大会や花火大会もあるので入れる機会は他の駐屯地よりあると思います。ここは敷地隣にある大阪府の防災倉庫周辺に広い臨時駐車場が有るので記念式典の日でも車で行けます、道路渋滞もまずありません。
The Ground Self-Defense Force's aircraft unit base will belong to the Chubu-bound Air Corps. There used to be planes in the past, but since they are gone, they will be helicopter units. There is a general-purpose helicopter unit called UH-1. The shops are small, so if you want to buy souvenirs, we highly recommend "Helicopter Rice Crackers," which you can only buy here. It's an egg rice cracker made by a local rice cracker shop, and the brand name of the helicopter operating at this base is stamped on it. Of course there is a foundation memorial festival, but there are also Bon festival festivals and fireworks festivals, so I think there are more opportunities to enter than other garrisons. There is a large temporary parking lot around the disaster prevention warehouse in Osaka next to the site, so you can drive by car even on the day of the memorial ceremony, and there is almost no road congestion.
RION youtube on Google

陸上ヘリなど見れます すごい音だけどかっこいいですよ 親の情報ですが、コロナ前は駐屯敷地内で花火をあげたりするそうです
You can see land helicopters, etc. It sounds amazing but it's cool It is parental information, but in front of Corona, it seems that fireworks will be set up on the premises of the garrison.

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