アフタヌーンティー・ティールーム 水戸京成百貨店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アフタヌーンティー・ティールーム 水戸京成百貨店

住所 :

Izumicho, Mito, 〒310-0026 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.afternoon-tea.net/tearoom/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–7PM
Sunday 10:30AM–7PM
Monday 10:30AM–6PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–6PM
Thursday 10:30AM–6PM
Friday 10:30AM–7PM
街 : Ibaraki

Izumicho, Mito, 〒310-0026 Ibaraki,Japan
コモド先生【公式】(Komodo Sensei) on Google

Not only the cake and tea are delicious, but of course the seasonal parfait is delicious. Great place to wait for your family to shop in Keisei.
ローズマリー on Google

I got a strawberry afternoon tea set. For 200 yen plus the strawberry chai is also ordered. It was very delicious and healed (* ^^ *)
フリッパー777 on Google

After 12:00, it was full in no time. It's always a popular shop.
ぬるんまりこ on Google

It is a shop that can be reached by bus from Mito Station. It's a little fluttering on busy days, but the store is spacious and can accommodate strollers. Both the food and sweets are chain stores, so they are all stable and delicious. There are several cafes in this department store, but the impression is that the most gorgeous shop is here. You can enjoy it without getting tired of the menu that changes with the seasons.
ボミリリ猫 on Google

京成に移転してからの初来店。 14:00頃店内4人がけ席少しと、2人がけ席二席空いていたので、2人がけ席へ。 ほぼ女性客ばかりだが、きゃぴきゃぴ感は無い。大人の客層の雰囲気。 お茶が飲みたかったので、季節のハーブティーをアフタヌーンティーセットで頂いた。 好きなお茶と好きなケーキ3つ選べる。選ぶお茶の種類では、金額が➕100円~190円増になるようなので、気を付けたい。 ケーキ3つも食べられるかな?と心配でしたが、ハーフサイズなのでOKだと思います。白いお皿にちまちまとケーキが並び、可愛いかったです。 お茶はホットならティーポットにカップ3杯分くらいなので、ケーキ3つでも不足はなかったですね? 色がとても綺麗でした。 提供時間も早い。ランチ系は注文してなかったので、混雑時ならやや時間かかるかもしれませんが。 アフタヌーンティーセット、10分で出てきました…オォ? 店内広め、壁も白くて清潔感有り。多少、お姉さん達の歩く姿がバタバタ感強めですが、頑張ってお仕事しているとゆうことで、応援してあげて下さい? 入口のレジカウンターに支払いのお客さんがいると、そちら優先になりそうなので、近くの椅子で待つ事をお薦めします。ちゃんとお声掛けされるまで待ちましょう。お茶も料理も気分良く頂きたい!! 個人的にはメニュー表が、多少、ファミレスぽいっのが残念ポイント1です。写真があるのは良いですが、背景に白や金色なんか入れて、高級感出して欲しい!! ノートタイプにするとか。昔は違ったような…気がする。あと、もっと茶葉の種類多いと嬉しいかな。昔はもっと選べたんだが…ロシア紅茶とかあったのですよ…オレンジペコーとか。私が気が付かなかっただけかも知れないが…。あるのかな? フレーバーティーやミルクティーが増えたのは嬉しいですがね!
First visit to the store after moving to Keisei. Around 14:00, there were a few seats for 4 people and 2 seats for 2 people, so I went to a seat for 2 people. Most of them are female customers, but they don't feel like they're crazy. Atmosphere of adult customer base. I wanted to drink tea, so I had a seasonal herbal tea with an afternoon tea set. You can choose your favorite tea and 3 favorite cakes. Depending on the type of tea you choose, the amount will increase by ➕ 100 yen to 190 yen, so be careful. Can you eat 3 cakes? I was worried, but I think it's OK because it's half size. The cakes were lined up on a white plate and it was cute. If the tea is hot, it's about 3 cups in a teapot, so there was no shortage of 3 cakes ? The color was very beautiful. Offer time is also early. I didn't order lunch, so it may take some time if it's crowded. Afternoon tea set came out in 10 minutes ... Oh ? The inside of the store is wide and the walls are white and clean. The walking appearance of the older sisters is a little fluttering, but please support me by saying that you are working hard ? If there is a paying customer at the checkout counter at the entrance, that will be given priority, so it is recommended to wait in a nearby chair. Let's wait until you get a proper voice. I want you to feel good about tea and food! !! Personally, the menu table is a little disappointing because it's a family restaurant. It's nice to have a photo, but I want you to add white or gold to the background to give it a luxurious feel! !! For example, make it a notebook type. It seems different in the old days ... I feel. Also, I'd be happy if there were more types of tea leaves. In the old days, I could choose more ... Russian tea ... Orange Pekoe. Maybe I just didn't notice ... Is there? I'm glad that the number of flavored teas and milk teas has increased!
春菊 on Google

It's always comfortable to use, but when I visited the other day, the air conditioner on the ceiling was condensing and I was dripping on the plate of the dish (or rather, the sofa was wet). Well, I didn't eat food, so I didn't want to make a big deal. I told the clerk, but I'm sorry. .. Please improve it. Now, it is an interesting place where you can see the construction work on the other side.
karen on Google

夏の終わりにギリギリ間に合ってキウイパフェを食べて来ました。 店内もオシャレで素敵でした。 パフェは最高に美味しかったです。
At the end of summer, I ate a kiwi parfait just in time. The inside of the store was also fashionable and nice. The parfait was the best.
岩間淳一郎 on Google

The strawberry season has arrived. Napoleon pie You can go with a squeaky feeling ? I will come to eat again ❗

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