Jewel Eyeglasses Clock Fukuda Clock Shop - Kiryu

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jewel Eyeglasses Clock Fukuda Clock Shop

住所 :

808 Azumacho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 376-0032
Webサイト :

808 Azumacho, Kiryu, Gunma 376-0032, Japan
ヤス on Google

腕時計ベルト調整のみをお願いしました。 にも関わらず丁寧なご対応と、数度にわたる微調整まで、本当に親切丁寧なお店でした! 見た目はちょっと高級そうなイメージでしたが、入ってみたら直ぐに対応してくださったりと、またお世話になりたいと思えるお店でした!!
I asked for the watch belt adjustment only. Nevertheless, it was a very kind and polite shop, with a polite response and several fine adjustments. The appearance was a bit like a luxury image, but it was a shop that I thought would like to take care of me again as soon as I entered it! !
柴山寛生 on Google

I was disturbed by the belt adjustment of the wristwatch. I am very grateful to you for your kindness in spite of the sudden visit. It was a clock that I was told to keep for 2-3 weeks at other stores, but I adjusted it on the spot in about 10 minutes. It is a store with a very attractive technology and good personality.
Hex6ji on Google

10分ほどで終わる電池交換だけだったにも関わらずお茶やお菓子まで頂いたりと親切にして頂きました。 時計の方は秒まで合わせた状態で渡してくれました。 時計屋さん自体初めて利用したのですがとても居心地の良い雰囲気でまた機会があったら利用したいと思います
Even though it was only a battery change that took about 10 minutes, they were kind enough to receive tea and sweets. The watch handed me to the second time. I used the watch shop for the first time, but I would like to use it if I had another chance in a very cozy atmosphere.
タビガラス on Google

二十年以上使用しているオメガのオーバーホールを頼みました。 今まで何度かオーバーホールしましたが、福田時計店さんが一番気持ち良く対応いただきました。 今回のオーバーホールは前回からけっこう期間が開いてしまったので、時計の状態も悪く、一日あたり2から3分遅れるようになっていたのですが、オーバーホールから帰ってきたら、きっちり正確な時間を刻むようになりました。 値段も良心的で満足です。 今回はオーバーホールの他にも文字盤の不具合やベルトの修理も一緒にしていただいていますが、これも綺麗に直してもらいました。途中の相談や報告もますマメにメールしてもらいました。 修理代もまた良心的です。 高度な防水性能を求める場合はメーカーに出してとのことですが、問題なければお薦めです。(私は次のオーバーホールも福田時計店さんに頼みます。)
I asked for an overhaul of Omega that I have been using for over two decades. We overhauled until now several times, but Fukuda watch store responded most comfortably. This overhaul has been a long time since the last time, so the condition of the watch is bad, and it has been delayed by 2 to 3 minutes per day. It has come to me. The price is also conscientious and satisfactory. In addition to overhaul this time, I have you also repair the defect of the dial and the belt together, but I also got this to be cleaned beautifully. I received e-mails from Mame on consultations and reports on the way. Repair costs are also conscientious. If you want a high degree of waterproof performance is said to the manufacturer, but I recommend it if there is no problem. (I will also ask the next overhaul to Fukuda Clock Shop.)
jicha hoo on Google

Unfortunately, I abandoned the original purpose and asked only to adjust the length of my daughter's bracelet that I brought with me, but I was happy to accept it. It seems that it was a gift from a friend, but I was very happy because I couldn't receive it at the nearest watchmaker. It's a very kind and nice watchmaker.
森淳一 on Google

皆様の口コミを見て修理のお願いをして大正解でした。SEIKO腕時計ダイバーウォッチの金属ベルトのつなげている細い金属棒が数カ所折れてしまい、20年以上も前の事なので、色々なお店に修理依頼をしましたが修理できないと断られ続けておりました。ある日福田時計店さんのHPにたどり着き口コミを見て修理依頼をお願いした所見事に腕時計が復活しました。 私が若き頃給料を貯めて買った思い出の腕時計だっただけに、またこの腕時計をして仕事ができる喜びを感じる毎日になりました。 その節は修理ありがとうございました。 私がこの口コミで助けられたように 閲覧した方の何かにお役に立てればと思い投稿致しました。
After seeing everyone's reviews, I asked for repairs and it was a great answer. SEIKO Watches The thin metal rods that connect the metal belts of diver watches broke in several places, and it was more than 20 years ago, so I asked various shops to repair them, but they kept refusing to repair them. One day, I arrived at the website of Fukuda Watch Shop, saw the word of mouth, and asked for repairs. Since it was a memorable wristwatch that I bought with my salary when I was young, I feel the joy of working with this wristwatch every day. Thank you for repairing that section. As I was helped by this review I posted it in the hope that it will be useful for someone who has viewed it.
ラウンダー中 on Google

I visited for repair of Girard-Perregaux that didn't work. Kindness! polite! Honest! I think they have all three beats. I'm really thankful to you!
桜井美香 on Google

長年愛用していたG-SHOCKとUNITED ARROWSのコラボ腕時計の電池が切れてしまい、他店で電池交換の依頼をお願いしたのですが、あまりにも古く、また電池交換するにも何だか裏側を外すのにかなり苦戦するような事も言われ、挙げ句の果てには「メーカーに出しても無理ですね…」と言われてしまいました。 愛着もありどうしてもまた使いたいと思い色々探したところ、こちらのお店を知りました。 ダメで元々。。。と思いお願いしましたが、細かく説明もしてくれ、尚且つ電池交換もしてもらえ、もう大満足でした‼️ 店構えはとても老舗な感じがして、敷居が高いイメージを持ったので、最初は正直戸惑いましたが、いざ伺ってみるとお店の方はとても感じが良くて親切で、仕事も丁寧で、本当にお薦めのお店です✨
The battery of the collaboration watch of G-SHOCK and UNITED ARROWS that I have been using for many years has run out, so I asked for a battery replacement at another store, but it is too old and I have to remove the back side to replace the battery. I was told that I would have a hard time, and at the end of the phrase, I was told, "It's impossible to send it to the manufacturer ...". I found this shop when I searched for various things because I was attached to it and wanted to use it again. Originally no good. .. .. I asked for it, but I was very satisfied with the detailed explanation and the battery replacement. ️ The store looks very old and has a high threshold, so I was confused at first, but when I asked, the store was very nice and kind, and the work was polite, really. Recommended shop ✨

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