JB Car Rental - Saitama

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JB Car Rental

住所 :

4 Chome-4-6 Machiya, Sakura Ward, Saitama, 338-0836, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 338-0836
Webサイト : https://jb-rentacar.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM

4 Chome-4-6 Machiya, Sakura Ward, Saitama, 338-0836, Japan
Toru Hara on Google

It was good that I was able to rent a car right away and brought me a car. I think the price is cheap, but the engine didn't start because the battery was dead the day after the car was delivered. Call JAF and start with a jump. After all the battery is dead and the voltage is 9.6V. The battery was replaced here, and the process was settled when the car was returned. It's understandable that we're cutting costs because of the low rates. However, with this voltage, the engine should not have started when the car was delivered. I hope you have dealt with it at this point, so 3 points. The oil was in control and the car I rented was just after the replacement. There were no other problems and it was in good shape.
高橋亨 on Google

突然のマイカーの故障で廃車、そして新車の購入から納車までのストレスフルな期間の長期レンタルに優れたコスパで対応していただけたのは、素晴らしいシステムでした。 またこれだけの料金で自宅まで配車していただけたのは、破格だと思います。 借りた車は、偶然にも廃車した愛車と同じ車種、型式で、しかも同年月の登録で、驚きましたし、運転がしやすく助かりました。 さらに燃費が二割くらい良かったのにはビックリです。日頃の整備の差をまざまざと感じました。 この度はありがとうございました。
It was a wonderful system that the excellent COSPA was able to handle long-term rentals during the stressful period from the purchase of a new car to the delivery of a new car, which was scrapped due to a sudden breakdown of my car. Also, I think it is exceptional that you could dispatch the car to your home for such a fee. The car I rented was the same model and model as my car that happened to be scrapped, and I was surprised at the registration in the same year, and it was easy to drive. Furthermore, I was surprised that the fuel efficiency was about 20% better. I felt the difference in daily maintenance. Thank you for this time.
Hiroya Shirabe on Google

格安で長期レンタルにはもってこいです。納車も自宅まで届けて頂き便利でした。今回はミニバンをレンタルしましたが、車の状態も良く長距離運転でも全く問題が起きず満足してます。 長期レンタルをお探しの方には絶対お勧めです。 また利用させて頂きます。
It is cheap and perfect for long-term rental. It was convenient to have the car delivered to my home. I rented a minivan this time, but the condition of the car is good and I am satisfied with the long-distance driving without any problems. It is definitely recommended for those looking for a long-term rental. I will use it again.
さぶろうかとう on Google

3月から2ヶ月間借りていました。 申し込みから納車まで特に問題なくスムーズでした。自宅まで配車してくれるのはとてもありがたいです。 電話対応も普通だと思います。 一番安い車種を申し込んでどんな車が来るか心配でしたがスズキのアルトでした。 料金は1ヶ月38934円でした(任意の車両保険と免債補償込み)。オプションは何もつけませんでした。 特に不満なく乗らせてもらいました。 ありがとうございました。
I rented it for 2 months from March. It was smooth from application to delivery without any problems. I am very grateful that they will dispatch me to my home. I think that telephone correspondence is also normal. I applied for the cheapest car and was worried about what kind of car would come, but it was Suzuki Alto. The fee was 38,934 yen per month (including optional vehicle insurance and bond exemption compensation). I didn't add any options. I was allowed to ride without any particular dissatisfaction. Thank you very much.
じっぴ on Google

I asked for a ride to my house, but it didn't arrive on time due to a mistake in the date and time confirmed by the vendor. I asked for it with a navigation system, but the pedestal of the navigation system was not firmly fixed and it fell off the dashboard. I told him about the problem and asked him to refund the navigation fee, but the clerk who responded by phone was quite unpleasant. The car was a Tanto that ran nearly 130,000 kilometers, but it ran without problems, but it was not a clean interior and exterior. It was helpful to have the car sent to the nearest station when I returned it. The clerk's feeling at the time of return was very good. I felt that the store was very different depending on the clerk. The fee is basically cheap, but if you include the exemption and vehicle insurance fee, the other stores were totally cheaper. Considering that the car was dispatched to my house for free, I think it was a ton ton. I would like to ask for the education of the clerk who responds to the phone.
白石人美 on Google

3回目の利用です。 今回も大変お世話になりました。ありがとうございました。所有車の修理がかなり長引いているので、本当に助かります。ありがとうございました。 全てがスムーズで、なんといってもこのお値段は最大の魅力です。またお世話になりたいです。
This is the third use. Thank you very much for your help this time as well. Thank you very much. It really helps because the repair of my car has been quite long. Thank you very much. Everything is smooth and this price is the biggest attraction. I want to take care of you again.
Kos N on Google

It was good that the process from dispatching to collection was basically smooth, but I wonder what it would be like to forget the ETC card when returning it and leave it without contacting me until I call. .. It should be inspected when it is returned, and if so, it is normal to report it when it is found.
ぼこでこ on Google

急遽マンスリープランで車を借りたくなり、ホームページのお問い合わせフォームを経由して連絡するも返って来ず。 現時点で配車できる車が無いならそう連絡下されば良いものを、急ぎだったとはいえ問い合わせをシカトするのはどうかと思う。 結局他の格安レンタカー屋さんを利用して特に問題無く利用させていただいている。 少し調べればここと同価格帯のレンタカー屋なんて沢山あるので、(急ぎであれば特に)あえてここを利用する理由は無いと思った。 そもそも連絡が付かないかもしれませんから。
I suddenly wanted to rent a car at Man Sleep Run, so I contacted him via the inquiry form on the homepage, but he didn't return. If there is no car that can be dispatched at the moment, I think it would be good to contact me, even if I was in a hurry, I would like to make an inquiry. After all, I am using other cheap car rental shops without any problems. After a little research, there are many car rental shops in the same price range as here, so I thought there was no reason to use this place (especially if you were in a hurry). You may not be able to contact me in the first place.

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