JA Farmer's Market - Higashishirakawa District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JA Farmer's Market

住所 :

Atagodaira-15 Shimoyamamoto, Tanagura, Higashishirakawa District, Fukushima 963-5683, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 963-5683
Webサイト : https://life.ja-group.jp/farm/market/detail%3Fid%3D1004
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6PM
Monday 9:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–6PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6PM
Friday 9:30AM–6PM

Atagodaira-15 Shimoyamamoto, Tanagura, Higashishirakawa District, Fukushima 963-5683, Japan
坂田貴行 on Google

There are local vegetables and processed products. In addition, you can enjoy cake and soft serve ice cream in the store and lunch at a reasonable price at the restaurant.
くみだぁ on Google

I had lunch at the restaurant. I was satisfied with the customer service and the taste. I made a daily lunch Gapao rice. With appetizers, salads, soups, desserts, and a drink bar, 1280 yen was too convincing.
ひな千枝 on Google

We ate at Restaurant Yamaboshi! I ordered the main dish and the side dish was buffet. Very delicious with body-friendly dishes mainly made of vegetables! All-you-can-drink homemade amazake ♪ If you like pickles and have been changing many times, they gave you recipes for how to make them. It's a shop you want to visit many times if you're close! It is very crowded, so it is good to shop at the direct sales office while writing your name on the board in order.
大塚幸雄 on Google

Agricultural cooperative roadside station. Agricultural cooperative specialties such as vegetables, fruits and meat are fresh. The restaurant at the hotel also has a menu such as handmade soba, and the taste is good.
ryuu hiro on Google

ソフトクリーム売場、注文受けて、お金触ったりした後に消毒せずに商品に触ります。 無論、お客様が変わってもです。 並びましたが、止めました。
After receiving an order at the soft serve ice cream section and touching money, touch the product without disinfecting it. Of course, even if the customer changes. I lined up, but I stopped.
SANAPPY on Google

It's fun just to look at fresh vegetables, handmade bread, cakes, masks, etc. I also sell vegetables and flower seedlings, so I'm wondering which one to buy. The milk was rich and very delicious. Next time I want to eat at a restaurant next door.
フーちゃん on Google

新鮮な野菜がたくさんあります!温泉の帰り夕方に行ったので売り切れもありましたが、たくさん買えました!ネギ、しいたけ←超オススメ!キャベツ、レタス、きゅうり、春菊、水菜、ニラ、等など買いました!今日は野菜三昧でーす! アイスがブルーベリーソースかけて450円!オススメです!
Lots of fresh vegetables! I went to the hot spring in the evening, so it was sold out, but I could buy a lot! Green onions, shiitake mushrooms ← Highly recommended! I bought cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, garland chrysanthemum, mizuna, garlic, etc.! Today I'm crazy about vegetables! Ice cream with blueberry sauce is 450 yen! I recommend it!
hana maru on Google

地元の産直野菜や加工品が沢山あります。 なかでも、ふぁせるたむらで作っているハーフ油揚げが置いてあり、お店にあると毎回買わせて頂いています。 煮物に切らずに使えるので丁度いいですよ。 また、併設のレストランはボリュームもありどれも美味しかったです。
There are many local vegetables and processed products. Among them, there is a half-fried tofu made from Faseru Tamura, and I always buy it at the store. It's just right because you can use it without cutting it into simmered dishes. In addition, the restaurant in the annex was voluminous and all were delicious.

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