Izumichuohifuka Clinic - Sendai

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Izumichuohifuka Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-26-5 Izumichuo, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3133, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 981-3133
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12:30PM

1 Chome-26-5 Izumichuo, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3133, Japan
Rum Dubonnet on Google

行ったのはもう10年前になりますが星1も付けたく無いほど酷い医者でした。 生まれつきアトピーの娘を引っ越しした為、薬を処方してもらう為近い病院がここしか無かったので連れて行きましたが間違いでした。 初めから憮然とした態度でしたが、何か勘に触ったのか 「掻くのが悪い。掻かなきゃ治る」と言われたので「寝てる間に掻いてしまってるのでどうしようも無いです」と言ったら「そんな根性だから治らないんだよ」と、、、唖然としました。 じゃあどうしろと?寝ないで我慢しろとでも言いたいんでしょうか? 結局、薬は出してくれましたが娘ももう行きたくないと言うので遠いけど以前からお世話になってた皮膚科に今まで通り通うことになりました。 病院であの様な明からさまな態度をされたのは初めてです。 凄い混んでましたが良い病院だからではなくてただ単に皮膚科が少ないんですよね。だから仕方が無く通ってる人も居るのだとと思い至りました。他レビューでもありますが、本当に態度が最低の医者でした。
I went there 10 years ago, but I was so terrible that I didn't want to get a star 1. Since I was born with Atopy's daughter, I took him to the hospital because there was only one nearby hospital to prescribe medicine, but it was a mistake. It was a stern attitude from the beginning, but did you touch something? I was told, "It's bad to scratch. If I don't scratch it, I'll be cured." When I said, "I'm scratching while I'm sleeping, I can't help it." did. Then what should I do? Do you want to say that you should put up with it without sleeping? In the end, he gave me some medicine, but my daughter said she didn't want to go anymore, so I decided to go to the dermatology department, which I had been taking care of for a long time. This is the first time I have had such a clear attitude at the hospital. It was very crowded, but it's not because it's a good hospital, it's just that there aren't many dermatologists. That's why I realized that there are some people who have no choice but to go there. Although it is another review, he was a doctor with the worst attitude.
Hiroe Otomo on Google

I think that the hospital has some tastes and compatibility, but the receptionist will respond properly, the nurses are kind, the teacher will explain carefully, and listen to this story. It is an impression that you will give me. Perhaps because dermatology is less urgent than other fields, I have had the experience of being cold at reception at other hospitals, so when I make a phone reservation, I can't do it today, but this day is an alternative. I was impressed just by being presented with. Reservation priority. It seems that you can also make a reservation from the Internet.
K H (pericaaana) on Google

超親切なお医者さん、癒される待合室でした。 まず待合室ですが、カラフルな内装に適度な心地の良い音楽、子供向けにビデオが流れており、また、可愛らしい絵がいくつか飾ってあります。おかげさまでリラックスして待つことができました。 また最近はオンラインでの診療予約もできるようになったらしいので、ぜひそちらも活用されることをお勧めします。 口コミで評価が分かれていたお医者さんについてですが、的確な診察や、わかりやすく説明してくださるなど、安心して診て頂くことができました。説明書きのある本の箇所をコピーして持たせてくれました。(なんと親切な!) ※医者はそもそもサービス業ではありませんし、対応に過度な期待をするのはいかがなものか、、口コミを見て感じました、、 今日は塗り薬を処方していただいたので様子を見てまた何かあればぜひお世話になりたいと思います。
A super kind doctor, it was a healing waiting room. First of all, in the waiting room, there are colorful interiors, moderately comfortable music, videos for children, and some cute pictures. Thanks to you, I was able to relax and wait. In addition, it seems that it has become possible to make online medical appointments recently, so we recommend that you make use of that as well. Regarding the doctors whose evaluations were divided by word of mouth, I was able to feel at ease with the accurate examination and explanations in an easy-to-understand manner. He made a copy of the part of the book with the explanation. (How kind!) * Doctors are not in the service industry in the first place, and when I saw the word-of-mouth communication, I felt that it would be a good idea to have excessive expectations for the response. I had you prescribe an ointment today, so I would like to take a look at the situation and take care of me if there is anything else.
aya t on Google

肌荒れが気になり伺ったところ差別をするような発言をされてとても不愉快でした。 人を見て診断をする方なのかわかりませんが次は違う病院にかかろうと思います。
When I was worried about rough skin, I was very unpleasant when I heard that he made a statement that discriminates. I don't know if he is the one who makes a diagnosis by looking at people, but I think I will go to a different hospital next time.
Tama Kawa on Google

