Jcho Kani Tono Hospital - Kani

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Jcho Kani Tono Hospital

住所 :

1221-5 Dota, Kani, Gifu 509-0206, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 509-0206
Webサイト : http://kani.jcho.go.jp/

1221-5 Dota, Kani, Gifu 509-0206, Japan
介護保険外サービス&便利屋【幸】 on Google

1/23土曜日午前中に入院患者様のことで行きました 正面玄関に守衛さんがおられたので、要件を伝えようとしたところ、机上の受付表を指でトントンとされ、「これ」と言うだけで、目の前に私がいてもそっぽを向かれました 再度要件を伝えると「受け付け」とだけ言われ、正面の受け付けを指さされてまたそっぽを向く始末です 受け付けの方や相談員さんはとても親切ですが、こと守衛に関しては委託先を変えるか、守衛個人を対人から外したほうがいいかと思います 待ち時間に見ていましたが、他の方にも同じ対応でとてもお金をもらって仕事をしているようには見えませんでした 改善をご検討いただけるとありがたいです
1/23 Saturday morning I went for an inpatient There was a guard at the front door, so when I tried to convey the requirements, the reception desk on the desk was slammed with my finger, and just saying "this" turned me away even if I was in front of me. Was When I tell the requirements again, I am only told "acceptance", and I am pointed to the reception in front and turn away again. The receptionist and the counselor are very kind, but I think it is better to change the contractor or remove the individual escort from the person. I was looking at it while I was waiting, but it didn't look like I was working with other people for the same amount of money. I would appreciate it if you could consider improving it.
平クロノスケ on Google

The location is easily accessible, and the receptionist, nurses, and doctors are very friendly.
PAPA ROCKY on Google

発熱で受診し酷い目に遭いました。 お盆で掛かり付け医が9連休なのでこの病院を受診。 休日だったのでジェネリック解熱剤カロナール500を3錠を処方されただけで平日に受診して下さいで返された。 そのジェネリックの解熱剤の副作用で涙が濃くなり目が見えにくくなった。その後は頭のMRIや目の検査などで45000円も取られた。 平日に再来院したが処方は風邪薬程度で症状は良くならず1週間ほど寝込んだ。 その内に近所の掛かり付け医の連休が明けたので診てもらい適切な処方で開放に向かった。 そもそも最初に受診するときに問診表にジェネリック医薬品はダメと書いたのに無視で処方します。ジェネリック医薬品を処方すると補助金が入るからのようです。 二度と行きたくない病院です。 ちなみに解熱剤を処方してもらった「Vドラッグ西可児薬局」も問診表にジェネリック医薬品はダメと書いたのに無視で処方します。先発薬処方と書いているのになぜジェネリック医薬品を処方するのかと問いただすと薬局に補助金が入るからだと行っていました。 この薬局も二度と使いたくない。
I had a fever and had a terrible experience. I went to this hospital because my family doctor is on holidays for 9 consecutive holidays in Obon. Since it was a holiday, I was prescribed only 3 tablets of the generic antipyretic Caronal 500 and returned to the clinic on weekdays. The side effects of the generic antipyretic made the tears thicker and harder to see. After that, 45,000 yen was taken for MRI of the head and eye examination. I returned to the hospital on weekdays, but the prescription was about a cold medicine and my symptoms did not improve, so I fell asleep for about a week. During that time, the holidays of my neighbor's family doctor were over, so I went to see him and headed for the opening with an appropriate prescription. In the first place, when I first visited the clinic, I wrote that generic drugs should not be used on the questionnaire, but I ignored them and prescribed them. It seems that prescribing generic drugs will result in subsidies. It's a hospital I don't want to go to again. By the way, "Vdrug Nishikaji Pharmacy", who was prescribed an antipyretic drug, also wrote on the questionnaire that generic drugs should not be used, but I ignored them. I wrote that it was a starting drug prescription, but when I asked why I was prescribing a generic drug, I said that it was because the pharmacy would receive a subsidy. I don't want to use this pharmacy again.
aki momo on Google

