
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JAグリーンつだ

住所 :

Nishitsuda, Matsue, 〒690-0017 Shimane,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.kunibiki-sansanichiba.jp/shop/tsuda/
街 : Shimane

Nishitsuda, Matsue, 〒690-0017 Shimane,Japan
山本弘実 on Google

There was a forecast of rain from tomorrow, and the store was very crowded around 10 am. I used it again around 12 o'clock, but the congestion was about half.
池田裕二 on Google

I came to buy rice today, but I usually have bags that sell 2 to 3 kg, but since I eat 100% brown rice at home, I sell it with brown rice, but I sell it by measure. very convenient. I'm glad that the shop staff also responded immediately.
須山農園 on Google

The direct production corner is the largest in Matsue city. The price range is relatively cheap. It is easy to find because it is divided by vegetables.
きよぴん(きよぴん) on Google

朝8時30分から開いてます。 朝はどんどん野菜が納品されています。 お盆やお彼岸の花もリーズナブルに揃えることができますよ。
It's open from 8:30 in the morning. Vegetables are being delivered more and more in the morning. Obon and equinoctial week flowers are also available at a reasonable price.
美穂子中島 on Google

2月12日の午後行きました。 花は、他のホームセンターより、充実していました。私は、ムスカリの白っぽい変わった色を500円で買いました。
I went there on the afternoon of February 12th. The flowers were more fulfilling than other home improvement stores. I bought a whitish strange color of Muscari for 500 yen.
miyatakasan on Google

生花を購入するのは此処です。 安いし種類も豊富です。
This is where you can buy fresh flowers. It is cheap and has a wide variety.
古澤洋 on Google

You can buy locally grown vegetables, handmade shimenawa, and rice cakes, so it's good for preparing for the New Year.
茶々丸 on Google

There are abundant flower seedlings, fruit trees, and vegetable seedlings.

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