JF Takuma Oyster Process - Mitoyo

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JF Takuma Oyster Process

住所 :

6606 Takumacho Takuma, Mitoyo, Kagawa 769-1101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Postal code : 769-1101

6606 Takumacho Takuma, Mitoyo, Kagawa 769-1101, Japan
続木満豊 on Google

I bought 4,000 yen of raw oysters, took them home, and ate them with eight people, which was just the right amount.
真二 on Google

今年はプリプリの牡蠣が買えました。 新鮮で安価です。
This year, you can buy fresh oysters. Fresh and cheap.
大塚博 on Google

今が旬‼️1kg600円(約10個) 安い、身が大きい。旨い❗️
Now is the season! ️ 1kg 600 yen (about 10 pieces) Cheap and big. Delicious ❗️
Kiyo H on Google

安くて美味しい牡蠣を売ってます 牡蠣小屋で 黙々と仕事してる姿は 感動的です 美味しい物を寒いなか造ってくれてます 本当に美味しいです お値段以上の価値が有ります
We sell cheap and delicious oysters The appearance of working silently in the oyster hut Impressive They make delicious food in the cold It ’s really delicious Worth more than the price
on Google

I bought it, went home and ate it, it's delicious!
ぶんぶん on Google

It was a very delicious oyster that was crispy and chewy.
万友飲力(万友飲力) on Google

建国記念の日に殻付き牡蠣を買いに行きました。近くで焼き牡蠣もやってます。 漁協の人に色々お話を聞きました。 11月の下旬から3月上旬までやってて、休むのは正月の少しだけだそうです。蒸し牡蠣のやり方を教えてくれました。時間は朝6時から夕方4時くらいまでやってるそうですがら他に買いに来てる人は居なかったので、知られてないなと思いました。 とても身が大きく美味しく広島や日生、赤穂にも負けないのに知られてないのは勿体ないと思えるくらいおすすめの場所です。 高速からも近くで買って帰ってキャンプ場で蒸したり焼いたりたくさん楽しめました。 大はキロ600円で、この時期が一番美味しいとの事でした。また行きたいなー。
I went to buy oysters with shells on National Foundation Day. I also do grilled oysters nearby. We talked to the people of the fishery cooperative. It's done from the end of November to the beginning of March, and it seems that there is only a little rest during the New Year. He taught me how to make steamed oysters. It seems that the time is from 6 am to 4 pm, but no one else came to buy it, so I thought it was unknown. It's a very big and delicious place, and it's a recommended place that I think it's a shame that it is not known even though it is as good as Hiroshima, Hinase, and Ako. I bought it nearby from the highway and went home and enjoyed steaming and baking at the campsite. The size is 600 yen per kilo, and it was said that this time was the most delicious. I want to go again.
Emi Nona on Google

I wanted to have oyster grilled BBQ, so I made a reservation by phone the day before and went to buy it. When I said the name, he immediately raised the basket and put it in the bag. After that, we baked it as we like and ate it, but it was delicious ~

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