医者の発言「自分の方が歳上や」 は?だから?歳上なら歳上らしくまともな診察と治療しろや
Doctor's remark "I am older" teeth? that's why? If you are older, you should have a decent medical examination and treatment like you are older.
イウ on Google

こちらの病院にかかる2~3日ほど前から発熱があり、コロナの検査を受けるために来院しました。 まず、来院の旨を電話した時に「自家用車で行った方がいいですか?」と聞いたら、「当たり前じゃないですか」と言われ、そこでまず不信感を抱きました。 病院の正面玄関のブザーにて発熱患者は看護師を呼び出してほしいとのことだったので、ブザーを鳴らし近くのベンチに腰掛けて待っていましたが、来てくれた女性看護師がダラダラと嫌そうに歩いてきて、本当に不快でした。 結果、コロナもインフルエンザも陰性でしたが、検査前の問診で「首のリンパの腫れと扁桃腺が腫れている」と伝えていたのにも関わらず、処方された薬は解熱鎮痛剤のカロナールのみ。 医師とも距離を空けて話しただけ、しかも何言ってるか全然聞こえないレベル。 内診すらありませんでした。 初めての来院だと伝えているのに、会計方法も「お支払い1回(?)でお願いします〜」しか言われなくて何も分かりませんでした。 来院してから数日経ち、発熱からは一週間ほど経ちますが、抗生物質も何も出して頂いていないので治るわけもなく、今41℃まで熱が上がっています。 先のレビューで『ヤブ医者の掃き溜め』と書かれていた方が居られましたが、実にその通りです。 コロナの検査対応をやっているのが可児とうのうだけだったので、レビューを見て不安になりながら来院しましたが、もう二度と行きたくないです。
I had a fever for a couple of days before I went to this hospital, so I came to the hospital to have a corona test. First of all, when I called to the hospital and asked, "Should I go by private car?", I was told, "Isn't it natural?" At the buzzer at the front entrance of the hospital, the fever patient asked me to call a nurse, so I sounded the buzzer and sat on a bench nearby and waited, but the female nurse who came was disgusted. It was really unpleasant to walk like that. As a result, both corona and influenza were negative, but the prescribed drug was the antipyretic analgesic Caronal, despite the fact that the pre-examination interview stated that "the lymphatic swelling in the neck and the tonsils were swollen." only. I just talked to the doctor at a distance, and I couldn't hear what he was saying at all. I didn't even have a pelvic examination. Even though I told him that it was my first visit to the hospital, I couldn't understand anything because I was only told that the accounting method was "Please pay once (?)". It's been a few days since I came to the hospital, and it's been about a week since I had a fever, but I haven't been given any antibiotics, so I can't get rid of it, and now my fever has risen to 41 ° C. In the previous review, there was a person who said "The quack doctor's scavenger", but that's true. I was only able to handle the corona test, so I came to the hospital with anxiety after seeing the reviews, but I don't want to go there again.
寺井利彦 on Google

This is terrible. My doctor, that big glasses teacher, terrible. Thanks to that, I couldn't find the current renal pelvis cancer, and when I was on a patrol, I asked the doctor's doctor why I went to such a place. .. Please do your best in March, opening the hospital, and misdiagnosis. Also, you can use it as much as a cystoscope, right? Please see yourself when the current treatment is over.
政治結社正心塾チャンネル on Google

とうのう病院の入り口の体温はかるやつ 先生に聞いたらパホーマンスで置いてあるから役に立たないらしい❗ 内科?いとう先生が言ってます。 とうのう病院はヤバイ‼️
The body temperature at the entrance of the hospital is warm When I asked the teacher, it seems to be useless because it is placed in performance ❗ Internal medicine? Ito-sensei says. Finally hospital is dangerous! ️
腎臓がん on Google

Hematuria went with a terrible referral. It's too late. Even if I had hematuria, I was told that I couldn't get a test and could be cured by just taking medicine, and the doctor told me to go out if I had any complaints. I am currently being treated at a different hospital that I can trust. I will never go here again.

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