3年以上、2桁回数通ってます。 アトピーで受診し、通い続け、処方された薬でかなり落ち着いた生活を得ることができたので、個人的には満足です。 あくまで私のパターン、私の病状での話ですが、症状が軽くなってくると月1回必ず通院みたいな定期的な通院の強制がないのが良い点で、通院頻度が減りました。(私個人の例であり、他のかたは知りませんが。) 午前中は平日、土曜日関係なく混みます。 残念ながら予約していても待ち時間はそこそこあります。 待合室は20人程度座ることができます。 混んでる時はほぼ座席が埋まります。 混み具合が著しいと予約時間から更に1時間くらい待ちます。 ただ、空いてる時はそうでもないので(15分待ちとか)、ホントその時の混み具合次第です。 ちなみに通院してきて今までの最大待ち時間は1時間ちょいです。 予約優先と院内に表記されているので、予約なしで混んでると1時間以上もあると思います。 駐車場は病院の建物の前にあり分かりやすいです。 満車の時は、隣のアリス薬局の建物の前の駐車場にとめても大丈夫です。 ただし、その隣の厚生クリニックの駐車場にはとめられません。
I have been through double digits for more than 3 years. Personally, I am satisfied because I had a medical examination at Atopy, continued to attend, and was able to get a fairly calm life with the prescribed medicine. It's just about my pattern and my medical condition, but when the symptoms get lighter, the frequency of hospital visits has decreased because it is good that there is no compulsory visit to the hospital once a month. (This is my personal example, and I don't know anyone else.) It is crowded in the morning regardless of weekdays or Saturdays. Unfortunately, even if you make a reservation, there is a reasonable waiting time. About 20 people can sit in the waiting room. When it's crowded, the seats are almost full. If it is very crowded, wait another hour from the reserved time. However, it is not so when it is free (waiting for 15 minutes, etc.), so it really depends on how crowded it is at that time. By the way, the maximum waiting time since I went to the hospital is only one hour. Since it is stated in the hospital that reservations are prioritized, I think that it will take more than an hour if it is crowded without reservations. The parking lot is in front of the hospital building and is easy to understand. When it's full, it's okay to park in the parking lot in front of the Alice Pharmacy building next door. However, it cannot be parked in the parking lot of the welfare clinic next to it.
あべゆーこ on Google

駐車場はありますが、混雑時は隣接している調剤薬局の駐車場も利用できます 気さくな先生です
There is a parking lot, but when it is crowded, you can also use the parking lot of the adjacent dispensing pharmacy. A friendly teacher
晴れ天気 on Google

混んでましたが、予約無しでも受け入れて頂きました。 電話対応も良く親切に対応して頂きました。 先生も話しやすく絵に書いて分かりやすく説明してくれました。 看護婦さん達の対応も良く、初めて伺いましたが今後の皮膚科かは 泉中央皮膚科さんにお世話になろうと思います。 行って良かったです。
It was crowded, but it was accepted without reservation. The telephone response was also good and kind. The teacher also wrote in a picture that was easy to talk to and explained in an easy-to-understand manner. The nurses responded well, and I visited for the first time, but I think Izumichuo Dermatologist will take care of me in the future. I'm glad I went.
MONTEL _AND on Google

2022年1月8日に受診しに行きました。 土曜日というものの、そこまで待たずに診療を受けられました。中は比較的新しく綺麗で、キッズスペースまで完備してました。 医師は確かにクセがある方のようにも思えますが、そこまで嫌味のあるような話し方もせず、写真や図を示しながら何故痒みが出るのか丁寧に説明してくれて、とても好印象でした。特に「身体を掻くことを快楽としてる脳を治すのは禁煙するのと一緒」と言われたのは確かにと思い、他、説得力のある説明をうけ、長年の身体の痒みの謎が解明されてスッキリでした。 おそらく星1にして「医者の態度が悪い」などと曰う輩は、自分の症状が重症だと信じる悲劇の主人公かコミュニケーション障害か短気なだけなので気にしなくて良いと思います。
I went to see a doctor on January 8, 2022. Although it was Saturday, I was able to receive medical treatment without waiting for that. The inside is relatively new and beautiful, and even a kids' space is complete. The doctor certainly seems to have a habit, but he didn't speak in such a sarcastic way, and he politely explained why itching occurred while showing photos and figures, which was a very good impression. did. In particular, I think it is true that he was told that "healing the brain, which is a pleasure to scratch the body, is the same as quitting smoking", and after receiving a convincing explanation, the mystery of itching of the body for many years It was clarified and refreshing. Perhaps those who say "the doctor's attitude is bad" with 1 star do not have to worry because it is the hero of the tragedy who believes that his symptoms are serious, or he has a communication disorder or is impatient.

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